The Fate Of A Nation Essay Research

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The Fate Of A Nation Essay, Research Paper

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The Fate of a State

George Washington and MacBeth were two historic figures who were influential in finding the destiny of their state. Both were ambitious work forces populating during parlous times, yet each charted a different class for himself and his state when faced with the enticement of power. Washington fulfilled his aspirations by giving his life to making a state, while MacBeth was nescient his duties to his state, in bend destructing it and himself.

Throughout his whole life, Washington yearned for power. As a immature adult male, he wanted this power as a British officer. Subsequently, as a Virginia gentleman, he sought power in the signifiers of award and wealth. His ultimate rise to power finally came when he was pronounced general of the colonial reserves in the war against Britain. It was under his bid that the colonial reserves emerged winning against the British. However, in get the better ofing the British another menace to American democracy had been released. This menace was Washington himself. Washington had the colonial reserves under his control. He could hold easy performed a & # 8220 ; putsch vitamin D? ? cheapness & # 8221 ; and seized control of the freshly freed state. However, Washington? s aspirations were non to go a dictator, or male monarch. He believed that power did non come from commanding others, but from the award and regard that was given to him. Washington knew that this power would merely come from subordination to civilian authorization. He woul

vitamin D be a case in point by being the first general to turn down his huge powers. With these actions, Washington assured the success of a new democratic state.

MacBeth, like Washington, was power hungry and really successful in war. However, he felt that power came from wealth and control over his subsidiaries. As a male monarch, MacBeth abused his power. His first precedence was to procure his ain safety, and non his state? s. He does this by assassinating Banquo. This action shows merely concern for himself, but non for his state. When he visits the Witches, he does non inquire about the hereafter of Scotland, but his ain hereafter. As a male monarch, he merely kills and destroys, but does non foster his state. Scotland suffered greatly during MacBeth? s regulation because of his ignorance and refusal to step down and allow person better qualified return over. The bulk of MacBeth? s thanes finally went to England to seek aid to subvert him. This led to MacBeth? s own ruin when aid eventually arrives from England.

Lord Acton one time said, & # 8220 ; Power tends to pervert and absolute power corrupts perfectly & # 8221 ; . MacBeth epitomizes this quotation mark. He took power and was overwhelmed by it. He did non believe about the duties that came with his power, and ruined his life and state. However, Washington was non overwhelmed by his power. His restraint of it paved the manner for the first genuinely democratic state. His willingness to give this power brought him the honest repute he had sought for his full life.

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