The Journey To Equality Women

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The Journey To Equality ( Women & # 8217 ; s Rights ) Essay, Research Paper

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Presentation: Battles for equality have been fought throughout history: between different races or faiths, between the rich and the hapless, between work forces and adult females, and countless others. However, the battle for equality between work forces and adult females has been increasingly fought and many alterations were made consequently that have shaped the society we live in today.

I. The Beginning

It is normally accepted that the ballot for adult females was won as a consequence of adult females s work during the 1914-1918 war. However, many events, such as hawkish runs and Marches preceded this clip period which deserve recognition.

1. The Women s Social and Political Union ( W.S.P.U. ) was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst and her girls Christabel and Sylvia and was the first and largest hawkish right to vote group in England. This group s challenge on the Government lasted from 1903-1914.

A. Protests involved non merely addresss and peaceable agitation but shocking physical adversity, ferociousness, whippings, physical eating.

B. Many events were recorded by the Suffragettes themselves in journals, letters, memoirs, addresss, and in the national Press every bit good as in their ain magazines, Votes for Women and The Suffragette.

II. Presentations

Womans made addresss, marched, and wrote letters to editors of newspapers and articles in their ain newspapers and magazines. Many of these adult females were put in prison for their discourtesies.

1. At first, meetings were held that were fundamentally educational. Members of the W.S.P.U. would go to different metropoliss in England to keep public meetings, which many adult females in the metropolis were invited to, that were meant to press adult females to back up the cause and go active in candidacy.

III. National Influence

The W.S.P.U. had been in being for two old ages befor

vitamin E any chance was presented for work on a national graduated table.

1. The Parliament had been dominated by the Conservative Party for about twenty old ages, and England was on the Eve of a general election in which the Liberals hoped to return to power. The Women obtained seats at the Free Trade Hall meeting in order to show their thoughts to the Liberal Party.

2. After inquiring the one simple inquiry of Will you give ballots to adult females? the room was in an tumult and adult females were arrested and sent to prison.

IV. Protests and Prison Sentences

Bing sent to prison became a familiar thing for the bulk of the Suffragettes, and many protests followed by apprehensions were in the hereafter.

1. Once adult females were in prison, they were faced with the challenge of showing. One is put in prison so she can t be heard by the populace.

A. Women began hunger work stoppages in order to disquieted authorities functionaries and prison staff. This method seemed to work.

2. After out of prison, or merely while non presently being held, adult females resorted to hawkish protests. These were violent and frequently involved interrupting Windowss and throwing stones or whatever else at constabulary officers seeking to collar them.

V. The Right to Vote

Finally on January 10, 1918, The House of Lords grated the ballot to over 18 million adult females. This determination represented the terminal of a long battle.

Decision: Many rights and freedoms that we are privileged to hold, we take for granted today. None of us could of all time conceive of non being able to vote, or being put in prison for composing a controversial article in a magazine. However, all of the freedoms we have, were gained by people who challenged the favoritism they faced long ago. Narratives like these may be forgotten, but it is of import that they be remembered so we do non bury how fortunate we are to populate in a free state.

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