Athletic Team Mascots Essay Sample

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Mascots originally represented objects. largely in the signifier of homo or animate being characters. which were thought to convey good luck and success to persons. squads or organisations. While mascots have been in usage in France for ages. they gained popularity in the UK. and the USA. merely after the interlingual rendition of Edmond Audran’s amusing light opera La Mascotte into English in the late 1800s. and the subsequent debut of a new word. the Mascot. in the English Language.

The original use of mascots was harmless plenty and they were mostly used as organisational symbols. beat uping points and bonding tools for squad integrity. Over clip their usage in the United States took a unusual bend ; Native American or Indian characters came to be progressively adopted as mascots by school and college athleticss squads and their development for this intent became a persistent and permeant aspect of American civilization. Numerous professional and good known sports and athletics squads still use Native American characters and are profoundly attached to them.

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About 100 U. S. colleges athletics Indian mascots or names today. At the high school degree. more than 1. 000 schools use such mascots. Five professional athleticss squads use Indian images: the Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians of Major League Baseball ; the NBA’s Golden State Warriors ; and the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and Washington Redskins. ( Native American Mascots Big Issue in College Sports )

Even though some colleges like Stanford and Dartmouth have abandoned the usage of their Native American mascots. legion schools still refer to their squads as the Indians. the Apaches. the Redskins or the Braves.

While the “Indian” beginning of these icons differ from squad to squad. either holding been specifically adopted. or holding come about from organic societal development. the permeant usage of Native Americans as mascots for athleticss squads is grounded in alone societal and historical conditions. or more specifically. typical sets of societal and historical contexts that made it satisfying and enjoyable for white Euro Americans to incorporate images of Native Americans in featuring. athletic. and physical contexts. These include ( a ) the inclination of Euro Americans to tie in Native Americans with physical as opposed to rational ability. ( B ) long established patterns to presume the functions of Indians in drama state of affairss. ( degree Celsius ) their station conquering authorization to allow. invent. and otherwise represent Native Americans. and to hanker for facets of their civilizations that had been destroyed by conquering and ( vitamin D ) the proliferation of Native American civilization and history through amusing books. exhibitions. eyeglassess and other amusement avenues. ( King and Springwood 4 ) The usage of “Indians” in drama state of affairss of immature males has besides been felt to be instrumental in their emotional fond regard and continued association with featuring activities of immature male grownups.

Many featuring events have luxuriant rites like the 1s that occur on autumn Sabbatums at Florida State University. where in forepart of 1000s of fans. the school’s mascot. a Native American figure called Chief Osceola gallops into the bowl atop his powerful Equus caballus Renegade transporting a bally lance. Horse and rider charge from one terminal of the field to the other following which the head plunges his lance into a similitude of Chief Osceola painted on the grass. adding to the exhilaration of the game. While these actions are meant to increase witness involvement and enjoyment. much in the nature of cheerleaders in short skirts. their continued usage has led to a ritualization that has become indispensable and built-in to team athleticss and witness engagement. ( Native American Mascots Big Issue in College Sports )

In recent old ages the usage of these mascots has become an increasing affair of contention and argument with legion people condemning their usage as an unbearable and oppressive societal pattern.

Across the United States and Canada. persons and organisations. from high school pupils and instructors to the American Indian Movement and the National Congress of American Indians. passionately and sharply have contested Native American mascots. coercing public arguments and policy alterations. ( King and Springwood 4 )

Public sentiment started turning against the usage of Native Americans as mascots for athleticss squads. since the early 1890ss. with media coverage and public sentiment progressively coming about to the sentiment that their widespread usage by athleticss squads. at the school. college and university. every bit good as by professional and semi-professional squads was instrumental in degrading and roasting Native Americans. The permeant usage of such characters from the community in cartoonish representations by 100s of schools and colleges was instrumental in perpetuating widely held stereotypes of Native Americans as a crude people who had non progressed and still existed in a three hundred twelvemonth clip deflection. even as the universe around them advanced quickly and changed beyond acknowledgment.

Chemical reactions against the usage of Native Americans as squad mascots originate from two distinguishable subdivisions. viz. concerned sections of mainstream America and from the Native Americans themselves and are manifested in different ways. Mainstream community and media sentiment against the usage of Native Americans as icons focus on the utmost discourtesy such actions inherently carry against members of the community and express concern that their continuation perpetuates cultural stereotypes as lazy. undependable and crude. and by making so add to the jobs of unemployment. alcohol addiction and dependence that still exist in the societal construction of Native Americans. ( Jackson and Lyons )

While these sentiments are of class seconded by Native Americans their spring against the pattern to boot contains the torment. desperation. and hurt that can be exhibited merely by people who really face subjugation. and experience and see the humiliation of being invariably treated with superciliousness and ridicule. While Native American author Tom Giago requested the culprits to “stop dissing the spiritualty and the traditional beliefs of the Indian people by doing us mascots for the athletic teams” and farther asked “Is that inquiring excessively much of America? ” . ( Jackson and Lyons ) other voices from the community besides contain a tragic and echt torment.

Dennis Banks. a member of the American Indian Movement. exclaimed: Why do these people continue to do jeer of our civilization? We Indian people ne’er looked the manner these imitations portray our civilization. Nor have we of all time made jeer of the white people. So so why do they make this to us? It is painful to see a jeer of our ways ( 1993. p. 5 ) . ( Jackson and Lyons )

Much of the prevailing enthusiasm in go oning to utilize mascots stems from the significant pecuniary deductions of the activity and the fiscal benefits that arise to organisations. universities and providers. The sale of points like New Jerseies. chapeaus. inflatable chairs and other merchandisable goods leads to minutess affecting 1000000s of dollars. and subscribers really frequently link really significant contributions and gifts. even committednesss to construct bowls to the continued usage of bing Native American mascots. American society is profoundly involved in branding. and team directions know that popular mascots are tremendously powerful stigmatization tools that can be used efficaciously for increasing supporter base. actuating bing fans. and raising money.

Alumni associations besides exert great force per unit area on college disposals non to take mascots. icons and emblems associating to colleges that they can associate to. Ralph Engelstad. a casino baron one time committed 100 million GBP to his alma mater. the University of Dakota for constructing an 11. 500 place modern hockey bowl. Objecting to the University determination to reexamine the squad nickname the Fighting Sioux he threatened to retreat his offer if the University went in front with any programs to alter the squad name. In a clear resignation to the dictates of large money the University of Dakota dropped its committee to analyze the contention around the name and assured Engelstad that the Fighting Sioux would go on to stand for the college athleticss squad. ( Native American Mascots Big Issue in College Sports )

While there is considerable force per unit area to maintain squad mascots traveling. the motion for their remotion from per se multi cultural establishments like athleticss squads is deriving impulse. Across the United States and Canada. persons and organisations. from high school pupils and instructors to the American Indian Movement and the National Congress of American Indians. passionately and sharply have contested Native American mascots. coercing public arguments and policy alterations. Numerous national and regional organisations are forcing for the riddance of the pattern and Native American groups carry on a quiet and relentless run that is get downing to acquire consequences and increase public apprehension of their base. The American Anthropological. in a statement makes the undermentioned base.

The continuity of such officially sanctioned. stereotyped presentations humiliates American Indian people. trivializes the scholarship of anthropologists. undermines the acquisition environment for all pupils. and earnestly via medias attempts to advance diverseness on school and college campuses. ( Mitten )

The US committee on civil rights has besides condemned the usage of such images and monikers as athleticss symbols and stated that while the committee does non order how people chose to show themselves. the usage of such symbols is disrespectful and insensitive to American Indians and that schools have a duty to educate their pupils in order to guarantee deceits about civilizations or people should non be perpetuated. ( US Commission on Civil Rights condemns the usage of Native American Images and Nicknames as Sports Symbols )

Despite turning resistance. advocates of the continuation of Native American characters as icons and symbols feel that the issue is comparatively minor and should non be treated as a national issue of sedate importance. Loss of money is an issue of extreme importance and the backdown of mascot usage can surely ache the fundss and chances of legion school and college squads. ( Oregon pedagogues lobby to maintain mascots ) Apart from the issue of fundss. protagonists besides province that their bridal of mascots. far from demoing disrespect to any community. embody a national fondness for an built-in portion of American history. The usage of mascots. while non minimizing the Native American community in any manner really reinforces the construct of Native Americans as being a brave and unafraid people and by tie ining such qualities with athleticss squads physiques pride. bonding and belonging.

During the province Department of Education meeting on Tuesday. Reedsport Superintendent Forrest Bell said his ain Native American pupils are in full support of the school’s tribal-themed mascot. They feel really proud that our school is the Braves. Bell said of those 14 pupils. and they like our logo and they all say they think it is really of import to maintain it. ( Oregon pedagogues lobby to maintain mascots )

While this argument shows no marks of stoping. and the First Amendment of the fundamental law of the United States embodies the right to freedom of look. increasing Numberss of people are get downing to experience that continuation of such patterns are distressing and need to be phased out from caring. sensitive and multicultural societies. The alteration. in this instance. has to be at a societal degree. Parents and primary and secondary school instructors need to take the duty to point their kids and pupils towards esteeming different communities. Continued attempts in this way will guarantee the gradual phasing out of culturally disrespectful patterns and put an terminal to the Braves. the Tomahawks and Apaches. Chief Osceola will be able to decease peacefully in his slumber. Merely so will American society demo its empathy for Native Americans. a demand that has escaped it for centuries.

Plants Cited

Jackson. E. Newton. and Robert Lyons. “Perpetuating the Incorrect Image of Native Americans. ” JOPERD–The Journal of Physical Education. Recreation & A ; Dance 68. 4 ( 1997 ) : 4+ . Questia. 28 Oct. 2007 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o & A ; d=5002237954 & gt ; .

King. C. Richard. and Charles Fruehling Springwood. explosive detection systems. Team Liquors: The Native American Mascots Controversy. Lincoln. Neon: University of Nebraska Press. 2001. Questia. 28 Oct. 2007 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o & A ; d=109802129 & gt ; .

Native American Mascots Big Issue in College Sports. 9 May. 2001. Tolerance. org. 27 Oct 2007. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // World Wide Web. tolerance. org/news/article_tol. jsp & gt ;

Oregon Educators Lobby to Keep Mascots. 24 Oct. 2007. United Press International. 27 Oct 2007. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // World Wide Web. upi. com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2007/10/24/oregon_educators_lobby_to_keep_mascots/3647 & gt ;

& lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // World Wide Web. usccr. gov/press/archives/2001/041601. htm & gt ;

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