Attitude, Meaning Symbolism and Allegory Essay

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Part 1: Discussion with Others on Symbolize Pool. Highway and Character Needy

The “Swimmer” is one of a long familiar plants of John Cheever ( 1964 ) which is exemplifying of his suburban narratives in which John relates persons populating by utilizing symbolize subjects such as Pool. main road. character Needy. suburban area and prefiguration. How these symbolizes used by John Cheever to narrate his narrative sum up the pragmatism. surrealism and humoristic description of suburban life.

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I believe the pool is the digging of H2O. But in John Cheever’s ‘the swimmer” . the pool is the corruption of the nature which represents the topographic point of characters. Cheever relates his narrative that the constraining nature of the suburbs is implicit in the estimate of the pool itself. It is the construction by which the H2O. the most of import natural of all earthly and an necessity of life is set for activities or leisure. John Cheever considers in narrative. the life of in the suburban as a pool of persons that portion same involvement of life.

In John Cheever’s narrative. main road is the swimming pools of his county used by Neddy Merril ( 369 ) as a agency of transit back to his house. The writer point of position Needy used the pool as main road to go from neighbour to neighbour. From pool to pool/ He go through the dark underbelly of suburban area. and detect the labour of both his and his community’s lives. The main road is the way that allows Neddy to take parting his community’s lives and discovers his ain life.

The Character. Needy see himself to be an adventurer or a pilgrim when he determines and continues as such even if the terminal of the narrative and his unusual determination describe nigh. As Neddy goes into one pool out to another. he considered himself as born-again each clip. happening out that the universe is non the informal topographic point he at one clip comprehended. He considered the word as a composite that topographic point he ne’er comprehends because of the diverseness of human activities and demands.

Boding and intoxicant two symbolize that are of import to the result of the narrative. In the Swimmer of John Cheever. the prefiguration designated what is incorrect between the worlds and the phantasmagoric materialize. The writer used the prefiguration by agencies of the simple description mundane objects and events. For illustration the illustration pool. unusual attacks storm despite the perfect Sun minute the odor and marks of fall. The writer did non stipulate to the reader that this adult male acquiring a hallucination or something is incorrect. The Swimmer of John Cheever represents the intoxicant as a motive and the symbol and of import to several degrees. As a motive intoxicant about likes a handshake or a tranquillizer and polite. impermanent gesture. It is the chief object around which all societal or parties’action rotates.

This is mentioned at the beginning of the narrative when the storyteller negotiations about how about everyone “drank excessively much” . The intoxicant gesture symbolizes an invitation to organize aside world and articulation others in a covering of world. The ready find out that Neddy covering the world and imbibing was merely the portion of the instance There may be different reading by the readers because each reader has his manner to grok or understand the subjects or the full narrative. Certain readers amend or contrast what the writer or storyteller develops in his novel or book. Some readers explain things harmonizing the manner he likes things to be. while others exculpate what person has developed his narrative. For illustration there are many reading of the pool in the “Swimmer” of John Cheever.

Part 2

I believe when you dream of H2O. it means the person will be a powerful and rich adult male. The H2O defines the prosperity and repose of life harmonizing of certain civilization. The serpent defines the manhood and the fright. When some dreams of serpent. means it will give a birth of male child and he will be a group leader. Falikou from another state had a different point about these dreams. In my state. when person dreams of H2O means a long lasting job which extend to whole state ; trickery. when person dreams of serpent defines poorness and physical hurt. Equally far as my concern. the multiples reading of the same narrative by different readers because his reader has his believe and his civilization in add-on to his apprehension of the narrative. That why there are humourist. naturalist. surrealist. existential philosopher and anthropologist. These different classs of people will hold different reading of same narrative. The multiple readings of the same narrative occur when different sentiments of different classs of people amend or contrast the authors ‘stories. novels or books.


Cheever. J. ( 1964 ) . Writer of “The Swimmer” in Introduction to Fiction Poetry. Drama. and
Writing. X. J. Kennedy. Dana Gioia

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