Thoughts Of Socrates Plato And Aristotle Essay

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Ideas Of Socrates, Plato, And Aristotle Essay, Research Paper

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Three Athenian philosophers flourish in Greece from 470 B. C. until 320 B. C. These philosophers were celebrated for their? schools of thought. ? The first of these is Socrates who lived from 469 until 399 B. C. He did non go forth any Hagiographas behind ; hence, we know about his ways of thought from those of whom he taught. His celebrated method of direction called the Socratic method is still used today. In this method, the instructor allows pupils to utilize their ain deductive logical thinking to see things for themselves through a series of inquiries and replies. Unfortunately, many did non hold with Socrates instructions. He was accused of perverting the young person in Athens and sentenced to decease. One of Socrates most celebrated pupils, Plato, established a 2nd school of idea. Booming about 400 B. C. , Plato contradicted his instructor in that he left many Hagiographas, his most celebrated being The Republic. He believed that a higher universe of unchanging signifiers and thoughts ex

isted. If a person knew these forms, then he knew the truth. These things, however, could only be achieved by a mind that had been properly trained. One of his idea forms was his vision of government. He did not trust the democracy. He felt that the highest rank should belong to the philosophers who were also kings, followed by the courageous, and ended with the rest of who must have desire. He established the Academy at which he taught Aristotle.The third school of thought was that of Aristotle (384-322 B. C.). He felt that form and matter were one, not two separate concepts. Based on his beliefs that the previous were not separable, he not unlike his teacher, tried to discover the best form of government. He determined that only three forms of government existed that could be deemed good ? aristocracy, monarchy, and his personal favorite, a constitutional government. After much comparison, he believed that the latter type of government worked the best for most people. Aristotle went on to be a tutor for Alexander the Great.

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