Definition Essay: Freedom Essay

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Freedom Our bow male parents fought for political freedom from the dictatorship of England and its male monarchs. Slaves fought for freedom and equality. Women fought for the freedom from their stereotyped “wifely duty” and their right to vote. We now are get downing to see freedom. due to the World Trade Center Disaster. being redefined and more defined. Young Americans of the past proverb freedom otherwise than immature Americans of today. The pampered young person of today’s society usage freedom in respect to acquiring a auto or acquiring to purchase new apparels. Freedoms to colonial immature Americans were non so junior-grade. They were a large portion in assisting our state interrupt free from England and to them being free from the spiritual restraints of their twenty-four hours were freedoms celebrated. non merely acquiring name trade name vesture. I believe. as Americans. we are free but our freedom comes with duty that should non be taken so lightly. Possibly we have lost position of what freedom truly is and what it is meant to make.

Freedom has a broad scope of application from entire absence of restraint to simply a sense of non being hampered or frustrated in determinations one makes in life. We have. for some clip now. taken our freedoms for granted. The freedoms from one province to another or one state to another differ greatly. doing a true definition of the word ill-defined. Peoples throw the word freedom about as if it is non something of importance. Millions of our fellow Americans have died and 1000000s more put their lives on the line daily so we can hold the freedoms we have now.

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Freedom is defined as the absence of necessity. coercion. or restraint in pick or action. Given this definition. many of the topographic points we use the word freedom or the sense of being free are really misused. Freedom is non a new outfit or a new auto. Advertisers have used freedom to depict their merchandises or the feeling that their merchandise would give you but that does non intend that merely because you wear or drive their merchandise. you are non more free than you were earlier. For illustration. running down a wet street entirely in Nike places does non do you more free. Freedom has been used so unrestrictively socially that many Americans have forgotten what freedom truly means. Peoples use the word freedom to depict everything and to utilize as an alibi or ground behind many awful things they do. Freedom is non an alibi for mistreating your neighbour who is different from you.

Freedom was fought for to do life better. it was non created to be used to estrange. maltreatment. or wounded people. When abused. either in protest or in life in general. we cause others to be hurt or killed. For illustration. in protests today people burn the American flag. our symbol of freedom. to do their point. Veterans of our Armed Forces and every loyal American are hurt by this. The sum of blood that was shed so we could hold our flag and our freedom being taken so lightly is a shame. Freedom combatants in our history who wanted to get rid of bondage or desegregate communities were killed because they fought for freedom from bondage because they believed that freedom would do them peers.

Some groups today. utilizing freedom as a mask. are contending to take away our freedoms or to restrict them more. Cults utilizing freedom of faith as a mask persuades people to go forth their hoes and household and live in their communities. They get their followings to give up their freedom for the good of their faith and even to kill themselves and others. Pro-lifers lookout abortion clinics seeking to acquire people to alter the jurisprudence leting women’s freedom of pick utilizing freedom of address as their mask. These freedoms are for our common good as a state non to acquire everyone to be what person else wants.

True freedom is an unrestrained and unrestricted right. with this in head. are we genuinely free? Yes. we are free but we are expected to utilize our freedoms with duty and the good of our state as a whole when we act out utilizing freedoms we have. All freedoms in our fundamental law and life have restrictions for the protection of the good of society and the good of our state. We have the freedom to bear weaponries but without the proper license. one can non transport that gun on their individual out into the universe to do injury. We have the freedom of address but with the bounds set so we can non defame or slander another individual without being punished.

We teach our kids as they get more freedom that there are effects for mistreating their freedoms. Possibly Americans need a reminder of the effects associated with maltreatment of their freedom. It is now being said by political critics that the calamity of September 11 is our wake-up call. That this calamity was the world’s manner of stating us that our freedoms are at hazard and that we should maintain our democratic thoughts to ourselves. Possibly now that people have to go forth earlier to take a flight so their luggage can be checked more carefully and now that UPS will open and look in every box we want to direct. Americans will look upon their freedoms with a little more thought non lightly peeking and taking them for granted.

As Americans. we must learn our kids about freedom so that the future coevalss will non take their freedoms for granted or mistreat them. When a babe is born they have no freedom since they can non even walk. talk. or eat without aid. As they grow. they get more freedom and we guide them with subject so they know right from incorrect and good from bad. They know non to name names. to esteem the flag. and to appreciate others for their differences instead than detest them or ache them. when their parents steer them as they grow. Without this counsel kids will acquire worse and worse every coevals. They will take their freedoms for granted more and mistreat them worse. I teach my kids that the American flag is a reminder of all those lost in conflict and that it represents our state.

They know freedoms are of import and that non everyone in the universe has them so they should appreciate them. non abuse them. They respect the flag and the freedoms that it represents. We do non utilize our freedom of address to do merriment of others who may be different from us or to state things that may ache other people’s feelings. As a parent and function theoretical account to younger coevalss. we must all make our portion to do them understand about freedom and duty. If they are doing merriment of person for being different. they are punished or if they abuse person else for being of a different faith. they are punished. This is the beginning of larning about freedom. duty. right and incorrect. and effects of their actions. My kids know the Pledge of Allegiance even though they do non state it in school any longer. as they should. If childs were reminded daily by stating the Pledge. they would cognize to esteem it and the freedom it stands for.

In many states. they have no freedom. They can non talk out against a authorities when it is incorrect. they must be the same faith as everyone else. and they can non even choose whom they marry. In our state we can make all of these yet many people still think it is so bad here. We do non hold
to worry about merely being able to hold one kid or that our parents can pick our hubby when we are born. Our freedoms allow us make what we want within ground. I think the restrictions are more common sense than anything. Like it says in the Bible. make unto others as you would hold them make unto you. Make non defame person else or their faith. Do non mistreat your neighbour for differing sentiments or skin colour. Do non seek to coerce others to your life styles or manner of thought. Don’t do anything to another American that you would non wish them to make to you.

Our bow male parents would be disgusted to see the maltreatments of freedom and deficiency of duty in utilizing those freedoms in today’s universe. They did non fight and decease for us to destruct our state. our fellow countrymen. or our planet. So when you think of freedom. image the American flag winging over the debris that was one time the World Trade Center or visualize the American flag rocking over as a soldier wounded in conflict carries it. Freedom is non a word to utilize lightly. It is a word that comes with duty and that is of import to our state. State it when you meant it and when you are demoing regard to those who have given their life so that you can state it every twenty-four hours.

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