Theory Of Humors Essay Research Paper ASSESSMENT

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Theory of Wits






Teacher: Narelle Duncan

Due Date: 23 April 2001

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Questionnaire To Determine Your Dominant Humor

– Please choose A, B, C or D to most closely match you!

1. Your hight is:

A Short B Medium/Short C Medium/Tall D Tall

2. Body form is:

A Muscular B Average C Flabby D Slender

3. You walk like:

A Striding B Dragging C Plodding D Dancing

4. Your imaginativeness is:

A Practical B Source of worry C Not utilized D Able to Fantasy

5. You spend your clip:

A Thinking of the hereafter B Thinking of the past C Being Introverted D Being Extroverted

6. With Money:

A Generous B Indifferent C Saver D Spender

7. Wear apparels that are:

A Useful & A ; Comfortable B Soft colorss to have gustatory sensation C Classic, Plain & A ; Practical D Bright, Stylish Flamboyant

8. In relationships:

A Bossy B Tragic C Steady D Romantic

9. When Offered an alcoholic drink ( your reaction is ) :

A Purchase a unit of ammunition and drama host B Think & # 8220 ; Will it truly do me experience good? & # 8221 ; C Question & # 8220 ; Is it the right clip? & # 8221 ; D Think & # 8220 ; What merriment! Let & # 8217 ; s have a drink & # 8221 ;

10. Talking on the phone & # 8230 ; you are:

A Short and to the point B Like to hold drawn-out treatments C Ordered, Pointby point D Chatty, and frequently bury the intent

11. When stoping the call & # 8230 ; you say:

A & # 8220 ; Have a nice twenty-four hours! & # 8221 ; B & # 8220 ; Take attention! & # 8221 ; C & # 8220 ; Be good. & # 8221 ; D & # 8220 ; Have merriment! & # 8221 ;

12. You describe your character as & # 8230 ;

A Dynamic, Active B Serious, Purposeful C Patient, Well balanced D Enthusiastic, Cheerful

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Questionnaire To Determine Your Partner & # 8217 ; s Dominant Humor

– Please choose A, B, C or D to most closely match you!

1. Their hight is:

A Short B Medium/Short C Medium/Tall D Tall

2. Body form is:

A Muscular B Average C Flabby D Slender

5. They walk like:

A Striding B Dragging C Plodding D Dancing

6. Their imaginativeness is:

A Practical B Source of worry C Not utilized D Able to Fantasy

6. They spend their clip:

A Thinking of the hereafter B Thinking of the past C Being Introverted D Being Extroverted

6. With Money they are:

A Generous B Indifferent C Saver D Spender

7. Wear apparels that are:

A Useful & A ; Comfortable B Soft colorss to have gustatory sensation C Classic, Plain & A ; Practical D Bright, Stylish Flamboyant

10. In relationships:

A Bossy B Tragic C Steady D Romantic

11. When Offered an alcoholic drink ( they ) :

A Purchase a unit of ammunition and drama host B Think & # 8220 ; Will it truly do me experience good? & # 8221 ; C Question & # 8220 ; Is it the right clip? & # 8221 ; D Think & # 8220 ; What merriment! Let & # 8217 ; s have a drink & # 8221 ;

10. Talking on the phone & # 8230 ; they are:

A Short and to the point B Like to hold drawn-out treatments C Ordered, Pointby point D Chatty, and frequently bury the intent

11. When stoping the call & # 8230 ; they say:

A & # 8220 ; Have a nice twenty-four hours! & # 8221 ; B & # 8220 ; Take attention! & # 8221 ; C & # 8220 ; Be good. & # 8221 ; D & # 8220 ; Have merriment! & # 8221 ;

12. You would depict their character as & # 8230 ;

A Dynamic, Active B Serious, Purposeful C Patient, Well balanced D Enthusiastic, Cheerful

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

I have chosen my spouse, Jules as my helper. We do non cognize each other really good since we have been traveling out merely for a month, so it was interesting for me to compare how he sees me and how I see myself, and how I see him and how he sees himself.

The Result of Questionnaire for Jules

Mark for Jules Score for Nami Total Score

A Choleric & # 8211 ; 4 point A Choleric & # 8211 ; 2 point A Choleric & # 8211 ; 6 point

B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 2 point B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 4 point B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 6 point

C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 2 point C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 2 point C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 4 point

D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 5 point D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 5 point D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 10 point

Although there was a small difference in the questionnaire that I filled out for Jules, and the 1 that Jules filled out for himself, they both show that his disposition is Sanguine, the Air. In the questionnaire that Jules filled out for himself, there is merely one point difference between the Sanguine and the Choleric. He sees himself as the Sanguine but he besides possesses the Choleric disposition. Which was non what I expected him to be, before carry oning this trial. What I expected his disposition to be was the Melancholic, the Earth. The ground why I thought his disposition would be the Melancholic was that, to me, he seems thoughtful, serious, purposeful and sensitive. He sometimes imagines the things to worry over. He is besides orderly and tidy. The factors made me believe that he was the Melancholic type. The questionnaire that I filled out for him shows that I see him as the Sanguine but besides the Melancholic. Harmonizing to the questionnaire that I filled out for him, there is merely one point difference between the Sanguine and the Melancholic. However looking at his occupation that he had before and the things he likes to make are more Sanguine than Melancholic type. He used to be a web interior decorator and that is still what he wants to make. He loves party and music, though, since he moved up to Gold Coast from Melbourne, he has non gone out much, and he does non look happy with the environment. That is likely what makes him look more Melancholic.

Although, there was merely one point difference between the Sanguine and Choleric in the questionnaire that Jules filled out for himself, and one point difference between the Sanguine and Melancholic in the questionnaire I filled out for him, the Sanguine has the highest point in both sets, so it gives me the decision that his dominant disposition is the Sanguine, the Air. The alteration of his environment and the defeat that he feels for his present state of affairs could be impacting and unbalancing his dominant disposition. Nevertheless the negative fondness by environmental alteration, there is no immense difference in the mark of each 4 tempers, I would state that his character is balanced by all the four temper.

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

The Result of Questionnaire for Nami

Mark for Nami Score for Jules Total Score

A Choleric & # 8211 ; 8 point A Choleric & # 8211 ; 5 point A Choleric & # 8211 ; 13 point

B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 1 point B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 1 point B Melancholic & # 8211 ; 2 point

C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 0 point C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 2 point C Phlegmatic & # 8211 ; 2 point

D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 3 point D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 4 point D Sanguine & # 8211 ; 7 point

Both the questionnaires that I filled out for myself, and Jules filled out for me, show that my disposition is the Choleric, the fire. In the questionnaire that I filled out for myself, it is obvious that I am the Choleric. Which I have ever thought I was, and interestingly my star mark, Leo besides relates to the Fire. Although I besides expected that I would hold the disposition of the Sanguine, I did non take excessively many of the replies for the Sanguine. However, in the questionnaire that Jules filled out for me, there is merely one point difference between the Choleric and the Sanguine. He sees me as the Choleric but besides more the Sanguine than I think myself is.

The ground that I have expected I would be the Choleric is that the word, & # 8220 ; Dynamic and Active & # 8221 ; sounds the right word to show my character. I have ever my end oriented and travel rapidly to action. Bing over in Australia by myself to do my dream, to be a Naturopath, come true is the typical Choleric side of me. I sometimes feel myself being chesty, cranky and short pique which are the typical Choleric character. However I besides have an opposite side, which I get depressed easy and worry things excessively much. Jules has chosen & # 8220 ; Patient, Well balanced & # 8221 ; for my character though, particularly in the relationship, I have ne’er felt balanced myself and my head has ever been unstable. I get more the Melancholic sometimes. One of the Choleric inclination to seek the flawlessness and the Choleric mental province, & # 8220 ; crying & # 8221 ; might be the grounds to convey me the depression and emotional imbalance.

The both questionnaires that I filled out for myself, and Jules filled out for me, brought me the clear decision that my dominant disposition is the Choleric, the Fire.

Harmonizing the entire mark of the questionnaire, I consider myself as excessively choleric that my character is negatively dominated by one temper. I suppose, to equilibrate my disposition positively by all the 4 tempers is needed.

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Decisions: Two herbs required by Myself and my Assistant on the footing of the dominant wit could include:

For Jules:


The ground I have chosen the Burdock for Jules is that Burdock has the cold and dry nature, which balances the Sanguine Hot and Moist nature. It is used to extinguish the toxins and purifies the organic structure to equilibrate the Sanguine disposition. The Burdock is eaten as a vegetable frequently in the Far East, particularly in Japan. I use the Burdock to cook Nipponese nutrient frequently, so it is easy to take it into the day-to-day nutrition.


The Echinacea is the other herb I have chosen for Jules to equilibrate his dominant disposition, Sanguine. It besides has the cold and dry nature, which is opposite to the Sanguine nature, hot and moist. The Echinacea is used to excite the immune system, blood circulation and convey up the critical force.

For Nami:


The ground I have chosen the Dandelion for myself is that the Dandelion has the cold and damp nature, which balances the Choleric Hot and Dry nature. I frequently feel the puffiness of liver when I feel tired or hebdomad, so the medical belongingss of the Dandelion to excite the liver and kidney map would be good for me.


The Apple is the other herb I have chosen for myself to equilibrate my dominant disposition, Choleric. It is popular fruit and easy to be taken as day-to-day nutrition. It has the cold and damp nature, which is opposite to the Choleric nature, hot and dry, so it would equilibrate my Choleric disposition. The Apple is used to excite the liver map which has ever been my hebdomad organ.

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herbs for each wits

Herb For Sanguine:

Common name: Skullcap

Latin name: Scutellaria Lateriflora

Disposition: Sanguine

Reasons: ? The nature of the skullcap is cold and dry that balances the Sanguine hot and damp disposition.

Medical Properties:

? Skullcap contains scutellarin, a flavonoid with ataractic and antispasmodic.

? Used as Antipyretic, analgetic, antitussive, transiently hypotensive,

? Tonic for the nervous system and is declarative of where the nervous system has become depleted.

? Remedy for nervous upsets, from mild anxiousness to epilepsy.

? Quietening every bit good as anti-spasmodic effects, on nervous activity such as concerns of nervous beginning, craze, insomnia and ungratified slumber.

? Remedy for colds, coughs, tumors, hemorrhoids, sore eyes and rheumatism.

? Effective in relieving the symptoms of hydrophobias.

? Some North American Indian folk used as a ataractic and promote menses.

? Used for the bar of epileptic ictuss.

? As historical utilizations, used for Hydrophobia, alcohol addiction, concerns from ceaseless coughing and rachitiss.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Sanguine:

Common name: Hops

Latin name: Humulus Lupulus & lt ;

/p >

Disposition: Sanguine

Reasons: ? The nature of the Hops is cold and dry that balances the Sanguine hot and damp disposition.

Medical Properties:

? Antibacterial with activity against gm positive beings.

? The cardinal nervous system depressant action is believed to be due to the acrimonious rosin and its metabolites. This acrimonious constituent of Hops besides makes it a digestive stimulation.

? Whole infusions have a really effectual spasmolytic action on smooth musculus.

? Has antihistamine and anti-oxytocic belongingss.

? Remedy for palpitations of neurogenic beginning, in Cardiovascular System.

? Remedy for nervous coughs and cranky coughs.

? Treats the cranky intestine syndrome, mucose inflammatory bowel disease, nervous indigestion, inflammatory intestine disease and anorexia.

? Influence tense nervous provinces ; insomnia, neuralgia, irritability, priapism and restless and sleep upsets.

? The oestrogenic substances of Hops assistance for dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhea, premature interjection and anaphrodisiac in work forces.

? Remedy for crural ulcers.

? Recommended as a quinine water, diuretic and ataractic.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Phlegmatic:

Common name: Ginger

Latin name: Zingiber officinalis

Disposition: Phlegmatic

Reasons: ? Ginger has hot and dry belongingss to get the better of the cold and moist belongingss of Phlegmatic disposition. ? Ginger stimulate the gastric secernment which is relate to Phlegm wit.

? Stimulates vermiculation and stomachic secernment

? Provokes circulatory stimulation.

? Effective in the control of sickness and emesis following operations and that associated with gestation.

Medical Properties:

? Antipyretic, analgetic, antitussive, antipasmodic, transiently hypotensive, suppression of stomachic contractions, suppression of prostaglandin PGF 2a synthesis. ( PGA 2a stimulates contraction of sooth musculus.

? The ability to move as an anti-emetic and has proved to be more effectual than a pharmaceutical antihistamine in cut downing the emesis and dizziness of gesture illness.

? Giving the bosom a better force of contraction.

? Act as an anti-platelet collection agent and as an anti-inflammatory.

? Can be anticonvulsant and hypocholesterolaemic.

? Prescribed for coughs, colds, grippe and katzenjammers.

? Believed to beef up the lungs and kidneys in China.

? Zinger oil is used for a traditional intervention for spinal and joint jobs in Japan.

? Zinger compresses are used in many parts of the universe to alleviate fistula congestion, kidney jobs, catamenial spasms and assorted other achings and strivings.

? Has stimulative, rubefacient and flatus-relieving belongingss.

? Taken internally for respiratory complaints and has been found to be effectual for travel illness.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Phlegmatic:

Common name: Thyme

Latin name: Thymus Vulgaris

Disposition: Phlegmatic

Reasons: ? Thyme has hot and dry belongingss to get the better of the cold and moist belongingss of Phlegmatic disposition. ? Thyme is used as the redress for Asthma and coughing which is the symptoms of instability of Phlegmatic wit.

Medical Properties:

? Traditionally, Thyme has been used to alleviate cramps and coughing.

? Potent antiseptic which does non nevertheless do annoyance.

? Increases mucous secretion secernment.

? The volatile oil in Thyme is strongly anti-microbial and is taken up through the lungs and kidneys where it is able to exercise this consequence.

? The high content of tannic acid in the volatile oil has the relaxing effects.

? Has a primary function in handling respiratory piece of land jobs particularly in the lower piece of land.

? The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal belongingss give the herb a function in infective conditions.

? Relaxing expectorator that can cut down convulsive muscular activity.

? Remedy for bronchitis, whooping cough, aspergilloisis, coughs, pleurisy, laryngitis, dry coughs, asthma, bronchial catarrh and nervous coughs.

? The acrimonious belongingss of Thyme are valued and it is used for liver upsets, in France.

? Remedy for Cystitis and urinary incontinence in kids.

? Treats the septic tegument conditions, fungous infections, emphysema, tonsillitis, unwritten thrush and vaginal thrush.

? As historical utilizations, used to help to labor and bringing ; to convey on menses.

Promote sweat for colds and febrility.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Choleric:

Common name: Mullein

Latin name: Verbascum Thapsus

Disposition: Choleric

Reasons: ? The nature of the Mullein is cold and moist which balances the Choleric hot and dry disposition.

Medical Properties:

? Prescribed for respiratory complaints.

? Smoking Mullen leaves is an old common people redress for coughs and asthma.

? Treat cystitis and a decoction to bring around diarrhea.

? Mullein leaf or flower tea was given for thorax colds and bronchitis.

? Relieve rednesss ; in research lab trials infusions of Mullein show strong anti-inflammatory activity.

? Oil from the flower is besides said to be good for otalgia.

? The saponins stimulate expectoration and do the mucous secretion more fluid.

? In Respiratory Tract, acts as a mucose membrane quinine water. Effectss on bronchitis, tracheitis, respiratory catarrh, common, colds, coughs particularly hard, relentless 1s, hemoptysis, TB, pleurisy and whooping cough.

? Soothes and helps loosen up the bronchial muscular structure.

? Aqueous infusions of the flowers are active against the influenza virus.

? Behaves like an styptic without tannic acids.

? As historical usage, roots were used for lasks and fluxes of the belly ; ruptures ; spasms and paroxysms. And as mouthwash for odontalgia ; as water pill.

Flowers ( oil ) for hemorrhoids ; frost gall ; for urarthritis ; warts ( externally ) ; belly-ache and gripes ; tumors ; puffinesss ; redness of troat.

Leafs ( sundried ) for annoyance of respiratory piece of land.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Choleric:

Common name: Chickweed

Latin name: Stellaria Media

Disposition: Choleric

Reasons: ? The nature of the Chickweed is cold and moist which balances the Choleric hot and dry disposition. ? It is used the intervention for extra catamenial flow that is one of the symptoms of the Choleric instability.

? Stimulates vermiculation and stomachic secernment

? Provokes circulatory stimulation.

? Effective in the control of sickness and emesis following operations and that associated with gestation.

Medical Properties:

? In modern pattern chiefly in its external applications.

? Treat both internal and external rednesss.

? Dainty for eczema and tegument redness

? As Historical utilizations, externally applied to liver redness, spasms, oculus redness and paroxysms palsy to mend tendons.

Internally for hydrophobia ( in combination ) ; scurvy ; irregularity ; coughs ; gruffness ; fleshiness.

Has long been prescribed by herb doctors as a quinine water to reconstruct the strength of the frail and sickly.

The redress for colds, coughs, tumors, hemorrhoids, sore eyes and rheumatism

? The root is used for the redress for the extra catamenial flow, nose hemorrhage and febrility.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Melancholic:

Common name: German Chamomile

Latin name: Matricaria Recutita

Disposition: Melancholy

Reasons: ? The nature of Chamomile is hot and moist. It balances the cold and dry disposition of Melancholic.

Medical Properties:

? German Chamomile is the herb with a big figure of active components though much of its activity is attributed to the volatile oil and flavonoid fractions.

? German Chamomile tea is used as a depressant.

? The tea has anti-inflammatory belongingss, particularly utile in stilling arthritis and other conditions characterised by hurting, heat, inflammation and puffiness.

? The volatile oil contributes an anti-inflammatory consequence and cut down histamine-induced allergic reactions.

? Remedy for respiratory catarrh, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and high febrility.

? One of the chief systems to profit given the actions of this herb is Gastrointestinal Tract. Chamomile treats the nervous indigestion, gripes, cranky intestine syndrome, flatulency, diarrhea, sickness due to nervous, dyspepsia, stomachic and duodenal ulcers.

? Relieves the insomnia, nervous tenseness, digestive concerns, megrim and dizziness.

? Remedy for dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhea due to psychological causes, forenoon illness and mastitis.

? Treats the external redness, such as crisp roseola, eczema, acne and lesions, etc.

Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

Name: Nami Matsumoto Student Number: 9050127101

Herb For Melancholic:

Common name: Oats

Latin name: Avena Sativa

Disposition: Melancholy

Reasons: ? The nature of Oat is hot and moist. It balances the cold and dry disposition of Melancholic. ? The Oat is used for anti-depression. The depression is the most common symptom of Melancholic instability.

Medical Properties:

? Has traditionally been considered as easy digestible nutrient for recuperating patients.

? Used as an antidepressant.

? Modern common people therapists mention Oats for nervous exhaustion and besides recommend it as an spasmolytic.

? Helps to mend skin upsets.

? Treats the eczema.

? Good consequence for dry tegument, lesions, Burnss and neuralgy.

? Acts as a quinine water or tonic to the nervous system and at the same clip bring oning a feeling of wellbeing.

? Acts as a quinine water for the bosom.

? Remedy for depression, melancholia, general infirmity, menopausal neurasthenia, neuralgia, neuritis, shingled and insomnia.

? As historical utilizations, used to handle conditions like Hansen’s disease, & # 8220 ; the scabies & # 8221 ; and fistulous witherss ; prepared with acetum as a agency of acquiring rid of lentigos and musca volitanss.


Mentions: Ody, Penelope, 1995, The complete Medicinal Herbal, TokyoAllardice, P. , Bone, K. , Hutchison, F. , 1994, MAGIC and MEDICINE OF PLANTS, NSW Fisher, C. , Painter, G. , 1996, MATERIA MEDICA OF WESTERN HERBS FOR THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, NSW

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