Business Plan Final Essay

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Castle’s Family Restaurant Business Plan: Phase III

Executive Summary

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The intent of this concern program is to understand the eating houses concern and its operations to better its client service and its employee dealingss. The Castle Family Restaurant has eight eating houses that operate under one regional director that besides acts as the Human Resource Manager for the eating houses. The end is to develop a program that can diminish the travel clip of the regional director so ; that he. Jay Morgan. can salvage on gas due to high gas monetary values since each eating house is located in the northern California country. The aim is to present a HRIS application and one seller that can help in the development of the HR section and ease the transitioning of one single HR director to multiple employees. There are eating houses with net incomes in head and supply the same nutrient and service while the Castle’s Family believes in household. partnerships and developing relationships with one another for a great client service.

The Castle’s Family Restaurant has eight eating houses in northern California with approximately 300-340 employees. Most of the employees are portion clip with approximately 40 % of them full-time. This concern program is to find schemes that will extinguish the Human Resource place from Jay Morgan. so that he can cut down his travel clip to all eight locations and to develop an HR section for the eating houses. In add-on. the concern program is to enable Jay Morgan to concentrate on his operation director responsibilities.

Company Review

The factors that cause many issues to the Castle’s Family eating house concern are holding one single with so many duties. Therefore. engaging an HR director to agenda. recruit. hire and help the employees in their demands will assist in making order. In add-on. the eating house must engage an helper to assist in the disposal work ; it will diminish the sum of paperwork for the general director. And each eating house must hold a director to overseas the employees and the operation of the eating house. The directors will carry on meetings monthly to supply the gross revenues. grosss and client services of each eating house. Directors can pass on through electronic mails. phone calls if they have inquiries for each other. or have any concerns. A needs appraisal must be conducted to find if an HRIS is needed for the company. In order to hold a successful eating house concern every factor must be considered. For illustration. client service to the clients is a large factor because that is what brings in the gross. For a eating house to hold a successful concern they must hold the right nutrient for their clients to bask and to help the clients any manner they can.

In the last twelvemonth. there had been some guess into how the authorities will assist the little eating houses and that the fiscal will forestall any type of nest eggs in when revenue enhancement clip comes about. These HRIS and seller application that will be stated in this concern program is at that place to develop and assist keep the restaurant’s H R section and increase growing in the company.

Business Analysis

We have acquired an HRIS system that will assist in developing the HR section to supply easy procedure for the employees. The Sage HRIS application is an advanced manner to ease the passage from traditional HR to a strategic HR. The Sage applications provide assortment of options to help in the HR procedure. For illustration. the paysheet application should be implemented to assist the eating house set up revenue enhancement. net incomes. and tax write-off codifications to execute critical paysheet maps and to modify the system to the restaurant’s needs. This is the first clip Castle’s Family Restaurant is developing a HR section. holding the right tools to run a section the right manner will let less errors to be made ; with eight different locations. adding the sage application will assist in the transitioning all locations into one. Furthermore. it is critical for a company to hold leading to assist set up the employee’s strengths and better their failings. In add-on. the sage’s clip and attending can assist pull off the employee’s attending and work clip. The system enables you to roll up. analyze. and take control of employee’s attending and labour informations.

The application will assist the company in supplying fringe benefits to employees that ever come to work on clip. In add-on. the public presentation direction application paths employee’s public presentation ; assist place their critical accomplishments to assist the employees in their calling development. Furthermore. I have compare and contrast a seller that would profit your company. These two sellers provide great services but one lucifer your company’s true values and its missions. The Castle’s Family Restaurant need a seller that can assist in developing long lasting relationship and demonstrates positiveness so that persons can be their best. Furthermore. mechanization is feasible to cut down the demand of human mistakes that can consequences in more major effects. Automation mistakes can happen at any clip. the solutions are easy to repair. and mechanization provide easy informations that can be alteration. delete and edit.

HRIS Type/Comparison

The type of HRIS that the Castle Family Restaurant should implement is the Sage application as I have stated earlier. In order for such application to be developed a seller must be selected to assist in the procedure. The sage application is a best tantrum for the company because it has a group of squad that can assist in helping in any proficient troubles. When developing new HR section. mistakes will dwell and inquiries will necessitate to be answered. Therefore. a new preparation plan will necessitate to develop to increase each employee’s accomplishments and public presentations in the Human Resources Department. The Sage application has the calling sweetening preparation ; they have created a system that can assist in observing IT skills. leadership’s accomplishments. etc. ; that can profit your eating house.

The application has an easy to read system. The sellers that I have selected are the ADP and the Rideau Recognition Solutions. The ADP provides all services for domestic international. little or big companies. it does non count where you operate. and they are at that place to help in developing the concern. The Rideau Recognition Solutions supply services that inspire employees to win to the vendor’s belief. Their expertness is to assist their clients construct positive relationships with their people to reflect the company’s values and increase customers’ outlooks. The Rideau chief intent and their definition of a concern are being inspirational and supplying inspiration to others. While ADP is good recognized company that can help in developing an HR section. and have the tools to execute the occupation. but because of the deep significance and relationship that can develop with the Rideau Recognition Solutions and the eating house being a household company ; I believe that the Rideau is the best solution for the Castle’s eating house.

HRIS Vendor Recommendation

I have recommended that your company. The Castle’s Family Restaurant. to take the Sage HRIS application and the Rideau Recognition Solution as your seller. They have the right tools that can set up the eating house concern. and their tools can help in the development of the HR section. In the eating house concern there will be a batch of hazards such as nutrient poising. faux pas and autumn and belongings amendss. Once these types of hazards occur this is where the HR section comes in to help in deciding the state of affairs. This why there should be developing when these disadvantages come to visible radiation. The sage applications have the proper tools to assist make up one’s mind the professional manner to manage such state of affairss.

The HRIS application provides professional preparation to each person HR employee. While these hazards can happen. another job that cans cause little concerns disadvantage are the financial drop which this twelvemonth little concern operators revenue enhancement rate has increase by 5 per centum. Furthermore. cognizing these disadvantages will let you. the Castle’ Restaurant to fix yourself as a eating house. In add-on. utilizing these sellers and HRIS system will allow better preparation ; and develop great communicating between the HR section and the employees and directors for great client service. It is of import to cognize the negative factor and a positive factor on having a little concern eating house and to fix for any tactics on a professional degree. In decision. I recommend the Sage as your HRIS application and the Rideau Recognition Solution as your seller.


The Castle’s Family Restaurant has been runing on one individual footing. with eight eating houses to supervise. There are many responsibilities to keep to guarantee a smooth concern ; with such issues that can originate in each eating house. developing an HR section to supervise these undertakings will cut down hazards that can happen. I have concluded that the Sage HRIS and Rideau Recognition Solution are the chosen application and seller for your company to assist in the developing your eating house concern. The application and seller will and can help you in many different factors and assist better employee communicating.

Frumkin. Paul. “How ‘fiscal cliff’ trade impacts little restauranters. franchisees. ” Nations’s Restaurant News. Jan 9. 2013. Retrieved on 8/24/2013 & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //nrn. com/latest-headlines/how-fiscal-cliff-deal-impacts-small-restaurateurs-franchisees & gt ;

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