The Influence Of Enlightenment On The French

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What is enlightenment? The eighteenth century Enlightenment was a motion of the intellectuals who dared to turn out all the facets in life scientifically. German philosopher Immauel Kant proclaimed the slogan of the enlightenment: ? Dare to cognize! : Have the bravery to utilize your ain intelligence! ? Peoples were greatly impressed by the scientific revolution. They were besides recommending the application of the scientific method to the apprehension of all life. During the age of enlightenment, scientific discipline became popular and there were a batch of philosophers who applied the? natural jurisprudence? to the societal life. For illustration: John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Montesquieu and many more. These people were the 1s who so affected the Gallic Revolution utilizing their doctrines.

Political, economical, and societal jobs in France during the eighteenth century led to the Gallic Revolution. The political job was the Gallic monarchy itself. Monarchy is a system where the state is ruled by one individual power ( i.e. the male monarch ) . While the economical job was the falling of Gallic economic. The societal job was that the society was divided into three estates: the clergy, the aristocracy, and the common mans. The Gallic Revolution consisted of three stages. The first 1 was the Broad Revolution, the second was the Gallic Republic, and the 3rd one was the Napoleonic epoch. During the first stage, which was influenced by John Locke, Gallic people wanted to be liberated. Harmonizing to John Locke everyone has unalienable human rights and authorities should protect these unalienable rights, non to take it off. But in fact, the Gallic monarchy abused the human? s natural rights. Peoples did non hold freedom and that is why they wanted to be liberated from the Gallic monarchy. John Locke personally criticized monarchy and societal inequality. He said that all worlds are the same and they should be equal to one another. In this stage, Locke? s doctrine from the age of enlightenment was greatly used by the revolutionists. During this clip, the revolutionists besides change the consti

tution of France.

The 2nd stage of the Gallic Revolution was about how to set up democracy. In this stage, revolutionists used J.J.Rousseau? s doctrine. Harmonizing to Rousseau, the society has to be one, and there are no divisions in the society. Liberty is the 1 that united France. And the society is controlled by the general will, non by the person will. On the other manus, he said that democracy has to be established among the people. Because, general will represents the whole society? s will. This thought of democracy would be so brought in by Robespierre and the Jacobins nine which he lead. The revolutionists found that the democracy that had benn brought in by Robespierre brought so much panic to the society and that is why Robespierre were killed.

In the 3rd stage of the Gallic Revolution is the Napoleonic epoch. During the Napoleonic epoch, J.J. Rousseau, Locke, and Smith & # 8217 ; s doctrine were used and combined together. Napoleon did non hold with democracy, nobility, hierarchy, and civil autonomies. But Napoleon gave the economic freedom merely like Locke. Locke said that people should hold rights for the belongingss and the authorities should protect those rights and non to mistreat those rights from the people. Bonaparte did the exact thing. He protected the belongingss of the societies. He besides brought in Smith thoughts which says that everyone fundamentally has to be an egotist and he besides approved Smith & # 8217 ; s Labor Theory Value. Napoleon besides thought in the same manner as Rousseau did, he thought that adult females are lawfully unqualified and that was why there were no instruction given to the adult females society where adult females is used to delight work forces merely.

We can see the influence of the Enlightenment on the Gallic Revolution. There were so many philosophers born during the Age of Enlightenment because of the popularisation of scientific discipline. Those philosophers created the political orientations used in the Gallic Revolution and most of the political orientations came from John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. On the other manus, we can state that the Age of Enlightenment led to the Gallic Revolution.


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