Y2k The Millenium Bug Essay Research Paper

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Y2k The Millenium Bug Essay, Research Paper

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Many believe that the Millenium Bug is bound to impact everybody & # 8217 ; s life personally or economically. The possibility that many computing machine systems will see, slightly, an inability to work decently as the twelvemonth 2000 attacks, is a turning concern for most companies and persons. The deceit of the two-character twelvemonth in informations Fieldss could do anything from partial breaks to full, ruinous failures. The people speculated to meet Y2K could change from a broad scope of concern proprietors to merely recognition card holders. Small Business Owners Ignore Y2K, Study Shows, an article written by Hilary Stout from the Wall Street Journal provinces that many of the concern proprietors are merely hedging the job. Many of them believe that the fuss to happen and repair it is worse than the job itself. The resent survey showed that a 3rd of the little concerns have non even assessed the harm that could ensue. Another five per centum of these concerns were non even familiar with presence of the possible jeopardy. For other companies that are vulnerable to the Y2K bug a restructure of their computing machine systems are a non a precedence. However, another tierce of the little concern community has approached the job successfully and another 19 per centum have planned to travel up against the millenium bug. The first clip I read about Y2K I was loath to believ

e that we do not know the amount of damage this computer glitch could create. Just economically speaking it could cause a stock market crash or small businesses not being able to operate to bank ATM machines no functioning properly, all causing loses of thousands of dollars and customers. Other industries will also be affected like the air and land transportation since they are dependent on computer systems for nearly every task involved to function properly. Unfortunately, the modern society of today has grown very dependent of computers, which make it seem as though very few tasks were done by human beings. I recently realized this when one of the telecommunication satellites transmitting pager messages from one pager to another was damaged. My father who is a gynecologist could not be reached for emergencies, and my brother in-law could not be contacted to make important financial decisions for his small company. While one lost patients the other lost money. Now if this can happen to individuals in a small case scenario I can not picture the largest companies in the nation and the world having computer problems. This is why I believe that companies and individuals need to be aware of the dangers, and work as a community because if one domino falls the rest follow. Another solution to the millenium bug would be that as humans we reflect on what will happen and if we have given technology a proper role in our culture.

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