U.S.A Was Unable To Win The Vietnam

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The U.S.A was unable to win the Vietnam War because they realised excessively late that the existent war in Vietnam was non a military one but a political one.

From the start when Eisenhower foremost began American engagement. They knew that the lone manner South Vietnam would win is with the support of the American ground forces. Kennedy, the following President restricted U.S. engagement, but after his blackwash in 1963 American policy changed aggressively. His replacement Lyndon Johnson rapidly increased American engagement. Subsequently on the minor incident in the Gulf of Tonkin gave Johnson an alibi to up war attempts even more and so get down bombing North Vietnam. The bombardment of North Vietnam merely made the U.S. expression like a & # 8216 ; bully & # 8217 ; and the Vietnamese people sided with the V.C ( Vietcong ) .

Another ground why the U.S. was unable to win the war was turning war tensenesss back in the States. Anti-Vietnam presentation broke out as like the one in New York. Where public sentiment bend against the war. With field-grade officer

otage coming back to the States from Vietnam of the sum of harm the U.S was making. Destroying places and killing countless of 1000s of guiltless civilians was turning public sentiment.

Besides the Americans realised excessively late that the existent war in Vietnam was non a military one but a political 1. The NLF from the start had won the support of the provincials. The NLF had support from about 40 % of the South Vietnamese small towns.

Last, the VC had the backup of Communist China and Russia who supplied so with weaponries and equipment. So the U.S. couldn & # 8217 ; t make an all out invasion without the engagement of these Super Powers.

Yeah the U.S.A was unable to win the Vietnam War because they were contending for the incorrect grounds. The South Vietnam provincials was won over by the NLF. The people of United States didn & # 8217 ; T want in this war. The bad images that shocked the universe about the infinite 1000s of guiltless civilians killed. Was merely giving the U.S. an even worst repute with the people they were contending for.

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