A Tale Of Two Cities By CHARLES

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A Tale of Two Cities Essay

Throughout history, the powers of love and hatred have invariably been engaged in a conflict for high quality. Time and clip once more, love has proven to be stronger than hatred, and has been able to get the better of all of the obstructions that have stood in the manner from it making its end. On certain occasions, though, hatred has been a feasible enemy and defeated love when they have clashed. In the novel A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens presents several different power battles between love and hatred.

One of the more celebrated power battles takes topographic point between Miss Pross and Madame Defarge, towards the terminal of the novel. When Madame Defarge, who because of her evil nature and diabolic visual aspect is compared to & # 8220 ; the married woman of Lucifer & # 8221 ; , appears at the Manettes & # 8217 ; abode to impeach the staying members of the family of pathetic offenses, she is confronted by Miss Pross. The consequence is a battle between these two magnificent adult females, who are complete antonyms of each other: & # 8220 ; It was in vain for Madame Defarge to fight and to strike ; Miss Pross, with the vigorous doggedness of love, ever so much stronger than hatred, clasped her tight? & # 8221 ; ( p. 360 ) . Miss Pross loves Lucie with all her bosom and would ne’er let any injury to come to her. Madame Defarge, on the other manus, does non merely detest Lucie, but she hates the Manettes and all Evremondes. One would believe that such a strongly fueled hatred would allow Madame Defarge to overmaster Miss Pross, but, as the reader finds out, Miss Pross & # 8217 ; finding to maintain her darling & # 8220 ; Ladybird & # 8221 ; safe, from any injury that might come to her or her household, allows her to overmaster and kill her enemy. This clip, the power of good overcomes the power of immoralities due to Miss Pross & # 8217 ; true love and dedication for Lucie.

Another battle between love and hatred can be found within Monsieur Defarge. In this peculiar instance, it is evil that

finally triumphs. Monsieur Defarge can be considered a true revolutionist, as his actions prove throughout the novel: “ ? and still Defarge of the vino – store at his gun, grown double hot by the service of four fierce hours” ( p. 215 ) . Monsieur Defarge indefatigably works alongside his fellow revolutionists to get the better of the nobility that has treated his countrymen so harshly. His committedness to the Gallic Revolution gives him grounds to back up the decease of Charles Darnay, but, unlike his married woman, Monsieur Defarge shows love for his friend, Doctor Manette, and his friend’s household. He does non desire to see any of them, except for Charles Darnay, harmed or executed. Even before the Gallic Revolution begins, Monsieur Defarge wishes that it will non affect Doctor Manette and his household: “- and if it does come while we live to see it prevail – I hope, Destiny will maintain them [ Darnay and the Manettes ] out of France” ( p.186 ) . The battle between love and hatred that exists here is Monsieur Defarge seeking to happen a manner to remain loyal to both his countrymen and his friend. Defarge chooses to seek and carry his married woman to merely allow the Manettes go, since they have non really committed any offenses. When Monsieur Defarge’s efforts at seeking to alter his wife’s head fail, he merely gives up and does non even seek to salvage the Manettes in any other manner. Senior Defarge is influenced so much by his milieus that he starts to believe that there is no manner he can assist his friend. Because of this Monsieur Defarge ends his quandary the easy manner – by non making anything.

In today & # 8217 ; s society, the power struggles between good and evil, and love and hatred has about ever been balanced. Like the twenty-four hours and the dark, or the yin and the yang ; love and hatred, and good and immoralities have found a manner to peacefully coexist in today & # 8217 ; s universe. Although sometimes the power is unequal, the balance is normally rapidly restored and merely minimum harm consequences from this imbalance.

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