Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for Developing All Language Skills in Form 4

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Graduation Paper

Adviser: the English linguistic communication instructor Nata & # 316 ; ja Dogurevi & # 269 ; a

Liep & # 257 ; ja Academy of Pedagogy

Adult Education Centre

Foreign Language Department

Liep & # 226 ; ja 2004


The Graduation Paper is devoted to utilizing the topical undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; for developing all linguistic communication accomplishments in junior categories.

The purpose of the research was to excite the involvement in analyzing the linguistic communication and to better the accomplishments and cognition of students with the aid of the topical undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; . To accomplish the purpose the writer studied methodological literature on utilizing undertaking works for developing different accomplishments. Then the undertaking work was practically implemented in junior categories. Finally, the consequences of the instance survey were analyzed.

A instance survey was applied as a research method to look into the sample consisting of 23 pupils at J & # 275 ; kabpils Secondary School & # 8470 ; 2 aged 10-12 in class 4.

The research revealed the importance and utility of utilizing the topical undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; at the English lessons. It besides showed that the undertaking work is an effectual method of developing all linguistic communication accomplishments of immature scholars. With the aid of the research the writer realised that more pupils had arisen their involvement in larning English and improved their practical accomplishments in communicating through English. This survey proves besides that the undertaking work elevates the effectivity of larning English. During the undertaking work atmosphere in the category was really positive, friendly. The learners & # 8217 ; attitude to making all types of undertakings was positive and involved kids to the acquisition procedure.

It can be concluded that much has been achieved on the manner towards analyzing the undertaking & # 8217 ; s method, but the work on this issue should be continued.

The stuffs applied can be used in classs 5 & # 8211 ; 6.

Anot & # 226 ; cija

Kvalifik & # 257 ; cijas darb & # 257 ; tiek pied & # 257 ; V & # 257 ; ta 4.d klases skol & # 275 ; nu iepaz & # 299 ; & # 353 ; an & # 257 ; s Ar projektu & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; ang & # 316 ; u valodas stund & # 257 ; s.

Darba t & # 275 ; mom: Las & # 299 ; & # 353 ; Anass, rakst & # 299 ; & # 353 ; Anass, klaus & # 299 ; & # 353 ; an & # 257 ; s un tally & # 257 ; & # 353 ; Anass iema & # 326 ; u att & # 299 ; st & # 299 ; Ba, izmantojot projektu ned & # 275 ; & # 316 ; as T & # 275 ; mu & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; 4.klas & # 275 ; .

Autors: Tam & # 257 ; Ra Abdirazakova.

Zin & # 257 ; tnisk & # 257 ; vad & # 299 ; T & # 257 ; ja: Air National Guard & # 316 ; u valodas skolot & # 257 ; ja Nata & # 316 ; ja Dogurevi & # 269 ; a.

Darba strukt & # 363 ; Ra: ievads, teor & # 275 ; tisk & # 257 ; district attorney & # 316 ; a, eksperiment & # 257 ; cubic decimeter & # 257 ; district attorney & # 316 ; a, secin & # 257 ; jumi, literat & # 363 ; ras saraksts, pielikumi.

P & # 275 ; T & # 299 ; juma m & # 275 ; R & # 311 ; is: apzin & # 257 ; ties projektu metodes & # 299 ; steno & # 353 ; Anass principus, to ietekmi uz iema & # 326 ; u att & # 299 ; st & # 299 ; bu Air National Guard & # 316 ; u valodas stund & # 257 ; s.

P & # 275 ; T & # 299 ; juma uzdevumi:

Pedago & # 291 ; isk & # 257 ; s un psiholo & # 291 ; isk & # 257 ; s literat & # 363 ; reticular activating systems iepaz & # 299 ; & # 353 ; Anas un anal & # 299 ; ze.

Izstr & # 257 ; vitamin D & # 257 ; T un aprob & # 275 ; T projekta T & # 275 ; mu & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; 4.d klas & # 275 ; .

Apkopot un analiz & # 275 ; T ieg & # 363 ; tos datus.

P & # 275 ; T & # 299 ; juma hipot & # 275 ; ze: skol & # 275 ; nu iema & # 326 ; u att & # 299 ; st & # 299 ; Ba norisin & # 257 ; s veiksm & # 299 ; g & # 257 ; K, ja skolot & # 257 ; J sav & # 257 ; darb & # 257 ; izmanto projekta T & # 275 ; mu & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; atbilsto & # 353 ; I b & # 275 ; rnu interes & # 275 ; m un vecumposmiem.

Projekti k & # 257 ; metode att & # 299 ; sta un pilnveido skol & # 275 ; nu prasmes. Projekta darbu Air National Guard & # 316 ; u valodas stund & # 257 ; s ievie & # 353 ; , lai stundas k & # 316 ; & # 363 ; tu interesant & # 257 ; Ka, daudzveid & # 299 ; g & # 257 ; kas un cie & # 353 ; & # 257 ; Ks saist & # 299 ; Tas ar rhenium & # 257 ; lo dz & # 299 ; six, Ar skol & # 275 ; nu aktu & # 257 ; cubic decimeter & # 257 ; m probl & # 275 ; m & # 257 ; m.

First of Al it is possible to state that the kids are given basic cognition in the simple school. Listening, reading, composing and talking in a foreign linguistic communication is a hard art and it has to be learned get downing in junior categories.

The subject of Graduation Paper is Use of the Topical Project Work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; for Developing all Language Skills in Form 4.

The purpose of paper is to excite the involvement in analyzing the English linguistic communication and to better the accomplishments and cognition of students with the aid of undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; .

The hypothesis of the paper is that the effectual usage of the undertaking work successfully develops all linguistic communication accomplishments of immature scholars.

Figure 1 shows the consequence of the questionnaire. So, refer to the Gardner & # 8217 ; s tabular array of the intelligences it is possible to reason that the most portion of the scholars had lingual, ocular and socialiser intelligences.

The following instructor & # 8217 ; s measure was to finish a set of activities and undertakings for the subject & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; harmonizing to the pupils types of intelligence.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of the undertaking work and work in large categories it was decided to organize the category into braces and groups.

Table 2 reflects the sum-up of the activities used for developing four linguistic communication accomplishments. This stuff was designed for immature kids.

Finally I want to demo two activities:

Undertaking work was begun with the vocal & # 8221 ; Head and Shoulders & # 8221 ; . Children American ginseng and touched the organic structure parts mentioned in the vocal.

The game & # 8220 ; Partss of the Body & # 8217 ; .


Education is really of import in our life. An educated individual is one who knows a batch about many things. He ever tries to larn, happen out, discover more about the universe around him. He gets cognition from books, magazines, Television educational plans. The students can acquire deeper cognition in different optional classs in different topics and school offers these chances.

The consequence of the educative procedure is the capacity of farther instruction. Nowadays pupils of secondary school have chances to go on their instruction by come ining secondary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities. Children are given basic cognition in the simple school. But the route to larn is non easy. There is no royal route to larning. To be successful in surveies one must work hard.

The function of foreign linguistic communications is besides increasing today. To cognize foreign linguistic communications is perfectly necessary for every educated individual, for being a good specializer. English is widely spoken in the universe. It is the linguistic communication of progressive scientific discipline and engineering, trade and cultural dealingss, commercialism and concern. It is besides the major linguistic communication of diplomatic negotiations. Listening, reading, speech production and composing in a foreign linguistic communication is a hard art and it has to be learned get downing in junior categories.

The purpose of the paper is to excite the involvement in analyzing the linguistic communication and to better the accomplishments and cognition of students with the aid of undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; .

The aims of the work are:

to analyze the methodological and psychological literature on utilizing undertaking works ;

2. to analyze the topical undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; in signifier 4 ;

3. to analyse the consequences of the topical undertaking work in form 4.

The hypothesis of the paper is that the effectual usage of the undertaking work successfully develops all linguistic communication accomplishments of immature scholars.

The research methods used are:

reappraisal and analysis of methodological and psychological literature ;

questionnaires in order to analyze undertaking work in form 4 ;

statistical analyses of development of all linguistic communication accomplishments ;

observation and rating of undertaking lessons.

Chapter 1 positions the facets of rational development of immature scholars. Chapter 2 describes importance of utilizing pair work and group work at project lessons. Chapter 3 shows how to utilize undertaking work for developing all linguistic communication accomplishments. Chapter 4 analyses the consequences of the questionnaire and execution of the undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; in signifier 4.

1. Aspects of Intellectual Development in Middle Childhood

Changes in mental abilities & # 8211 ; such as acquisition, memory, concluding, thought, and linguistic communication & # 8211 ; are facets of rational development. The concrete operational period is the period of in-between childhood. It extends from about age 6 to approximately age 11 or 12.

Today, the big bulk of child psychologists identify themselves with one of three general theoretical positions & # 8211 ; the cognitive-developmental attack, the environmental/learning attack, or the ethnological attack.

The cognitive-developmental attack encompasses a figure of related theories and sorts of research. This attack is most closely associated with the work of Piaget ( 1952 ) . Sometime between 5 and 7 old ages of age, harmonizing to Piaget, kids enter the phase of concrete operations, when they can believe logically about the here and now. They by and large remain in this sage until approximately age 11. But development at these ages is still extremely important. Intellectual growing is significant, as the one time ago centric, kid becomes more logical. And the accretion of daily alterations consequences in a get downing difference between 6-year-olds and 12-year-olds.

Harmonizing to Piaget & # 8217 ; s theory, human development can be described in footings of maps and constructions. The most cardinal facet of Piaget & # 8217 ; s theory, and frequently the most hard to grok, is his belief that intelligence is non something that a kid has but something that a kid does. Piaget & # 8217 ; s child understands the universe merely by moving on it, doing intelligence a procedure instead than a inactive shop of information.

For Piaget development refers to this continual reorganisation of the kid & # 8217 ; s knowledge into new and more complex constructions. Piaget was a phase theoretician. In his position, all kids move through the same phases of cognitive development in the same order.

The most influential modern-day theory of the effects of societal experience on cognitive development is that of Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky ( 1962 ) . Vygotsky & # 8217 ; s theory includes a figure of related accents.

Possibly the most general accent is on the civilization as a determiner of single development. Worlds are the lone species that have created civilizations, and every human kid in the context of a civilization. The civilization makes two kinds of parts to the kid & # 8217 ; s rational development. First, kids get much of the content of their thought from it. Second, kids get much of the agencies of their thought & # 8211 ; or what Vygotskians call the tools of rational version & # 8211 ; from it. In short, the encompassing civilization teaches kids both what to believe and how to believe.

Environmental/learning theories begin with the premise that much of kids & # 8217 ; s typical behavior is acquired through conditioning and learning rules.

Learning theory, in contrast, holds that kids & # 8217 ; s dally penchants do non needfully turn out of what they know about their gender but frequently result from what has happened when they played with certain playthings. B. F. Skinner ( 1953 ) accepted the function of Pavlov & # 8217 ; s conditioning of physiological reactions, but he added to larning theory a 2nd type of behavior and, correspondingly, a 2nd type of acquisition. Harmonizing to his theoretical account, all behaviour falls into one of two classs & # 8211 ; respondent behaviors and operant behaviors.

Behaviour analyses besides views human development as go throughing through phases, termed the foundational phase ( babyhood ) the bases phase ( childhood and adolescence ) , and the social phase ( maturity and old age ) .

Scientists say that the environment influences behaviour in four ways:

The environment puts restraints on behavior ; it limits what we can make.

The environment elicits behavior ; it tells us how to move.

The environment moulds the ego.

Environments affect the self-image.

To reason, linguistic communication is developed rapidly in in-between childhood, kids can understand and construe communications better, and they are better able to do themselves understood.

Cognitive/development theory contends that kids foremost develop an apprehension that they are male or female systematically with their gender, as when a miss comes to prefer playing with dolls to playing with trucks. The cognitive-development attack to human development is based on the belief that cognitive abilities are cardinal and that they guide kids & # 8217 ; s behavior.

The most influential current theory of how societal experience affects cognitive development is that of Vygotsky. Vygotsky & # 8217 ; s theory stresses the kid & # 8217 ; s gradual internalisation of culturally provided signifiers of cognition and tools of version, chiefly through verbal interchanges with parents.

Undertaking Work as One of the Most Effective Teaching Forms in Modern School

Teachers can barely work at the kid & # 8217 ; s degree unless they know what that degree is. It is of import to fit subjects to the degree, reserving complex issues for more advanced categories. Teachers should non anticipate novices to undertake a national newspaper in English ; they would non offer really advanced pupils a simplified duologue. The traditional lessons do non give a opportunity for cognitive and originative development. Teachers of novices will necessary usage activities whose administration is less complex so those for more advanced scholars. Teachers find it rather effectual to develop all linguistic communication accomplishments for novice pupils.

Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture defines the word undertaking as a piece of work that needs accomplishment, attempt and careful planning, particularly, over a period of clip [ 8, 1378 ] .

Undertaking work gaining controls three chief elements of communicative attack. They are:

a concern for motive ;

a concern for relevancy ;

a concern for the general educational development of the scholar [ 18, 26 ] .

Undertaking acquisition has non been redacted on the instruction methods, it is more educational doctrine, which aims are to demo the manner and to present with some possible activities accomplishing to a more democratic society, points Legutke [ 9,1982 ] . The kid is of course active, particularly along societal lines. Teachers merely should take the appropriate instruction method.

We think that undertaking method is one of the most effectual instruction signifiers. The conceivers of a undertaking work have arrived at determinations about types of activities, function of instructors and scholars, the sorts of the stuff which will be helpful, and some theoretical account of syllabus administration.

Undertaking can dwell of intensive activities which take topographic point over a short period of clip, or extended surveies which may take up one or two hours a hebdomad for several hebdomads [ 7, 7 ] .

Project work gives the pupils an chance to convey their cognition, feelings, experience, thoughts and intelligence of their universe into the school and out of it & # 8211 ; to the country where the undertaking work take topographic point. Undertakings can include a broad scope of the subjects and usage cognition and experience gained from the other topics in the course of study.

In large categories, it is hard for the instructor to do contact with the pupils at the dorsum and it is hard for the pupils to inquire for and receive single attending. It may look impossible to organize dynamic and originative instruction and learning Sessionss. In big categories, pair-work and group-work drama an of import portion since they maximise student engagement.

When instructors know how their pupils experience about pair-work and group-work it is easier to make up one’s mind what method should be applied and what sort of the activities to execute.

MI theory bases for & # 8220 ; Multiple intelligences & # 8221 ; , a construct introduced by the Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. In his book Frames of Mind, he suggested that as worlds we do non possess a individual intelligence, but a scope of intelligences ( Gardner 1983 ) . He listed seven of these. ( Appendix 1 )

All people have all of these intelligences, he said, but in each individual one ( or more ) of them is more marked. If instructors accept that different intelligences predominate in different people, it suggests that the same acquisition undertaking may non be appropriate for all of pupils.

Pair Work at Project Lessons

Forming students into brace is an of import occupation for the instructor at the undertaking lesson. In brace work pupils can rehearse the linguistic communication together, analyze a text, research the linguistic communication or take portion in information-gap activities. They can compose duologues, predict the content of reading texts, or compare on what they have listened to or seen.

The most of import advantages and disadvantages of utilizing pair work at undertaking lessons saw S. Haines ( 1995 ) .

So, the positive sides are:

It dramatically increases the sum of speech production clip any one pupil gets in the category.

It allows pupils to work and interact independently without the necessary counsel of the instructor, therefore advancing learner independency.

It allows instructors clip to work with one or two braces while the other pupils continue working.

It recognises the old axiom that & # 8216 ; two caputs are better than one & # 8217 ; , and in advancing cooperation helps the schoolroom to go a more relaxed and friendly topographic point. If instructors get pupils to do determinations in braces, they will be allowed to portion duty instead than holding to bear the whole weight themselves.

It is comparatively speedy and easy to organize.

There are disadvantages of pair-work:

Pair-work is often really noisy and some instructors and pupils dislike this. Teachers in peculiar worry that they will lose control of their category.

Students in braces can frequently swerve off from the point of an exercising, speaking about something else wholly, frequently in their first linguistic communication.

2.2 Group Work at Project Lessons

It is besides possible to set pupils in big groups excessively, since this will let them to make a scope of undertakings for which pair-work is non sufficient or appropriate. Therefore, pupils can compose a group narrative or role-play a state of affairs which involves five or six people. They can fix a presentation or discourse an issue and come to a group determination. Students can watch, compose or execute a picture sequence ; instructors can give single pupils in a group different lines of a verse form which the group has to reassemble.

In general it is possible to state that little groups of around five pupils provoke greater engagement and engagement than big groups. They are little plenty for existent interpersonal interaction, yet non so little that members are over-reliant upon each person. Because five is an uneven figure, it means that a bulk position can normally predominate. However, there are occasions when big groups are necessary. The activity may demand it, or we may desire to split the category into squads for some game or readying stage.

Advantages and disadvantages of utilizing group-work at undertaking lessons are nicely described by J. Reid ( 1987 ) , and T. Woodward ( 1995 ) in their plants. The chief advantages are:

Unlike pair-work, because there are more than two people in the group, personal relationships are normally less debatable ; there is besides a greater opportunity of different sentiments and varied part than pair-work, and yet is more private than work in forepart of the whole category.

It promotes learner liberty by leting pupils to do their ain determinations in the group without being told what to make by the instructor.

Like brace work, it dramatically increases the sum for single pupils.

There are definite disadvantages, excessively:

It is likely to be noisy. Some instructors feel that they lose control, and the whole-class feeling which has been fastidiously built up may disperse when the category is split into smaller entities. Groups can take longer to organize than braces.

In decision it should be mentioned that undertaking work is topic-based which involves research/questionnaires undertaking encourage cooperation and sharing, it may be really originative graphics.

While undertaking work it is possible to utilize such signifiers of category organisation as brace and group work. It helps for developing all linguistic communication accomplishments at the undertaking lessons.

3 Using Project Work for Developing All Language Skills

By and large learning purposes in foreign linguistic communications methodologists tend to split into some parts & # 8211 ; constructions, maps, vocabulary, pronunciation and accomplishments.

There are three accomplishments instructors are supposed to get the hang in larning a new linguistic communication:

they must larn to read it ;

they should larn to understand it when they hear it ;

they should larn to talk it.

Most modern school course of study require all topics to promote inaugural, independency, self-discipline, imaginativeness, development of all linguistic communication accomplishments, so the undertaking work is a manner of turning such general purposes into practical schoolroom activity and affect kids into learning procedure [ 6, 119 ] .

Project provides a natural context in which these separate parts can be re-integrated in scholars & # 8217 ; heads. This is of import for pupils to be certain about their ain abilities to utilize mark linguistic communication in existent state of affairss. It is student & # 8217 ; s ain involvements to bring forth linguistic communication that is accurate and fluent.

Teachers and pupils encourage that undertakings break the modus operandi. Undertaking work demands animal and a batch of enthusiasm for both- instructors and scholars.

Undertaking work is really effectual method because:

subjects and mark undertakings for undertaking larning derived from all signifiers and objects of life ;

scholars are involved with the thoughts through a procedure of treatment, experimentation, contemplation, and application of penetrations to the new phases of experimentation.

For be aftering the construction of undertaking work pupils and teacher do certain about every student & # 8217 ; s duties. During the undertaking pupils practise in chief linguistic communication accomplishments & # 8211 ; listening, speech production, reading and composing.

3.1 Developing Reading and Listening Skills

Reading and listening are receptive accomplishments.

Reading is non a inactive accomplishment. It is an improbably active business. To make it successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the image, the words are painting, understand the statements and

work out of we agree with them.

When we read a text in our ain linguistic communication, we often have a good thought of the content before we really read. Book covers give us a intimation of what is in the book, exposure and headline intimation at what articles are about and studies look like studies before we read a individual word. Teachers should give pupils & # 8220 ; intimations & # 8221 ; so that they can foretell what is coming excessively. It will do them better and more occupied readers.

There are many grounds why acquiring pupils to read English texts which is an of import portion of the instructor & # 8217 ; s occupation. In the first topographic point, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their callings, for survey intents or merely for pleasance.

A balance has to be struck between existent English on one manus and the pupils & # 8217 ; capablenesss and involvement on the other. There is some reliable written stuff which novice pupils can understand to some grade: bill of fare, timetables, sings and basic instructions, for illustration, and, where appropriate, can be used in undertaking work. But for longer prose, instructors may desire to offer their pupils texts which, while being like English, are however written or adapted particularly for their degree. The of import thing is that such texts are every bit much like existent English as possible [ 6, 86 ] .

Listening is a accomplishment and any aid pupils can be offered, in executing that accomplishment will assist them be better hearers. Listening to tapes is a manner of conveying different sorts of talking into the schoolroom, it is possible to play different sorts of tape to them, e.g. conversation, & # 8220 ; plays & # 8221 ; , interviews, narratives read aloud, telephone exchanges etc.

One of the chief grounds for acquiring pupils to listen to talk English is to allow them hear different assortments and speech patterns & # 8211 ; instead than merely the voice of their instructor with its ain foibles. In today & # 8217 ; s universe, they need to be exposed non merely to one assortment of English ( British English, for illustration ) but besides to assortments such as American English, Australian English, Indian English or West African English. [ 6,124 ] .

The argument about usage of reliable listening stuff is merely as fierce in listening as it is in reading. If, for illustration, instructors play a tape of a political address to finish novices, they will non understand a word. If, on the other manus, pupils are given a realistic ( though non reliable ) tape of a telephone conversation, they may larn to derive assurance as a consequence. Everything depends on degree, and the sort of undertakings that go with a tape.

There may be some reliable stuff which is useable by novices such as pre-recorded proclamations, telephone messages, etc.

There are Numberss of ways in which listening activities differ from otter schoolroom exercises: foremost, tapes go at the same particular for everybody.

Listening is particular, excessively, because spoken linguistic communication, particularly when it is informal, has a figure of alone characteristics including the usage of uncomplete vocalizations, repeats, vacillation, etc. , experience of informal spoken English together with an grasp of other spoken factors & # 8211 ; the tone of the voice, the modulation the talkers use, beat, and background noise & # 8211 ; will assist pupils badger intending out of such speech phenomena.

3.2 Developing Speaking and Writing Skills

Talking and composing are the productive accomplishments. Production processes command how good the kid can reproduce the theoretical account & # 8217 ; s responses.

There are three basic grounds why it is a good thought to give pupils talking undertakings which provoke them to utilize all and any linguistic communication at their bid:

1. Rehearsal: acquiring pupils to hold a free treatment gives them a opportunity to practise holding treatment in undertaking work.

2. Feedback: speech production undertakings where pupils are seeking to utilize all and any linguistic communication they know provides feedback for both instructor and pupils. Teacher can see how good their category is making and what linguistic communication jobs they are holding ( that is a good ground for undertaking lessons ) ; pupils can besides see how easy they find a peculiar sort of speech production and what they need to better.

3. Battle: good speech production activities can and should be extremely actuating. Many talking undertakings ( role-playing, treatment, problem-solving ) can be used in the undertaking work [ 6, 88 ]

There are four types of speech production activity:

information- spread




One popular information-gap activity is called & # 8220 ; Describe and Draw & # 8221 ; . It has many of the elements of an ideal speech production activity.

One manner of arousing conversation and sentiment exchange is to acquire pupils to carry on questionnaires and studies. If the pupils plan these questionnaires themselves, the activity becomes even more utile.

Role-play activities are those where pupils are asked to conceive of that they are in different state of affairss and act consequently. Teachers can organize treatment Sessionss in their schoolroom, excessively.

Writing is a basic linguistic communication accomplishment, merely every bit of import as speech production, hearing, and reading. Students need to cognize how to compose letters, how to set written studies together, how to answer to advertisement & # 8211 ; and progressively, how to compose utilizing electronic media. Part of instructor & # 8217 ; s occupation is to give pupils that skill.

There are four composing sequences:

post card

changing command

newspaper headlines/articles

study composing [ 6,81-83 ]

Another factor which can find teacher & # 8217 ; s pick of composing undertaking is the pupils & # 8217 ; involvements. Teacher & # 8217 ; s determinations, though, will be based on how much linguistic communication the pupils know, what their involvements are, and what teacher thinks will non merely be utile for them but besides actuate them every bit good.

To sum up it is possible to state that while undertaking work all linguistic communication accomplishments should be trained. So, talking activities may good organize one portion of a much longer sequence which includes reading or hearing and, after the activity, survey work. The instruction of reading is closely bound up with the instruction of authorship: the one provides the theoretical account for the other. Writing is a basic linguistic communication accomplishment, merely every bit of import as speech production, listening and reading. Listening is a accomplishment and any aid instructors can give pupils in executing that accomplishment will assist them to be better hearers.

Practical Use of the Project Work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ;

The purpose of the practical application of the undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; was to look into the possibility to increase the pupil & # 8217 ; s involvement in larning the English linguistic communication, to develop all linguistic communication accomplishments and better cognition of immature scholars.

This portion of the work passed through certain phases:

questionnaire to analyze the pupils & # 8217 ; types of the intelligence ;

choice undertakings and activities for undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; ;

practical execution of the undertaking stuff ;

analysis of the consequences obtained.

The practical application of the stuff was carried out from 1st
October 2003 boulder clay 17th
October 2003. It was realized in J & # 275 ; kabpils Secondary School No2 with 4-th formers, three hours of the English linguistic communication a hebdomad. The group consisted of 23 pupils.

4.1 The Results of the Questionnaire

To analyze the types of the pupils & # 8217 ; intelligences in the category, harmonizing to the first phase, the probe was carried out. In order to make that the pupils were asked to reply the inquiries. ( Appendix 2 )

Figure 1. Types of the Intelligences in Form 4

Figure 1 shows the consequence of the questionnaire where the perpendicular axis reflects the per centum of the pupils & # 8217 ; intelligences in 4-d category.

It turned out that the most portion of the scholars had lingual, ocular and socialiser intelligences. So, mentioning to the Gardner & # 8217 ; s tabular array of intelligences ( see Chapter 2 ) it is possible to reason that 6 scholars like to read, compose and state narratives ; 2 scholars like to make experiments, ask inquiries ; 5 scholars like to pull, look at images ; 2 scholars like to sing, listen to music ; 3 scholars are good at physical activities ; 4 scholars like to fall in groups ; 1 scholar is the best by holding ain infinite.

It was besides interesting to happen out what the pupils felt refering their abilities to talk and read in English. The respondents were to take the statement harmonizing to their feeling:

Talking in English:

I speak every bit much as possible

I should talk more

I want to talk but I am afraid

Reading in English:

I can understand the chief thought

I understand partially, I need assist

I understand really small

So, 14 respondents out of 23 confessed that they were afraid to talk in English and 10 respondents out of 23 understood really small while reading in English.

Having generalized the consequences of the questionnaire and interviews with the pupils the undermentioned decision can be drawn. The instructor can utilize project work for developing all linguistic communication accomplishments. So, the following measure to do was to finish a set of activities and undertakings for the subject & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; harmonizing to the pupils & # 8217 ; types of intelligence.

4.2 The Execution of the Project Work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; in Form 4

In order to develop all linguistic communication skills harmonizing to the pupils & # 8217 ; types of intelligence, to actuate pupils to larn the linguistic communication a set of activities and undertakings was worked out.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of the undertaking work and work in large categories it was decided to organize the category into groups and braces.

The cognitive purpose of the subject & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; was to reexamine the cognition about the organic structure in English and through activities gain apprehension of new information. Students were besides expected to well develop their co-operative accomplishments while working in braces and in groups.

Table 2 reflects the sum-up of the activities used for developing four linguistic communication accomplishments. This stuff was designed for immature kids.

Table 2. Activities for the Topic & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ;

Description of activity Teacher & # 8217 ; s Language Language Skills Focus
1.Sing vocal and make the actions Nose, caput, shoulders, etc. Listening, talking accomplishments
2.Drawing the parts of the organic structure

& # 8220 ; Show me & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; What is it? & # 8221 ;

Talking, composing, listening accomplishments
3.To listen to the duologue Helping with hard words Listening and talking accomplishments
4. Mime-show Introduce new words Talking, composing, reading, listening accomplishments
5. Measuring your organic structure Giving instructions Talking, listening, reading, composing accomplishments
6. English nutrient

Giving cardinal words.

& # 8220 ; What is different about English nutrient? & # 8221 ;

Reading, listening, talking accomplishments
7. Game & # 8220 ; Healthy Food for Healthy Body & # 8221 ; Questions about the text Talking, listening, composing
9. & # 8220 ; Table Manners & # 8221 ; Helping with new and hard words Reading, speech production, composing, listening
10. Trial Read the first undertaking Listening, composing, reading, accomplishments

Before the first lesson of the undertaking work the writer prepared a big chart which was attached to one of the walls of the schoolroom. In this chart the students were supposed to demo their sentiment after each lesson by pulling an appropriate face:

I like the activities in the lesson

I partially like the lesson

I did non like the activities

The first undertaking undertaking was begun with the vocal & # 8220 ; Head and Shoulders & # 8221 ; . ( Appendix 3 ) Children American ginseng and touched the organic structure parts mentioned in the vocal.

The following measure was work in braces. Students were showed the parts of the organic structure each other, were pulling and composing the parts of the organic structure in their notebooks. It was done in the signifier of game. ( Appendix 4 )

Further, the instructor asked the kids to listen to the duologue and seek to understand what the kids were speaking approximately. They besides were supposed to discourse the duologue, explain the phrases and words students did non understand.

Then the instructor planned work in braces:

they mimed holding a headache/earache/backache ;

the kids tried to think what was incorrect with them by inquiring & # 8220 ; Are you ill? & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; What is the affair? & # 8221 ;

Subsequently the kids wrote the new words and look in the notebooks. They read in braces about small John & # 8211 ; decided whether small John was truly sick, practised the short replies [ Pupil & # 8217 ; s book & # 8220 ; Enjoy 2 & # 8221 ; ]

Work in groups: the instructor used Worksheet 1 ( Appendix 5 ) for each group to make full in, introduced new words: weight, tallness, length, breadth.

The instructor together with the nurse weighed the students and measured their tallness students in the medical room of the school.

When Worksheet 1 was completed in groups, the students could reiterate their consequences to their schoolmates at the 2nd undertaking lesson.

Work in braces: What is different about English nutrient? & # 8211 ; kids read the text ( Appendix 6 ) They consolidated the vocabulary about food/likes and disfavors ; discussed on good and bad nutrient, and clarified thoughts about the & # 8220 ; Pyramid of Food & # 8221 ; . ( Appendix 7 )

Work in groups: in this activity was used Worksheet 3 for doing group pictures & # 8220 ; Healthy Food for Healthy Body & # 8221 ; . ( Appendix 8 )

Finally, the scholars were offered to compose & # 8220 ; Table Manners & # 8221 ; utilizing words: dirty, custodies, oral cavity, do non, fork, spoon, knife, hear, etc. ( Appendix 9 )

4.3 Analysis of the Consequences

When all these legion undertakings and activities were successfully performed, the writer of the instance survey summarised the consequences of the pupils & # 8217 ; sentiment about them.

Table 3. Self-assessment

Lessons I like activities at the lesson I partially like the lesson I did non like the activities
1- lesson 10 7 6
2- lesson 15 4 4
3- lesson 16 5 2
4- lesson 16 4 3
5- lesson 18 5 0
6- lesson 20 3 0

Table 3 shows that 20 pupils out of 23 liked the activities, 3 pupils out of 23 partially liked the activities at the undertaking lessons. It proves that activities at the undertaking lessons were used successfully.

In order to detect a advancement of the pupils & # 8217 ; knowledge an achievement trial was suggested, which consisted of 3 exercisings. ( Appendix 10 )

In those undertakings the pupils had to show their cognition of the new vocabulary which were used in the subject & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; .

Figure 2. The Consequence of the Achievment Test

Figure 2 shows the consequences of the trial, where the perpendicular axis reflects the per centum of development of the pupils & # 8217 ; accomplishments. Harmonizing to the concluding trial 15 pupils out of 23 are good hearers, 18 pupils out of 23 are good readers, 10 pupils out of 23 are good authors.

Finally, at the terminal of the undertaking work the respondents were to take the statment harmonizing to their feeling:

Talking in English:

I speak every bit much as possible

I should talk more

I want to talk but I am afraid

So, merely 7 respondents out of 23 confessed that they were afraid to talk in English. ( see Chapter 4.1 )

To compare the consequences of the first questionnaire with the concluding trial the undermentioned decision can be drawn out that important advancement in developing all linguistic communication accomplishments has been made. The consequences of the undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; showed that the students self-activity and potencial self-fulfillment were grown.


Acerate leaf to state that the English linguistic communication has become really popular today. About 350 million people speak English as its first linguistic communication. It is an official linguistic communication in 44 states. It is the dominant linguistic communication of the medical specialty, electronics and infinite engineering. A foreign linguistic communication is non merely a capable learnt in the schoolrooms. It is something which is used in existent life state of affairss. Undertaking work is one of the learning methods instructors can utilize for learning the English linguistic communication during larning procedure.

The purpose of the Paper was to excite the involvement in studyng the English linguistic communication and to better the accomplishments and cognition of students with the aid of undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; .

The aims of the Paper have been completed:

metodological literature on learning English through undertaking works has been studied ;

the instance survey has been carried out ;

the consequences of the instance survey have been analyzed.

The research that was carried out based on the analysis of the theoretical literature and completed undertakings and activities for the undertaking work & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ; , allowed the writer to determine that the hypothesis of the Paper has been proved, that the effectual usage of the undertaking work successfully develops all linguistic communication accomplishments of immature scholars. The survey proved besides that the undertaking work elevated the effectivity of larning English.

Undertaking work includes a batch of practical activities through which scholars develop all accomplishments and knowledge even in different school topics. Undertaking work is an illustration of the co-operative acquisition. In large categories it is possible to organize dynamic and originative instruction with the aid of such teaching/learning organisation signifiers as brace and group work.


1. Cooper, J.O. , & A ; Edge, D. Parenty & # 8220 ; Schemes and Educational Methods & # 8221 ; Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, – 1981, – 250 P.

2. Edge, Julian. & # 8220 ; Cooperative Development & # 8221 ; . Longman, – 1992, – 106 P.

3. Janet Ever & # 8220 ; Cross & # 8211 ; curricular Topics in Teaching English to Young Learners RaKa, 2002

4. Feldman, G.G. & # 8220 ; Speech and Language Service & # 8221 ; Reston, VA: 1997, – 376 P.

5. Jill Hadfield & # 8220 ; Elementary Vocabulary Games & # 8221 ; . Longman, – 1998.

6. Jemery Harmer & # 8220 ; How to Teach English & # 8221 ; . Addison Wesley Longman, ! 998, – p.87-96. & # 8211 ; p.115-119

7. Haines, Simon. & # 8221 ; Undertakings for the EFL Classroom & # 8221 ; . Edinburgh: Nelson, 1989, -108 P.

8. Hutchinson, Tom, Project English 2, Teachers Book. Oxford, University Press, , 1986, – 120 P.

9. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Longman Group UK Limited, -1982, GB, -1528 P.

10.Legutke, Michael & A ; Thomas, Howard. Process and Experience in the Language Classroom. London & As ; New York: Longman Group UK Limited, -1991, -331 P.

11. Piaget J. ( 1952 ) & # 8220 ; The Origins of Intelligence in kids & # 8221 ; New-York.

12. Skinner B. F. ( 1953 ) & # 8220 ; Science and human behavior & # 8221 ; New-York.

13. Sir leslie stephens, T.M. & # 8220 ; Teaching accomplishments to kids with acquisition and behavior upsets & # 8221 ; Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, -1977, -640 P.

14. Ross Vasta & # 8220 ; Child Psychology the Modern Science & # 8221 ; . J. Wiley & A ; boies, . INC. & # 8211 ; 1992, – 665p.

15. J. V. Thill, Coutland L. Bover. & # 8220 ; Excellent in Business Communication & # 8221 ; United States & # 8211 ; Case Studies, -1991, -600 P.

16. Vigotsky L. S. ( 1962 ) & # 8220 ; Though and Language & # 8221 ; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

17. Diana E. Papalia. & # 8220 ; Human Development & # 8221 ; . Mc Graw-Hill, INC- 1992 – 230 P.

18. Underbrush, Mary, Effective Class Management. London: Longman, – – 1987, -96 P.

19. J. Wills & # 8220 ; Prevention of Child Maltreatment & # 8221 ; A Wiley & # 8211 ; Inter scientific discipline Publication & # 8211 ; 1992, – 436 P.

20. William L. & # 8220 ; Exceptional Children & # 8221 ; . Heward /Michael D. Columbus, Ohio: -1984, -265 P.

21. Wallace, G. & # 8220 ; Teaching Children with Learning Problems & # 8221 ; . Columbus, Ohio: -1984, – 473 P.

22. Undertaking Work/Ideas for Communicative Language Teaching// An Introductory Booklet for Teachers of English, -2002, p.26-28.

23. hypertext transfer protocol: // Project & # 8211 ; Basic.

24. hypertext transfer protocol: // – Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners.


Table 2. Activities for the Topic & # 8220 ; My Body & # 8221 ;

Description of


Teacher & # 8217 ; s


Language Skills


1.Sing vocal and make the actions Nose, caput, shoulders, etc. Listening, talking accomplishments
2.Drawing the parts of the organic structure

& # 8220 ; Show me & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; What is it? & # 8221 ;

Talking, composing, listening accomplishments
3.To listen to the duologue Helping with hard words Listening and talking accomplishments
4. Mime-show Introduce new words Talking, composing, reading, listening accomplishments
5. Measuring your organic structure Giving instructions Talking, listening, reading, composing accomplishments
6. English nutrient

Giving cardinal words.

& # 8220 ; What is different about English nutrient? & # 8221 ;

Reading, listening, talking accomplishments
7. Game & # 8220 ; Healthy Food for Healthy Body & # 8221 ; Questions about the text Talking, listening, composing
9. & # 8220 ; Table Manners & # 8221 ; Helping with new and hard words Reading, speech production, composing, listening
10. Trial Read the first undertaking Listening, composing, reading, accomplishments

Figure 1. Types of the Intelligences in Form 4

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