The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications Essay

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In Daniel B. Wallace’s article “The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Deductions. ” cardinal points sing the significance of the Resurrection of Jesus are discussed and reviewed through the lens of Christology. Christology can be defined as the academic survey of the individual and work of Jesus of Nazareth. whom Christians avow is the Son of God and the 2nd member of the Holy Trinity. At the clip of this article’s composing. Wallace was a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary from which he had besides received his Ph. D. A recognized expert in Greek and the survey and application of “textual unfavorable judgment. ” Dr. Wallace is besides the senior New Testament editor of the NET Bible and coeditor of the NET-Nestle Greek-English diglot. While besides being a published writer. he presently blogs ( hypertext transfer protocol: //danielbwallace. com ) and continues to learn at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Wallace notes that while there is much focal point on the decease of Christ. there is small in the manner of the mean Christian concentrating on the importance of his Resurrection. Wallace sees this as a hurt to a individuals religion observing. “If we neglect this portion of the Gospel ( Christ’s Resurrection ) . we offer ourselves a powerless Gospel – one that can non alter lives. ”1 Further. Wallace notes that while some may see the Resurrection of Jesus foolish. it was the basis of the early church’s learning – as it should be for Christians today. Ultimately Wallace sees the Resurrection of Christ and its theological deductions as polar to Christian religion and argues against anyone who sees it otherwise. specifically noted here is broad theologian Rudolf Bultmann.

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In context of the Old Testament. Wallace argues that the Resurrection was non clearly revealed until there was a “felt” demand – a demand that looked to the hereafter based on hope. In reexamining the Bible in its entireness. Wallace allegorizes that ; “The Bible speaks of creative activity as virtually the finger-painting of God. while the Resurrection of Christ required the strong arm of God. ” This speaks to the character of God in that He is all-knowing. omnipotent. and ageless – back uping Wallace’s 2nd cardinal point in the significance of Christ’s Resurrection. Statements like this demonstrate God’s great love and apprehension of His creative activity and our brokenness. In the Old Testament there was an oculus toward the disclosure and Resurrection of Christ. but non yet a sensed demand.

Throughout the entireness of the article. Wallace demonstrates a solid appreciation of both Orthodox divinity and Bible. using both in context and relevantly to the subject at manus. He besides uses a acute sense of wit to maintain the reader engaged. In foregrounding the significance of the Resurrection. Wallace cites nine specific theological issues of importance for the reader to see runing from apologetics and prophecy fulfilment to placation for humanity’s wickedness and the confidence of the trusters ageless Resurrection. with an drawn-out focal point on equilibrating the religious position of the human organic structure and it’s function in land life on Earth. Wallace closes with a short summing up observing that. “A whole doctrine. an full worldview. is wrapped up in the Resurrection of Christ. ” From this summing up the reader is challenged to populate as though “your life depends on the Resurrection. ” a fitting challenge to prosecute Christ in all things.

Personal Review
In reading Wallace’s article. my steadfastly established religion in God’s program of Restoration and salvation through Lord Jesus Christ was reaffirmed. I have personally ever viewed the Resurrection of Jesus as a pinnacle issue of my religion – without the Resurrection of Jesus. his life and instructions are no different than that of an Old Testament prophesier. In my head. it is the Resurrection that definitively points to His divinity and function in the Holy Trinity. Further. the Resurrection signifies Jesus’ triumph over decease as Paul notes in 1st Corinthians 15:50-58. a triumph that should give every adherent of Jesus hope beyond hope because of our leaning to transgress.

Wallace specifically addressed how Resurrection of Christ is of import in the forgiveness of wickedness. I found this peculiarly traveling as I am no alien to falling short of God’s intended intent for me – I am a recovering nut and while today I am clean ( and have been for a some now ) . the battle to remain clean and the associated enticements that come with dependence provide for me a day-to-day challenge to populate a life of continual resignation. While this might look like a bad thing. I count it joy – without my battles with dependence. I would hold ne’er come to cognize the grace of Jesus Christ. Paul notes. “56 The sting of decease is sin. and the power of wickedness is the jurisprudence. ” My wickedness and the confrontation of God’s Holy jurisprudence demonstrated my demand for a Jesus. and I found THE Savior in Jesus Christ. This article was a fantastic reminder to me of God’s huge grace. His ageless love. and our hereafter hope provided in Jesus Christ entirely.


The Holy Bible – New International Version. Grand Rapids. Michigan: Zondervan. 2011.

Wallace. Daniel B. The Resurrection of Jesus: Theological Deductions. May 28. 2004.
hypertext transfer protocol: //bible. org/article/resurrection-christ-theological-implications ( accessed April 27.
2014 ) .

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