Abortion Essay Research Paper Abortion 1Running head

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Abortion 1

Runing caput: Abortion

A Study of the Facts and

Points of Positions on Abortion

Sociology 200-10

November 12, 1999

Abortion 2

Table of Contentss


I. Introduction

Today in the United States 3

Objective of Research Paper 3

II. Review of Literature

Concept 3

Statisticss 4

Surgical Abortions 5

Non-Surgical Abortions 7

Pro-Choice Point-of-View 7

Pro-life Point-of-View 8

III. Decision

Quote & # 8211 ; The Prophet 9

Gifts 10

Life 10

IV. Mentions 11

Abortion 3

A Study of the Facts and

Points of Positions on Abortion


Today in the United States

Today, policies sing legal abortion in the United States are being debated everyplace from the halls of Congress to the street corners of our smallest towns. In the United States, the pro-choice and pro-life motions are both powerful and active. At this clip via media appears to be impossible.

Objective of Research Paper

The aim of this research paper was to find different facts and point-of-views on abortion. I myself am a pro-lifer and sorry to state prejudice on the topic, though in this paper I tried to set that aside and be open-minded. It is my purpose to show a reappraisal of the literature on construct and 1st, 2nd, & A ; 3rd trimester abortions, discuss differences in beliefs and point of positions, and present my sentiment on this extremely controversial topic of abortion.

Reappraisal of Literature


The babe is conceived at the minute the male sperm unites with the female parent & # 8217 ; s egg ( Stewart, 1992a ) . The individual cell, which is so formed, can now be called a fertilized ovum. If the gestation is normal, so the fertilized ovum will multiply and organize itself into several other cells, so it will go through the fallopian tubing, enter the uterus ( the womb ) , it will so engraft itself into the uterine wall. When

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the procedure of nidation has been completed, one to two hebdomads after construct, it can so be stated that the gestation is good established and on its

manner to the full development of the babe, and that the fertilized ovum can now be called an embryo.

Equally shortly as the placenta and the umbilical cord have become established, the embryo can so take the nutriment that it needs through these two things. The umbilical cord and the placenta provide nutriment to the babe from the blood of the female parent so that it can turn crude limbs and variety meats.

The babe & # 8217 ; s bosom starts whipping by the clip it has become three hebdomads old ( that is besides 18 yearss ) ( Stewart, 1996a ) . By the age of 45 yearss, the babe has noticeable encephalon moving ridges. Weaponries, legs, fingers, toes, and pess are all formed by the 8th hebdomad, and by the 12th hebdomad, the babe will get down to suck its pollex. Most babes can populate outside of the uterus by the clip they are 20 to 28 hebdomads old. Birth by and large will happen when the babe is anyplace from 38 hebdomads old to forty hebdomads old.


Every twelvemonth there are more so one point six million abortions performed in the United States entirely ( Baker, 1995 ) . As of 1987, 21 per centum of adult females in America that were between the ages of 15 and 44 had an abortion. If this rate, persists, so this per centum will turn, and by the clip climacteric is reached, 46 per centum of the adult females in the United States will hold had at least one abortion ( Lunneborg, 1992 ) . These estimations can besides be

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made because for every five kids born in the United States, there will be two abortions performed. British Sociologist Collin Francome has predicted that

more than four out of every 10 American adult females will hold at least one abortion in their life ( Lunneburg, 1992 ) .

Of the one point six million abortions performed per twelvemonth merely five to six per centum are done to profit the wellness of the female parent ( Stewart, 1996b ) . That leaves ninety three per centum of the abortions are non down for the wellness of the female parent. Another 40 per centum of these abortions are down by adult females who have had old abortions ( David, 1995 ) .

Harmonizing to Congress, approximately 89 % of abortions are done in the first trimester ( three months ) ; they total about 1.4 million/year in the United States. About 140,000 2nd trimester ( four to six months ) abortions are performed annually ; stand foring about 9 % of the sum. About 2 % of abortions are preformed in the 3rd trimester ( seven to eight months ) of gestation, that & # 8217 ; s 3,200. However, the fact, ineluctable on difficult paper, is that out of the 1000s of abortion centres, a individual abortion centre in New Jersey committed over three thousand 3rd trimester abortions per twelvemonth ( Rosenblatt, 1992 ) . There is besides a clinic in New York that commits more so a few thousand per twelvemonth.

Surgical Abortions

One type of technique used during the first trimester is the suction curettement ( vacuum aspiration ) ( Baker, 1995 ) . This technique is used early in the 1st trimester. The neck is dilated with a series of instruments. A tubing is inserted

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into the womb and connected to a strong vacuity. The embryo is removed by suction.

Another type of technique, which is performed subsequently in the 1st trimester, is dilation and curettement ( D & A ; C ) . It is the same technique used after abortions ( Baker, 1995 ) . The neck is dilated. An instrument with a crisp cringle at the terminal is inserted into the womb. The inside wall of the womb is scrapped ; the liner and the embryo is removed by suction.

The lone technique used in 2nd trimester abortions is dilation and emptying ( D & A ; E ) . A stuff made of seaweed ( Laminaria ) is placed in the neck in order to distend it widely. Forcepss are so used to take the baby/fetus, in pieces.

One type of technique performed in the 3rd trimester is saline or prostaglandin abortions. A needle is fed through the adult female & # 8217 ; s venters into the liquid that surrounds the baby/fetus. A saline solution, made of salt and H2O, is

passed through the acerate leaf. The baby/fetus dies of salt toxic condition. Labor follows, and a dead baby/fetus is delivered. The salt burns the tegument of the baby/fetus.

Another type of technique performed in the 3rd trimester is called partial birth abortion. The adult female & # 8217 ; s neck is dilated, and the baby/fetus is pulled pess

foremost through the birth canal, everything but the caput will be delivered. The sawbones so jabs a crisp object into the dorsum of the baby/fetus & # 8217 ; caput, removes

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it, and inserts a vacuity tubing through which the encephalons are extracted. The caput of the baby/fetus contracts at this point and allows the foetus to be more easy removed from the uterus.

Non-Surgical Abortions

The first type of non-surgical abortion is a combination of two drugs ( methorexate and misoprostol ) will normally end the gestation if given at seven hebdomads or less of construct. Methotrexate prevents the cells in the embryo from spliting. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract. Blood coagulums will be passed. The embryo is normally expelled within a hebdomad. One complication of this process I

s that it is merely approximately 90 % dependable ; the embryo is non expelled, but continues to turn. Because of the nature of the medicine used, it will about surely be earnestly deformed.

Another type of non-surgical abortion is the RU-486 pill. This pill is taken no subsequently than nine hebdomads after the start of the last catamenial period. It is an

antiprogestin. It binds itself to progesterone receptors on the wall of the uterus therefore barricading the consequence of the adult female & # 8217 ; s natural Lipo-Lutin. This triggers the sloughing of the uterine wall, much like a normal period. RU-486 besides opens the

neck and causes mild contractions to throw out the embryo. The embryo is normally expelled within four to 24 hours. It works about 95 % of the clip.

Pro-choice Point-of-View

Pro-choice groups believe that abortion is a spiritual issue, protected by separation of church and province.

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Pro-choice groups believe female parents must be able to protect their wellness and life. The female parent should besides hold the legal right to take what she wants to make with her organic structure. These are two pro-choice positions on why they feel abortion should be legal.

Pro-choice groups besides believe abortion should be legal in the instance a adult female might happen herself pregnant in a state of affairs that was unmanageable. One of these instances is in the instance of colza. A adult female is forced to hold intercourse with a male against her will and she becomes pregnant. There is besides the instance of incest, where a miss is forced to hold intercourse with a household member and becomes pregnant.

There is besides the instance of the mentally retarded. A adult female that is mentally retarded becomes pregnant but does non understand that she is non capable of

taking attention of herself while pregnant or the babe after it is born. The opportunity of acceptance is really slender because of the opportunity of the babe holding greater defects so the female parent.

Pro-life Point-of-View

& # 8220 ; You shall non murder. & # 8221 ; Exodus 20:13. Many people try to warrant the act of abortion through stating that the babe is non alive. Anyone that has encephalon moving ridges, and is able to see any type of hurting what so of all time, is alive and has experienced life. Although we do non retrieve our clip in the uterus, everyone should believe about the fact that it was our first clip to hold a existent idea, our

Bazor 9

foremost touch of feeling, and our first existent idea. Pro-lifers think that abortion is clearly an act of inhuman treatment, and an act of slaying.

Pro-life groups believe that holding the legal right to make something does non hold anything to make with the issue of whether something is morally right. In add-on, merely because a physician performs this act does non it is any more moral. Pro-life groups believe that there is another human being turning inside the uterus.

Pro-life groups believe that pro-choice groups should believe of whom they might be aborting and non giving a opportunity at life. That they could be aborting the

following Yoko Ono, Jane Goodall, Mother Theresa, or many of the other adult male and adult females that have made a great impact on many peoples lives.


Quote & # 8211 ; The Prophet

And a adult females who held a baby against

Her bosom said, speak to us of kids.

And he said ;

Your kids are non your kids.

They are the boies and girls of Life & # 8217 ; s

yearning for itself.

They come through you but non from you.

And though they are with you yet they

belong non to you.

K. Gibrant

Abortion 10

The quote speaks of the singularity that everyone has and that everyone should be allowed to hold. Each kid possesses individualism and is given as a gift to the female parent. They are simply a gift of joy and of life. They are non given to the female parent so that she can end this gift of joy at any clip. Yes, the babe is portion of the female parent, but the babe is besides a separate being, hence this does non give the female parent the right to end.


Every clip that a life is terminated there is a depreciation of human life. There is perfectly no alibi for this act of legal slaying. A babe is clearly a gift from God, and we should non fiddle with the hereafter that God has predetermined for us, and for that babe. If a babe is meant to decease, so God will take attention of the state of affairs.


So many people want kids so severely in the United States that they are traveling to drastic steps to obtain kids. If people would move responsibly, so we would non hold to confront this issue. Why take the joy out of a kid & # 8217 ; s life, and the joy out of desiring twosomes life. There is one stating that I would wish to go forth you with ; LIFE, WHAT A Beautiful CHOICE ( Catholic Social Services ) .


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Baker, A ( 1995 ) . Abortion and Options Counseling: A Comprehensive Reference. Granite City: The Hope Clinic for Women.

David, H.P. ( 1994 ) . Generative Rights and Reproductive Behavior. New York: American Psychologist.

Lumneborg, Patricia ( 1992 ) . Abortion: A Positive. New York: Bergin and Garvey.

Rosenblatt, Roger ( 1992 ) . Abortion in the American Mind. New York: Random House.

Stewart, John ( 1996a ) . Taking Sides, Moral Issues. Connecticut: Duskin Publishing.

Stewart, John ( 1996b ) . Taking Sides, Health and Society. . Nutmeg state: Duskin Publishing.

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Baker, A ( 1995 ) . Abortion and Options Counseling: A Comprehensive Reference. Granite City: The Hope Clinic for Women.

David, H.P. ( 1994 ) . Generative Rights and Reproductive Behavior. New York: American Psychologist.

Lumneborg, Patricia ( 1992 ) . Abortion: A Positive. New York: Bergin and Garvey.

Rosenblatt, Roger ( 1992 ) . Abortion in the American Mind. New York: Random House.

Stewart, John ( 1996a ) . Taking Sides, Moral Issues. Connecticut: Duskin Publishing.

Stewart, John ( 1996b ) . Taking Sides, Health and Society. . Nutmeg state: Duskin Publishing.

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Baker, A ( 1995 ) . Abortion and Options Counseling: A Comprehensive Reference. Granite City: The Hope Clinic for Women.

David, H.P. ( 1994 ) . Generative Rights and Reproductive Behavior. New York: American Psychologist.

Lumneborg, Patricia ( 1992 ) . Abortion: A Positive. New York: Bergin and Garvey.

Rosenblatt, Roger ( 1992 ) . Abortion in the American Mind. New York: Random House.

Stewart, John ( 1996a ) . Taking Sides, Moral Issues. Connecticut: Duskin Publishing.

Stewart, John ( 1996b ) . Taking Sides, Health and Society. . Nutmeg state: Duskin Publishing.

Abortion 11


Baker, A ( 1995 ) . Abortion and Options Counseling: A Comprehensive Reference. Granite City: The Hope Clinic for Women.

David, H.P. ( 1994 ) . Generative Rights and Reproductive Behavior. New York: American Psychologist.

Lumneborg, Patricia ( 1992 ) . Abortion: A Positive. New York: Bergin and Garvey.

Rosenblatt, Roger ( 1992 ) . Abortion in the American Mind. New York: Random House.

Stewart, John ( 1996a ) . Taking Sides, Moral Issues. Connecticut: Duskin Publishing.

Stewart, John ( 1996b ) . Taking Sides, Health and Society. . Nutmeg state: Duskin Publishing.

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