‘Ang Nalalabi Rito’ by Nikka Osorio Essay Sample

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While reading ‘Ang Nalalabi Rito’ by Nikka Osorio. I have felt a roller coaster of emotions. Today. the category listened to her explain her book and she shared a batch of her penetrations to us. First. I want to take note of what she said about the book: Nikka said her purpose for the book was to convey merely light emotions for the reader. I beg to differ ; I sort of found the book to be a small spot heavy with emotions. I am non stating that it’s a bad thing. For me. the book is truly great because it made me ponder and unwrap my emotions. In that sense. I sometimes can’t aid but think that if non most of the clip. the writer seems sad. I do non intend to pique ; it is merely how I interpreted the readings. I besides want to stress on how the writer gave us her penetration on how she writes. She said that. for he. composing is like come ining a maze. There are a batch of ways inside. and sometimes you will non detect how deep you are indoors and how long you have been at that place but as she said. like composing. she knows that she is done composing when she gets at that place.

She doesn’t concern about how long or how deep she is in composing because when she gets at that place. she knows. And She knows that there is a coating. After hearing that. it made me believe that the challenges we tackle in life are much like mazes. We don’t cognize how long it will last and we don’t cognize how deep we are in but we can be certain that it has an stoping. I would wish to besides use that manner of thought in my life after hearing that. I want to believe that with every challenge that comes along my manner. I would wish to ever retrieve that there would ever be assorted attacks towards the job and that even if there are uncertainnesss. I should ever retrieve that every job has an terminal and every challenge has a manner out. I have besides heard the different readings of the writer sing the verse form she wrote but I besides have my ain readings in which I will set them here.

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A batch of the verse form I read in the book have struck my emotions. It made me believe a batch of what I am experiencing and how life revolves around me. One of the verse forms that I liked the most is the 1 titled Imahen. and the manner I interpret the verse form is that it is about a individual seeing person from a far and look up toing the individual from a distance. I besides see it the supporter non being able to travel near the individual. It may be because. in the verse form. the individual is afraid or diffident. or possibly the supporter is unable to because the individual is no longer at that place or the individual is now unapproachable and that the lone manner for the supporter to make the individual is to happen person who knows the individual and allow that person pass a message to the individual so that the individual will cognize of the esteem being offered.

Upon reading the following page. the verse form was made clearer by the account of the writer but what stuck on me the most is where the verse form was based upon: the Automat by Edward Hopper. I read in her piece that beside the graphics. it says that the picture is an image of unhappiness but it is non a sad image. After reading that. my focal point swayed from the verse form to the picture. It made me chew over why it was said to be an image of unhappiness but non a sad image. Deep inside. I could associate to that statement. I could experience that image of unhappiness besides being portrayed through me. I could experience the same image of sadness coming from the picture because I think I besides emit the same image of unhappiness at times. I besides read a few about the picture and some critics claim that the image is a portraiture of disaffection. The manner I see it. sometimes people feel alienated even in one’s ain state but non in other’s state. but it could besides work vice-versa.

Another verse form that I truly liked is the verse form entitled Ang Nalalabi Rito. The last stanza of the verse form goes like this: nanogram alaala ng wala dad midday. sa alaala nanogram wala na roon. The last stanza made me believe. I know the last stanza may be every bit simple as it is already but I wanted to cognize what the writer truly meant by it. The manner I understand the last stanza is that in the person’s position in the verse form. he or she was excessively late for that something he or she is waiting for. Too early for it. or excessively late for it. either manner. the chance has been missed.

Another verse form that got my involvement was the verse form entitled Kung Bakit Nagsusulat. It got me interested because through the verse form. the writer speaks to the reader on how she started to compose and what her ground for authorship is. Through the verse form. I can see through the author’s oculus. see her position and narrative in composing. The first stanza besides caught my oculus. The first stanza goes like this: Hindi ko na maalala kung Fatah Revolutionary Council Air National Guard dinahilan. basta nalampasan KO Air National Guard tanong. at natagpuan Air National Guard sarili. I besides want to integrate that in the manner I live my day-to-day life. For me. those lines are speaking indirectly to me. They are stating me that if I stop oppugning everything that has happened. is go oning. and will go on in my life. so I will be able to travel on towards a better hereafter and I will be able to happen the replies to all the inquiries that need non be asked.

A few more verse forms that I liked are the 1s that have non been finished. It may look that they are unimportant and that they are merely plants that have non been done but to me. I find beauty in them. To me. it shows the imperfectness of things. To me. it shows that non everything works O.K. and non everything will work or travel the manner we want them to travel but even though it does non. things can still be beautiful. and things can still be appreciated with merely a simple alteration in point of position. tulad na lamang nanogram mga di natapos na obra ni Nikka Osorio. even if it is unfinished. I still find it indispensable. beautiful. and existent.

Another verse form that caught my oculus is the verse form entitled. Sa Kapihan. the writer talked about being inside a java store and the experience she felt being on the other side of the glass window glass while sipping on her java and detecting the different people traveling about in their concern in a fast paced mode. She talks about how everyone outside the aromatic universe of beans seemed like they were in a haste to make their finish. The writer besides talks about how the pigeons are ever about at the same topographic point when they could be free with their wings and wing off to anyplace they want to travel. with that statement. it made me inquire why? In my ain reading. I think. merely like the individual in the verse form. they are detecting the busy universe. Wondering why these people are in such a haste. traveling about. minding each and every one of their concerns. ne’er hesitating to mind the other people go throughing them by. Just like the writer. they wonder. In the last stanza. the writer said: At marahil. kailangan ang ganitong kulimlim. Na ang isa SA amin ay National Aeronautics and Space Administration bahagyang dilim. upang may makapanalamin. I liked that line. For me. it shows that balance is needed or so I think the writer is stating that there must ever be a balance in everything. Yin and Yang. Light and Darkness.

Up following is the Divine Madness. I like this verse form because during the talk with the writer. Nikka said that it is fundamentally. about a lover’s wrangle. After re-reading it once more. it made sense to me. The manner I interpret the verse form. I guess it’s how the wrangle ended up being bad and that there were words used that were non meant to be said and that the twosome wished they did non said those words and that if merely they can take it back. That is why it seemed like the verse form was fluxing in contrary. to reflect the desire of the twosome or the one who said the bad things to turn back the clip and to take back everything that has been said.

Another one I like is the Pakiusap verse form. I liked it because it shows the uncertainness a individual can hold towards an result he or she is waiting for. Just like what the writer said. it is about picking a flower inquiring If one will be forgiven or non. Merely like the ‘she loves me. she loves me not’ being done normally by supporters inquiring if the 1 they admire will love them back or non. The verse form shows the despair and the about dwindling hope of the individual inquiring if he or she will be forgiven. Once once more. the verse form shows pragmatism and gives life to existent emotions that people like me will be able to link with and do a bond with it.

Overall. I found the book to be of high quality. the brand was really good and the pages were really tough. I besides found the book to be really insightful. it helped me recognize and research some of my concealed emotions every bit good as divulge deeper into the current emotions that I already know of. It made me recognize and accept that there are things that you have to cover with day-to-day and that there will ever be challenges in life. you merely have to cognize how to cover with it and you merely hold to command the manner you react to things. Sometimes it is better to step back from the universe every one time in a piece. happen a peaceable sanctuary. and detect the universe around you. The writer has besides taught me other lessons that will assist me in my life. she has taught me that no affair how hard the challenges are. there will ever be an reply to it and that there will ever be a manner out every bit long as you keep on traveling and non give up. In some pieces in the book. I besides learned to discontinue oppugning everything that goes into my life ; sometimes we merely have to accept the things that we can non alter and cover with it in another manner.

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