Traveling is more important than reading books Essay

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Traveling is more of import than reading books to understand people and the universe. A book about another state tells you about things such as the country’s history. its people and its civilization in a really general manner. When run intoing aliens. I found that books can’t be trusted wholly. For illustration. when I was sing Wisconsin University. many people were stiff. uneducated. had no sense of wit. and they all wore bluish suits. Even the image in some people’s heads was that Chinese still wore pigtails as they did in the Qing Dynasty. Though the videotapes shown by me. they were surprised to happen that these facts were non true at all and the Chinese people are surpassing and have great intelligence. frock good and have an every bit strong sense of wit. Reading a book about another state makes me interested in going.

Then I make programs to travel and see what I have read about. In add-on. people who go out and see things themselves are likely to be open-minded. and are truly interested in doing things happen. A friend of mine. Chen Ming. went to a backward rural country and experienced the agonies of the kids at that place firsthand. Then he organized a medical squad to give them intervention. Merely reading about these children’s state of affairs would non hold had the same consequence as seeing them in individual. More and more Chinese travel at place or abroad. Particularly the kids who travel more will see the of import landscapes and will genuinely be full of cognition about their ain state. I have ever felt enriched by the experience. It is merely by “getting into action” that one can do a grade in this universe. and genuinely live a meaningful life.

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