Convection Currents Essay

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There are many different grounds why the earth’s crust is traveling. Some for illustration are the clash between two home bases doing major temblors. Sometimes when this home bases are pushed together they form fold mountains or ridges. Today we know that the continents are bit by bit traveling apart. Therefore the there is new stones created in between those countries. New vents are created and new stones are formed.

Home plate tectonics allow scientists to cognize about the earth’s Centre. The pelagic home base slides under the Continental home base because it is heavier. Once it goes under the Continental home base it melts into the asthenosphere. The Richter graduated table is a graduated table that scientists use to mensurate the magnitude of an temblor. It can state us how much the earth’s crust has moved ( how hard ; set uping the surface ) . A displacement along a mistake on the Continental crust could besides do temblors.

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Teacher transcript The earth’s crust I s made up of subdivisions called home bases. These subdivisions ‘float’ on the liquid mantle and easy travel about. The motion of the home bases is caused by convection currents. A convection current is how a liquid moves when it is heated. Hot liquid rises up and pushes the ice chest liquid out of the manner. In the mantle. this is go oning all the clip. As the liquid stone moves. it can force the continents on the home bases In this diagram you can see the convection currents in the mantle and the way

In the center of the ocean. new stone is formed when hot stone from the mantle rises up. At the borders of ocean. old crust is destroyed when it stinks down under the continent an thaw once more. In this diagram. you can see new crust forming at the mid-ocean ridge and forcing the old crust towards the continent.

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