Biography Of Genghis Khan Essay Research Paper

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Biography Of Genghis Khan Essay, Research Paper

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The old universe had many great leaders. Alexander the Great,

Hannibal and even Julius Caesar met with battle on their rise to

power. Possibly Genghis Khan was the most important of all these

swayers. To turn out that Genghis Khan was the greatest swayer, we must travel

back to the really beginning of his being. We must analyze such

issues as ; Genghis? s battle for power/how his life as a kid would

impact his regulation, his personal and military accomplishments and his


Genghis Khan was originally born as Temujin in 1167. He showed

early promise as a leader and a combatant. By 1206, an assembly of

Mongolian captains proclaimed him Genghis Khan. Which meant

Universal or unbeatable prince. This was a bold move for the assembly.

They evidently saw some leading qualities in Genghis that others

didn? T. When Genghis Khan was small, his captain male parent poisoned.

With no leader left, the folk abandoned Genghis and his female parent. They

were left entirely for many old ages to care for themselves. Throughout

these old ages, his household met many adversities such as deficit of nutrient

and deficit of money. Though unable to read, Genghis was a really wise

adult male. His female parent told him at a really early age the importance of trust

and independency. & # 8220 ; Remember, you have no comrades but your shadow & # 8221 ;

Grolier Encyclopedia. ( 1995 ) Cadmium ROM

This quotation mark was to intend to Genghis, Don? T put to much trust in

anyone, trust no 1 but yourself and if you must travel your ain manner so

make so. In 1206, Genghis Khan proclaimed the swayer of Mongolia. Genghis

was a really well-thought-of leader. Like other leaders he knew what his

people wanted. They want everything that is good and nil that is

bad. Genghis knew he could non assure this so alternatively he pledged to

portion both the Sweet and the bitter of life. Genghis did non desire to

stop up being poisoned like his male parent so alternatively he made confederations,

and attacked anyone who posed a serious menace. Through this method

of leading, Genghis? s ground forces grew to the point where they were


Genghis contributed alot of points to the Chinese and even

western civilisations. Possibly his greatest part was a codification of

Torahs that he declared. Since Genghis couldn? t read or compose, these jurisprudence

were documented by one of his followings. His Torahs were carried on by

people though the many coevalss to the point of still being in usage

today. Either as a alteration of Genghis? s Torahs or as Genghis had

declared them. Genghis Khan promoted the growing of trade between China

and Europe. This allowed him to derive indispensable supplies such as nutrient,

arms and other indispensable endurance stuffs. Genghis besides invented

a system similar to the pony express. It was a system in which the

Equus caballus and rider could mutely pass on, a system that is still in

usage today. Possibly the greatest gift of all time given by Genghis Khan was

the gift of linguistic communication. Genghis was the first swayer to develop a

Mongolian linguistic communication. Genghis Khan was besides a military and strategic

mastermind. He structured his ground forces in a alone and interesting manner. He


ed soldiers from different folks into one powerful contending

force. This was a superb thought. Not merely could he hold diverseness and

people who specialize in certain facets of warfare, but it besides

inspired trueness to the Mongolian ground forces as a whole instead than to a

specific group of people. Genghis used rough preparation and strict

subject to make a superior combat force, he besides insured that

everyone of his soldiers was good equipped and could easy adopted

new warfare tactics. His soldiers were ever larning. Whether it be

a new tactic Genghis had invented or a new arm He decided the ground forces

would utilize, his soldiers were invariably larning. Genghis inspired

trueness by a alone manner of publicity. Genghis felt that the best manner

to derive a loyal following was to advance people on the footing of

accomplishment and non within the household. This did non merely animate a

great trade of trueness but it besides made his ground forces better and really

raised the morale of his soldiers. Every soldier gave their life to

Genghis and one hundred per centum of their attempt because no one knew

who would be the following Genghis would advance.

Finally, one time Genghis & # 8217 ; s ground forces was trained and ready for conflict,

Genghis felt it was clip to flex the musculuss of the Mongolian imperium.

Genghis took on the great undertaking of suppressing all of Chinas and unifying

it under a individual swayer. Genghis began his assault on China by

assailing a Northwest land called Xi Xia. He defeated Xi Xia with

small attempt and so in 1215 he moved north-east, assailing and

suppressing Bejing, the capital metropolis of the Jin imperium. In 1218, for

grounds unknown, he decided to discontinue his assault on China and brush

into cardinal Asia. He crushed the land of Krorezm which was

located in what is now contemporary Uzebekistan and Turkmenistan. In

1220, he destroyed the metropoliss of Bukhara and Samarkand, which are

located in contemporary Uzebekistan and Neyshabar in modern Iran. By

1223, Genghis Khan and his military personnels had conquered the Kipchaks, and they

had defeated the Russians at the Kalka River. It had taken Genghis

Khan 17 old ages to make an imperium higher-up in strength and accomplishment

to Alexander the great, Julius Caesar and even Hannibal. From 1225

until Genghis? s decease in 1227, His ground forces was at war with Yi Yia


Genghis Khan died on August 18, 1227, and was buried in a secret

location in Mongolia. By honoring accomplishment and commitment, and penalizing

those who opposed him, Genghis Khan established a huge imperium and the

most powerful imperium to of all time be. Upon his decease, Genghis? s boy

Kublai Khan took over the imperium, establishing the chinese-style Yuan

dynasty. Mongol regulation brought comparative peace to Asia, go forthing China

accessible to foreign visitants, such as Marco Polo.

& # 8212 ;


Grolier Encyclopedia. ( 1995 ) . Cadmium ROM

The New World Book. ( 1995 ) . Cadmium ROM

Empires Beyond the Great Wall: The Heritage of Genghis Khan.

Online. Internet. 1 May 1996

Heroes ( Genghis Khan 1167-1227 ) .

hypertext transfer protocol: //

Online. Internet. 2 May 1996

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