The Relationship Of Text And Music During The Period From The Early Middle Ages Essay

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In the in-between ages. the music was both sacred and secular. Its relationship to text can be inferred from the overpowering grounds of the manuscripts. Right from the in-between ages. music ne’er failed to repeat the significance of text. The composers of the in-between ages were more likely to see the relation between text and music as one of abstract architecture. grammatical and syntactic construction. and possibly even of acoustical belongingss instead than straight one of significance.

The relationship between text and music was non one of mensurating. so there was no ground for one sort of music to be appropriate for one sort of text. Since the words and the music were non related in any semantic or emotional manner. a single-channel dance-song. a polyphonic spring-song based on it. a vocal of congratulations or a plaint vocal may be identical in musical manner. Renaissance describes the development of civilisation that marked the passage from mediaval to modern times.

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The Renaissance composers used their music to pass on with their audiences. there was a set of shared aural outlooks between composers and hearers that governed the relationship between text and music. there was a close relationship between music and poesy and music was capable plenty to stir the listeners’ emotions. Inspired by the classical universe. Renaissance composers fit words and music together in an progressively dramatic manner which is really much evident in the manuscripts of the Renaissance period.

In the Baroque epoch. music was considered to be a godly art. This thought implied that music was non considered on its virtues entirely. but ‘a way to divinity’ . music was understood as a general rule of godly creative activities. Thus music of the Baroque epoch related to text as an image. an imitation or an expectancy of the celestial life or the residence of ‘The Omnipresent’ . At the terminal of the Baroque epoch the relationship of the text and music was every bit meaningful as the relationship of God with world.

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