A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Essay

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In ‘A Tale of Two Cities. ’ by Charles Dickens. there were two characters that have many different personality traits. strengths. and failings. But they besides had a few things in common as good. These two characters are Sydney Carton and Madame Defarge. Although these two characters are likewise. they both have different motivations.

Sydney Carton is a really strong and intelligent adult male. Fist. Carton presents himself as a rummy. lazy lawyer. who feels as though his life has no significance. Carton professes his love to Lucie Manette. but subsequently on Carton becomes a changed adult male. He transform into a Christ-like figure. He begins to shoulder his manner through life. His ends are positive and lead to his “recalled to life. ” in book the first. Carton merely wants to make what he knows will delight Lucie. because he wants to decease with the cognition that one homo being in the universe who thought he was deserving something and cared for him. Another character in the book named Stryver. describes Carton as “summons. no energy. and purpose. ” Sydney besides describes himself as. “like one who died immature. ” The lone clip in which Carton’s motive boot in is towards the terminal. when he sacrifices his ain life for Charles Darnay because he knows it is what would do Lucie Manette happy.

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The following character I will depict is Madame Defarge. Madame Defarge is wholly motivated every bit good as Carton is. but Madame Defarge is besides driven with retaliation. It appears that Madame Defarge ends are merely of retribution. Madame Defarge is egoistic ; app her ends are reflected around herself and her ain retaliation. which is shown when she says. “Tell the air current and fire where to halt ; non me. ”

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