Women Want Domination Essay Sample

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A batch of authors talk about what do adult females desire. and they have different sentiments about it. Women want all sorts of things. they want money. they want love and they even want sex. But. what are adult females strictly looking for? Chaucer talked about it in his Canterbury Narratives by stating the prologue and narrative of Wife of Bath. In the narrative of Wife of Bath. he started this treatment with a queen’s inquiry. “What thing it is that adult females most desire” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 49 ) . And he eventually told the reply to people that adult females want “sovereignty” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 182 ) . Chaucer gave out the inquiry about what do adult females want. and so gave the reply to the inquiry. As he was explicating that in The Wife of Bath’s Tale. he described that adult females want to rule their hubbies and love in The Wife of Bath’s Prologue by stating the narrative that happened between Alison and her five hubbies. All the facts and inside informations point out that adult females want domination. Even know that some times Alison failed to command Jenkin. she tries to make that and was successfully making that most clip. And when she failed to rule Jenkin. she would be huffy.

Jenkin had a book which he called it “Theophrastus” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 661 ) and “Valerius” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 661 ) . In this book. it had many narratives about that adult females and married womans made some bad effects by their actions and determinations. Every clip when Alison tried to travel out herself at dark. Jenkin would read those narratives to do her feel bad and unhappy. Alison wanted to halt him and make what she decided to make. because she wanted to command Jenkin. She thought that Jenkin should listen to what she was stating and make what she was inquiring him to make. alternatively of seeking to do her make what he wanted her to make. In Alison’s sentiment. she should be the 1 who make the determination and rule their place. So. she thought she could travel out and make whatever she want. Jenkin should non hold jobs with that. But. since Jenkin was non like her old hubbies. he would non listen to her all the clip ; Alison eventually got huffy. She was beaten by Jenkin and lay on the floor. she asked Jenkin to snog her before she die.

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By making that. Jenkin promised he would non crush once more. and the most of import thing is that “He put the bridle reins within my manus to hold the government of house and land ; and of his lingua and of his manus. besides ; and made him fire his book. right so. oho” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 803-806 ) . She was beaten by Jenkin all the clip. but she had ne’er given up holding the domination of her place. love and hubby. She eventually made Jenkin listen to what she was stating and make what she was inquiring him to make. she even made him fire his cherished book. And when she made him make what she wanted him to make. she felt so happy because of the domination she got. Alison controlled her first three hubbies reasonably good. She married them when she was still immature. she married them because of money and she made them make everything for her. They “were rich and old” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 197 ) . but they helped her. gave her their “gold” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 204 ) and “treasure” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 204 ) . and loved her so good. She can keep them entirely in her manus and regulate them so good by her ain jurisprudence. She wanted hubbies who could be controlled by her.

She said her hubbies should be “ Who shall be both my debitor and bondage and hold his trials there withal upon his flesh. he while I an his wife” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 155-157 ) . and she besides said that “I have the power during all my life over his ain good organic structure. and non he” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 158-159 ) . She went to neighbor’s place and likely wanted to make something incorrect with the neighbour. but she accused that her hubby should non believe the chitchat about her. And she accused that her hubby fault her like a “fiend” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 244 ) . even her hubby did non make that. she tried to do him believe he did. She did that to do him experience guilty. and so she could hold more grounds to dominant him. She wanted to win the statement which was between her hubby and her. because she believed that her hubby should be controlled by her.

She had informant and told her hubby that he said all the things when he was rummy. Her hubby could non happen what she said was non truth. so he had to acknowledge he did all that. That was a portion of domination. Her hubbies could non win her by an statement. she could do her hubbies believe all she was stating. Her hubbies would ever be also-rans when they faced to her. She enjoyed that. that made she experience she was the top 1 of her matrimony. household and love. She married them for money. she made them make everything for her. Because she made everything under her controlling. her first three hubbies loved her so much. they felt like they could non lose her. and they would experience happy when she said them carnival. All she wanted in her matrimony was domination. In The Wife of Bath’s Tale. Alison told a narrative about a knight. The knight was supposed to happen out that what adult females were wanting to salvage his ain life. He asked many people. some said that adult females wanted “best riches” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 69 ) ; some said that adult females wanted “fair fame” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 70 ) ; and some said that adult females wanted “prettiness” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 70 ) .

He eventually met an “old wife” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 142 ) . “Then whispered she a sentence in his ear. And bade him to be glad and have no fare” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 165-166 ) . He came back to the queen. and said the reply to all the people that “Women desire to hold the sovereignty every bit good upon their hubby as their love. and to hold mastery their adult male above” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 182-184 ) . Chaucer described this reply in this narrative by two adult females. the queen and the old married woman. The queen asked the knight to happen the reply that what do adult females like most. If he could happen the reply. he did non hold to be dead. but if he could non. he would lose his life. By making that. the queen controlled the knight ‘s most of import thing which was life. she made the knight did what she wanted to make. The knight had no pick. he either did what the queen wanted him to make or lost his life. That means. the queen could the knight in her manus. And the old married woman who told him the right reply besides wanted to rule him.

The old married woman gave him the right reply. but she besides said that “ you will take me for you wife” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 199 ) . She knew she was old and disgusting and hapless. but she wanted to hold the love from the knight. She tried to do the knight make what she said he should make. no affair the knight was willing to or non. She said to the knight that she would be his true love and married woman ; even the knight refused to make that. the wold married woman did non give up. Finally. the knight allow the old married woman go his married woman. but the old married woman accused him that he made her feel so lonely. The old married woman wanted the knight her better. After a piece. he found out that the old married woman can be immature and beautiful. His married woman gave him picks. he could an old and disgusting married woman with true love. or he could hold a immature and beautiful married woman who would take all his opportunities off. To reply this inquiry. the knight said that “My lady and my love. and married woman so beloved ; I put myself in your wise government ; Do you take which may be the more pleasing. and convey most honor to you. and me besides. I care non which it be of these things two ; for if you like it. that suffices me” ( Chaucer. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. 374-379 ) .

The old married woman made the knight be that manner she wanted him to be. and she made the knight be willing to populating under her government. That was her intent and she did it successfully. Alison governed Jenkin. She may non be able to rule him every bit good as she had done to her first three hubbies. but she made Jenkin make what she wanted him make most clip. Particularly after they had the statement about the book Jenkin had. Jenkin promised that he would listen to what Alison said and do what she asked him to make. Alison governed her first three hubbies really good. She could do them make everything for her. even she did non handle them really good.

She made them love her so much. and made herself be the top 1 of her love and household. They could non win her in an statement ; they could non halt her making what she was willing to make. They could non command her. but she could command them. The queen and the old married woman governed the knight every bit good. The knight had to what the queen asked him to make. unless he did non mind being dead. The old married woman made him married her when she was still old and disgusting and hapless. and eventually made him be willing to be governed by her. These three adult females wanted to regulate work forces and did it every bit good as they wished. Through them. it is easy to cognize that adult females want domination upon their hubbies. their love and their households.

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