Assessments – Nutrition – Food Groups Essay

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My first grade category is take parting in a wellness lesson that will present them to the nutrient groups. They will utilize MyPlate as a resource for larning the nutrient groups and what nutrients are included in each group. The aim of this lesson is that the pupil can call nutrients that belong to each of the nutrient groups labeled on MyPlate. Our wellness end will be utilizing MyPlate as a healthy feeding tool and our vocabulary words will be nutrient group and MyPlate. We will put nutrients in each of the five nutrient groups and know the nutrient groups by name and colour cryptography: Grains ( orange ) . Vegetables ( green ) . Fruits ( ruddy ) . Dairy ( blue ) and Protein ( purple ) .

Students will be assessed on their ability to put and/or name nutrients in the appropriate nutrient group. Students will be placed in appraisal groups based on their degree of English proficiency. The pupils will be assessed as follows: * Beginning ELL – pupils will be shown a exposure of a nutrient and be told the name of the nutrient ( Internet Explorer: exposure of an apple with instructor talking the word apple ) the pupil will so be asked to indicate to the nutrient group on MyPlate ( see attachment 1 ) ( www. cnpp. usda. gov ) in which the apple belongs.

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Intermediate ELL – Students will be given exposure of nutrient with the name of the nutrient along with a clean MyPlate ( see attachment 2 ) ( www. choosemyplate. gov ) . They will be asked to colourise each nutrient group and so put the nutrients in the appropriate nutrient group. * Advanced ELL – Students will be given a clean MyPlate ( see attachment 2 ) ( www. chosemyplate. gov ) and be asked to compose the names of at least three of their favourite nutrients in each group and so colourise the nutrient groups the appropriate colourss.

The informations gathered from the appraisals will allow me cognize how they comprehended and understood the lesson and will get down to give me a snapshot of their English proficiency. Did they understand the words when they were spoken to them? Are they apple to read words associated with a exposure? Can they compose words based on their cognition and the lesson that was taught? Nutrition is taught every twelvemonth in Kindergarten through 5th rade so a pupil of any level…ELL. SPED. Gifted. and Regular Education can be evaluated and old old ages knowledge can be compared. Make the first class get downing ELL pupil move up at least one degree by 2nd class? Are they considered proficient by 5th class? Portfolios can be made and follow the ELL pupil through school so that instructors can compare old year’s work to the work they are making that twelvemonth. They can look for betterment in their English proficiency every bit good as the cognition in the content countries being taught.

As a instructor with ELL pupils I would non merely look to learn them our English words for our nutrients but I would seek to draw exposure of nutrients that might be of import to their civilization. I would seek to happen nutrients they are already familiar with and demo them where they fit in the universe of nutrition. Using this information would assist make a comfort zone for them because they would at least acknowledge the exposure of the nutrient and larn how we say it in English.

Once the appraisals are performed we will be able to find if the pupil is capable of larning the content even though English proficiency may be low. If they score low so we will cognize that we have to go on to better their English to assist them in all content countries. If they are hiting high. while we will go on to better their English but we will cognize they are capable of larning and understanding the content being presented to them. A instructor might see puting the ELL pupil in equal groups with English talking pupils to assist increase their eloquence.

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