Book Report – Fault in Our Stars Essay

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Meaning of the rubric:

“The mistake. beloved Brutus is non in our stars. / But in ourselves. that we are underlings. ” was said in Shakespeare’s drama ‘Julius Caesar’ . Stating that it is non fate that decides our hereafter. but alternatively our ain weaknesss. That you are to fault for the bad thing that happen in your life. But the rubric ‘The Fault in our Stars’ says that sometimes it’s non our mistake ; things happen in life. sometimes we can’t command it ; there will be jobs along the manner. and we merely have to cover with it.

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Brief drumhead:

Hazel. an mean adolescent who thinks she is traveling to decease. She was diagnosed with malignant neoplastic disease when she was immature. and has problem with her lungs. She so met a male child called Augustus in the Support Group. Augustus merely had one leg because he had had osteosarcoma ( A type of bone malignant neoplastic disease ) . Hazel besides made another friend called Issac who finally went blind. Augustus and her shared common involvements like the book called‘An Imperial Affliction’ . They went on escapades to Amsterdam to see an writer that Hazel idolizes. On their trip. they had some physical dealingss. However run intoing the writer wasn’t precisely what Hazel and Augustus had expected. Later on Issac dies. so Augustus’s malignant neoplastic disease subsequently returns…

Style of Writing:

The narrative is written in Hazel’s point of position – who is the storyteller of the narrative. The authorship in this book is easy to follow because it’s written in a colloquial manner. As if the reader was the supporter. The book uses a batch of intriguing sentences and phrases to show the feelings and ideas of Hazel Grace. The writer likes utilizing duologues to state the narrative.

Fictional character:

The characters are rather credible because they are like any type of mean adolescent. However they have to cover with a little job in their wellness impacting a large portion of their life. The characters are really realistically portrayed and I think the writer did a great occupation in depicting the different characters.


The secret plan is rather credible as it is non fiction. As readers. we can sometimes associate to the state of affairss or even experience what the characters are experiencing throughout the book. There are a batch of secret plan turns in the novel. so the reader would non cognize what is approximately to go on. This gives the narrative line more suspense and builds tenseness throughout the scenario.


I would urge this book to immature grownups. because there is an unbelievable secret plan turn in the book which mesmerizes the reader and gives them heartache. Making them desire to be the supporter of the narrative. The characters are about our age. and sometimes us adolescents or immature grownups can link to what the characters in the book are traveling through. This book has a powerful narrative line which emphasize the life of how two adolescents are contending malignant neoplastic disease. which has inspired and touch the teens bosom.

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