William Wordsworth Essay Research Paper William WordsworthThroughout

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William Wordsworth

Throughout the Romantic Time period there were many first-class poets, but one is called the

greatest. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the town of Cockermouth, England.

Wordsworth was different than most kids in the sense that he loved poesy. His unusual

composing subjects have made him one of the greatest romantic poets. Many of his verse forms are

based on his life and beliefs. What Wordsworth is known for is composing about nature. He

learned during his childhood to love nature and what it had to offer him

( & # 8221 ; Wordsworth, William & # 8221 ; 1 ) . William Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s types of Hagiographas were seen in many

verse forms, but Lyrical Ballads and The Prelude were two of his chief 1s.

During the Romantic Period, William Wordsworths types of Hagiographas were different

than anyone else. In many of his verse form, he writes about childhood events ( Wordsworth,

William 3 ) . In other verse forms Wordsworth takes a more serious attack. In these verse forms his

subject went from his childhood to the Industrial Revolution of England ( U-X-L Biographies 3 ) .

What Wordsworth is most known for is nature. Wordsworth wrote many verse forms about his

childhood and the Industrial Revolution, but a bulk of them refer to nature ( Wordsworth,

William 3 ) .

During William Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s early maturity, the Industrial Revolution started in

England. Wordsworth was a individual who despised the revolution. Throughout many of his

verse forms, he wrote about the effects that the revolution had on the common people. The

Excursion is one of his better poems that described his feelings toward the revolution. His

feelings for the revolution are shown to his readers through the eyes of a immature adult male ( U-X-L

Biographies 3 ) . This is merely one of Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s subjects of authorship.

William Wordsworth is known to some people as the Nature Poet. This is because of

his many verse forms about nature ( Wordsworth, William 3 ) . At a immature age, Wordsworth learned

to appreciate what nature had to offer him ( Wordsworth, William 1 ) . His grasp for

nature was seen in An Evening Walk and The Prelude. These two verse forms describe different

things in nature that Wordsworth loved. His love for nature is besides seen in Lyrical Ballads.

This is a book of many different verse forms. In many of them Wordsworth describes nature and

what it has to offer. Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s love for nature has made him good known ( U-X-L

Biographies 3 ) .

In 1793 Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s foremost two volumes of poesy were published. They were

Descriptive Sketches and An Evening Walk. These two volumes were non every bit popular as some

others ( Wordsworth, William 2 ) . The two books of poesy that have made Wordsworth

popular are Lyrical Ballads and The Prelude.

Lyrical Ballads is a book of verse forms in which all of Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s subjects of authorship can

be seen. In 1797 Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A twelvemonth subsequently they published

Lyrical Ballads together. Lyrical Ballads was a aggregation of 23 verse forms. All but

four were written by Wordsworth ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 4 ) . The first 20 verse form of it

described the effects that the Industrial Revolution had on nature and how this affected the

people around it ( U-X-L Biographies 3 ) . Some of the verse forms in Lyrical Ballads were & # 8220 ; The

Idiot Boy & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; Peter Bell & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; Goody Blake and Harry Gill & # 8221 ; , and & # 8220 ; Simon Lee & # 8221 ; ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author

Series 14 ) . & # 8220 ; Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey & # 8221 ; is the most influential

verse form of Lyrical Ballad ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 28 ) . Lyrical Ballads is a aggregation of

verse forms that has made Wordsworth well-known.

& # 8220 ; The Idiot Boy & # 8221 ; is another verse form that Wordsworth in Lyrical Ballads. In this verse form

Johnny Foe is the imbecile male child, Betty Foe is his female parent, and Susan Gale is their neighbour. It

starts out with Susan falling badly. There is no physician within a stat mi. Betty saddle horses Johnny on a

pony and sends him after the physician ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 17 ) . Betty waits until midnight

so she goes to the town looking for her imbecile male child. When she arrives, she asks the physician if

he has seen her boy. He replies, & # 8221 ; no & # 8221 ; . Betty is so disquieted about her boy that she forgets to

direct the physician to Susan & # 8217 ; s house. She realizes that the pony might hold taken Johnny to the

households woodstack. When she arrives there she finds the pony graze on some grass with

her boy on it & # 8217 ; s back. While this is traveling on Susan rises from her bed as if nil was incorrect

with her. The three are reunited and unrecorded happily ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 18 ) .

Wordsworths following verse form in Lyrical Ballads was non Published until 1819 ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s

Author Series 19 ) . & # 8220 ; Peter Bell & # 8221 ; is about a hero who is on his manner place. He is walking

along the river when he decides to take a cutoff. Peter stumbles upon a donkey imbibing in

a watercourse. He decides to steal the animate being. Peter jumps on it & # 8217 ; s back, but the donkey will non

Budge. He so looks around for anyone that is watching. Peter so raises his cane and

knocks the animate being to it & # 8217 ; s knee ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 20 ) . He continues crushing the donkey

until it lies motionless. Then, looking into the H2O, Peter sees the face of a dead adult male. He

swoons from fright of what he has done. Then after rousing, he is encouraged by the donkey

to happen it & # 8217 ; s drowned maestro. Peter vows to make what of all time the donkey says. He mounts the

donkey and it carries towards the Masterss place. On the manner nature plays a few buffooneries on

Peter to frighten him. He besides passes a chapel that reminds him of his 6th married woman. Peter so

has a flash dorsum of his early life. When he comes to he is at the donkey & # 8217 ; s maestro & # 8217 ; s house.

Peter is questioned for the decease of the maestro. A sermonizer grabs Peter and attempts to acquire him to

state the truth. After a short clip Peter can non take any longer and he becomes a good and

honest adult male ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 21 ) .

Another verse form that was written by Wordsworth in Lyrical Ballads is & # 8220 ; Goody Blake

and Harry Gill & # 8221 ; . This verse form is about an older lady, Goody Blake, who lives entirely. In this

verse form Goody gets her fire wood from her neighbours hedges. One dark Harry Gill, Goody & # 8217 ; s


ghbor, catches her trespassing on his belongings. Harry catches her and so threatens her.

Goody Blake gets on her articulatio genuss and starts to pray. She prays that God put a expletive on Harry.

The expletive is that he will ne’er be warm once more ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 22 ) . Harry Gill puts

on as many apparels as possible, but he ne’er will be warm once more ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s Author Series 23 ) .

Wordsworth besides wrote a verse form about one of his neighbours, & # 8220 ; Simon Lee & # 8221 ; . In this

verse form Simon Lee, at an early age, was the fastest individual in town. There was non a individual

anyplace that could catch him. Later in life he is populating in poorness and bad wellness. Simon is

along the streets, in his ulterior old ages, seeking to cut a root. He can hardly raise the ax. A adult male

sees him and offers to assist. He takes the ax and with one swing he breaks the root in half.

Simon Lee is so thankful that he cries to the adult male.

In 1850, shortly after Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s decease, his greatest work was published. His most

celebrated work was titled The Prelude. The Prelude is a long verse form that describes

Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s life ( Wordsworth, William 3 ) . It did non state the narrative of Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s full

life, merely from early childhood through adolescence ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 2 ) . This verse form

was 13 books long when it was foremost finished in 1805 ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 2 ) .

Over the following 45 old ages Wordsworth improved the verse form. When it was eventually

published Wordsworth had lengthened it to fourteen books ( Wordsworth, William 3 ) . When

Wordsworth died he had non titled the verse form. His married woman felt that The Prelude was an

appropriate rubric for it, so she is given recognition for the rubric ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 2 ) .

In book two Wordsworth is between the ages of 13 and 17. In this book

Wordsworth is easy larning about the quality of nature. He realizes what nature has to

offer and what more it has to give. Wordsworth describes how these things were easy

being revealed. In this book Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s love for nature is foremost seen.

Book three of The Prelude is depicting Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s first twelvemonth at college. When he

foremost arrived he was happy to be at that place. It did non take long for him to hold a alteration of bosom.

Wordsworth did non hold any desire to larn. He thought he was merely blowing his clip. This

book describes how Wordsworth felt about acquisition ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 3 ) .

In book four Wordsworth writes about his first summer holiday. He is happy to be

back at his place in Hawshead. Wordsworth describes how he went back to his old manner of

populating before college. He describes how he could take his day-to-day walks through nature. This

book describes a more joyous clip of his life ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 4 ) .

In book five Wordsworth remembers a dream a friend had told him. The dream is

about a adult male who is entirely in the desert. Then all of a sudden an Arab appears transporting a stone and

a shell ( Barna, Mark Richard ) . The stone and the shell represent books. One book Tells of the

devastation of the Earth. The Arab hastes to bury the books before the terminal of the Earth

comes. He is last seen submerging. This dream makes Wordsworth recognize the freedom he

had with books as a immature kid ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 4 ) .

Book six of The Prelude is about his 2nd and 3rd old ages at college. Wordsworth

still did non care for college itself. His favourite clip was during his summer holidaies. Book

six describes a clip in his life when he was highly happy.

In book seven Wordsworth has graduated from college. In this book Wordsworth

depict how he walks the streets look up toing objects that he had ne’er noticed. In this book

Wordsworth is larning to bask his milieus ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 5 ) .

In book eight Wordsworth describes how he came to love nature and world. He

learned to love nature at an early age. Wordsworth watched shepherds in the mountains with

their sheep. He noticed how beautiful nature was and how much it had to offer. Through

this he learned to love world ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 5 & # 8211 ; 6 ) .

Book nine begins with Wordsworth going to France. He wanted to larn the

linguistic communication. Wordsworth met Michel Beaupey, who taught him many things about France

( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 6 ) .

In book 10 Wordsworth makes it back place from France. Shortly after geting

England declares war on France. In book 10 Wordsworth is under a batch of emphasis ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s

British Writers 6 & # 8211 ; 7 ) .

In book 11 of the concluding version as Wordsworth is still depicting his feelings for

the war. Wordsworth feels that England has let him down by declaring war on France. He

has assurance in France that they will settle the difference. Wordsworth ends this book by

composing a missive to Coleridge wishing him good ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 7 ) .

In book 12 Wordsworth writes about a different clip in his life. Here he depict

how he became a idolizer of analytical ground. This alteration caused Wordsworth to love

nature more than he of all time had ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 7 & # 8211 ; 8 ) .

At the beginning of book 13, Wordsworth has returned to his normal ego.

Wordsworth wanted to larn how adult male truly was so he went to the streets. He listened to

people & # 8217 ; s conversations and learned all he could ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 8 ) .

The last book of The Prelude was book 14. In this book Wordsworth describes a

hiking that he and a friend took up a mountain. They were traveling to watch the sundown. When

they reached the top Wordsworth looks and notices the mist in the vale. This sight was

something in nature that Wordsworth will ne’er bury. At the terminal of the book, Wordsworth

writes testimonials to Coleridge and Dorothy, Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s sister ( Twayne & # 8217 ; s British Writers 8 –

9 ) .

William Wordsworth & # 8217 ; s manner of authorship has influenced many people. Lyrical Ballads

and The Prelude were his two chief books of poesy that showed his chief subjects of authorship of

composing. This manner has left Wordsworth with the moniker & # 8220 ; The Nature Poet & # 8221 ; . William

Wordsworth has changed many people & # 8217 ; s positions on nature through his advanced manner of


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