The One Stop Therapy shop Strategic Plan: SWOTT Analysis Essay

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The One Stop Therapy store is the perfect topographic point for persons in hunt of entire relaxation after a difficult nerve-racking twenty-four hours. One Stop Therapy store is a therapy shop that offers different therapies the aid in relaxation and a healthier life. The company’s chief focal point offer merchandises. assorted tools. and techniques. such as aroma therapy merchandises. aromas. tapers. and reflexology. These merchandises. assorted tools. and techniques will assist equilibrate an single physically. mentally. and spiritually. One Stop Therapy shop’s internal/external analysis associated with the company’s forces and tendencies are ; Economic. Technological. Legal/Regulatory. Innovation. Structure. Strategy. Culture. and Resources. This paper will dwell of One Stop Therapy shop’s forces and tendencies through a SWOTT analysis.

SWOTT Analysis

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For One Stop Therapy store to make SWOTT analysis the company must first reply inquiries associated with the company’s strengths. resources. and pro’s and con’s. place. and strength in the market. The company must besides measure factors that may do the company the loss of gross revenues and net income in add-on to paying attending to the concerns of internal and external positions of consumers. To acknowledge On Stop Therapy shop’s hereafter opportunities the company must first detect the company’s strengths and failings. Measuring the chances of the company consist of inquiries associated with the signifiers of consumer buying and market tendencies. and technological alterations. and the company’s programs for to apportion with these issues. Measuring the strengths of One Stop Therapy stores can assist the company opening the door to different chances. Carry throughing thoughts and chances are possible ; nevertheless. One Stop Therapy must foremost extinguish the failings within the organisation.

One Stop Therapy must find the locations of menaces the company has or may hold in the hereafter. To find the locations of the menaces the company place the menaces sing market tendencies. technological alterations. selling competition. the company’s fiscal state of affairs or troubles that may alter in the current selling criterions. A decently planned SWOTT Analysis can assist the company prevent these peculiar dainties from happening.


The economic environment of One Stop Theory store consists of information pertaining to the company’s merchandises. tools. services. and techniques. The company must offer merchandises and services that will pull and preferred by persons from every race and civilization. The company should besides take the chance of presenting and offering new merchandise lines and services that for clients to utilize in the comfort of his or her ain place. It is extremely recommended that One Stop Therapy proctors economic failings and menaces that may impact the company’s success. The current status of the current economic system is one of the major weaknesses the store will hold to admit and take attention of.

In today’s society clients have a tight budget that does non include fall ining a local watering place or traveling to a message theoretician. Customers opt to go to the free workshop or utilize on-line tips for alleviating emphasis and tenseness. This can do a menace to the company without making new thoughts and ways to fulfill the clients need. The demand for an alternate healing merchandises is increasing to utilize in the comfort of the place is increasing ; hence One Stop Therapy must make a sense of trueness with the company’s clients. Loyalty to clients will assist in increasing the gross revenues and the repute of the shop.


The bank is One Stop Therapy’s current stakeholder ; therefore the bank is the company’s Sole Proprietorship. The company is non required to buy a particular licence for selling points. such as lottery tickets and fire arm ; nevertheless. the company must obtain a gross revenues revenue enhancement licence for the sale of merchandises. a wellness review certification. and a province concern licence to carry on free workshops. One Stop Therapy’s must besides register at province Department of Revenue or Treasury Department to obtain an employer designation figure. Another chance in strength is the ability to buy insurance for the company’s employees. clients. and shop. This ensures protection along with the initial investing in instance of hurt to employees or client in the shop or from utilizing company merchandises.

Renting the edifice is both an chance and menace for the shop. If the shop is financially stable in the hereafter it opts to buy the edifice ; nevertheless. renting a edifice will do it impossible for One Stop Therapy’s to guarantee the company has 100 % protection. This could besides do a hazard in protecting the company’s initial investing because of the possibility the shop has non met needed legal and regulative duties.


One Stop Therapy’s must besides keep technological petitions for the free workshops to hold the ability for clients to buy the merchandises. This is the technological strengths of the shop. It will besides maintain the company up-to-date with new promotions and information about engaging persons with skilled in relaxation therapy and health-care. Limited support in the company’s initial phases can do failing ; nevertheless. leasing equipment. such as computing machines and massage tabular arraies cut down the menace. Another dainty to the company is the competition of other merchandises ; nevertheless. utilizing advanced engineerings can maintain the company up-to-date with rivals so company merchandises and services continue to remain on top.


In respect to invention. One Stop Therapy’s strengths and chances is to concentrate on offering a assorted scopes merchandises and services. The company must supply the clients who belong to different races and civilizations with what he or she needs and in require. One Stop Therapy’s must besides do every attempt to spread out the operations. The company must pull different companies and clients to take part in the company’s relaxation therapy and techniques workshops. Attracting different companies and clients will help the company in going strong and well-known in the community. One Stop Therapy’s may confront challenges is marketing merchandises and services for single. This will happen if the company fails to accommodate a alone quality of merchandises and services that meet and exceed the outlooks of the clients.


For the company to turn and spread out One Stop Therapy’s scheme program must offer those merchandises and services that clients could non obtain for other rivals. Segmenting the highest populated and easy accessible location in the downtown country is an chances for the company to spread out rapidly. This location will non merely obtain clients from local colleges and universities. it will besides obtain concern for authorities offices and retail shops. In today’s society companies are sing failing and menaces because of the worsening economic system. One Stop Therapy’s must last this force per unit area and get the better of the force per unit area by working difficult to get the better of successfully.


One Stop Therapy’s major strength sing construction is the usage of and already bing edifice. The edifices location is in the centre of the downtown country and easy to entree. The company will offer different workshops and massages in the shop every bit good as a assortment tools and techniques for relation in the comfort of the customer’s place. The company’s strength may change over into failing because renting an bing edifice may non allow the company to spread out or doing alterations to the edifices floor program. The company does hold the chance to buy a edifice appropriate for demand demands ; nevertheless. doing new suites and add-on in an bing edifice has hazards. If the company does non have the edifice a natural catastrophe may do a menace to the concern fundss because of the deficiency of commanding the timeframe for reconstructing.


One Stop Therapy’s resources are the company’s strength that includes the cognition of the relaxation healer. merchandises. equipment. and available support from the bank. The company’s skilfully trained relaxation healer besides can resources change over into failing. For One Stop Therapy to go on to supply the best services the company must engage to the full trained and skilled employees. Another chance to the company’s resources is the capableness of providing different merchandises to the company’s targeted market. A possible menace to the company is the purchasing behaviour of the client who may see utilizing an alternate healing therapy.


One Stop Therapy’s ability to pull clients from different backgrounds will assist the company develop a big mixture of consumers form different civilizations. The company must nevertheless guarantee unity and honestness are in company’s codification of moralss criterions. To cut down the negative influences on the environment the company must turn out it is socially responsible. One Stop Therapy’s may hold a restriction to the company’s fundss for run intoing the demands of different civilizations and imposts ; nevertheless. offering decreased monetary values can avoid the company of going a hazard. Accepting civilizations and religious imposts may do the company some failing ; nevertheless. the company must implement these issues with the proper preparation of company employees.

External forces and tendencies considerations:

No needed particular licensing
Building lease insurance
Buying rental edifices

Community sponsored events and plans
Customers sue in instance of serious jobs caused by the merchandises

Troubles may happen in meeting ordinances



Assortment of merchandises and services
Decreased buying power of the clients
Developing a new merchandises and services.
Poor economic system means clients spend less.

Hiring employees advanced relaxation therapy.

Teach new techniques. tools. and workshops for the clients Rental equipment because of limited support
Conformity to new engineering implemented into the company
Competing with the rivals offering more advanced merchandises. services. and workshops

Demand for differentiated customer’s

Merchandises to run into every customers’ demands
Selling of the merchandises to the diversified clients
Expansion by giving free massages. and workshops related to new merchandises & A ; techniques Practicing in individualism in respect to the company merchandises and services

Internal forces and tendencies considerations

Appropriate location for the shop

Easily accessible and accessible
Merchandises and services for every 1s demands

Best merchandise at lowest monetary values
Successfully grow and expand by offering more than the competition Better installations at low monetary values for the clients at place.


The company’s merchandises and services are a critical advantage Updated and appropriate preparation to utilize the techniques and tool to employees Attempts to happen better quality merchandises. providers & A ; value-added merchandises & A ; services Changes in the clients purchasing wonts

Attractive to clients from different civilizations

Culture. value-oriented
Limited investings

Poor economic system
New line of merchandises. tools. and techniques
Expand in civilization
Cultural needed hard to carry through

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