Definition Of War Essay Research Paper Definition

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Definition Of War Essay, Research Paper

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Definition of War: Sherman & # 8217 ; s Hell The term & # 8220 ; war & # 8221 ; is one that most competent English speech production people arefamiliar with, and it is one that most of those same people could attemptto define. The lone job lies in the definition that one would receive.War is so complex and multifaceted that it is genuinely understood by merely afew people. Wars day of the month far back into history, and they have been foughtfor more grounds than could be listed. It seems unusual, but untimalely, they are fought for one ground. Freedom has been the issue of every warsince the beginning of clip, and whenever a group of persons feelsthat their freedom has been infringed upon, war is ever possibility. It is merely logical that in a war there must be some signifier of a protagonistas good as an adversary, but in many instances it is ill-defined who gets whichlabel. The American Civil War is a perfect illustration. The South wanted thefreedom to do determinations that benefited a mostly agricultural society, and when that freedom was denied they withdrew from the Union. The Union, on the other manus, viewed the South as a group of groups doing anattempt to fade out the integrity of provinces that their ascendants had workedso hard to make. As a consequence they felt their freedom of integrity andnationhood had been taken off. It is hard to state who was in theright, but when all of the dialogues had been exhausted, war was theresult. In this instance there was no other option because both sides believedin their cause. Gen. William T. Sherman said |War is HellX, and that quotation mark hasremained celebrated because even though simple, it is accurate. American menspent hebdomads at a clip in rat infested trenches with lice all over theirbodies in both World War One and Two. There are infinite illustrations ofhorrible war offenses, biological arms, napalm work stoppages, and of coursenuclear arms. War has claimed 1000000s of lives throughout history. War is glorified by many, but the people who know see no glorification in it, yetthey do it for freedom, and most if asked would state that they would make itagain. In all of these wars, the soldiers believed they were contending for


eir own personal freedom, or the freedom of some other group ofindividuals. Had they not believed this, they would not have risked theirlives. War it a last resort. Generally speaking, people do not like war, andwant to avoid it at all costs. It is believed that a large part of whyAmerica went to Vietnam was for monetary reasons. Companies have to makeall of the ships, helicopters, airplanes, and supplies. As a result, jobsare created and the economy in stimulated, but the U.S. government couldnever tell that to the public. It is very possible that these wereulterior reasons for the Vietnam war, but the government simply turned itinto an issue of freedom. As a result the public was told that aftertrying to make peace with North Vietnam, the U.S. Navy was continuallybeing assaulted and that there was no option but to go to war. At thatpoint Americans had the option to believe that they were involved fornoble and acceptable reasons. Even though freedom of some type is directly related to all majorconflicts, it is not necessarily the freedom of all those involved.Operation Desert Storm is a good example. Though it was technically not awar, in had many of the characteristics attributed to war. The UnitedStates was involved because of Iraq+s blatant disregard for the freedom ofthe people of Kuwait. There have been countless arguments about whether the United States should be the |policemanX to the world, but a finaldecision will never made because there is answer. War is about freedom. The cynics will tell you that Americans go to warfor ulterior reasons like money, and there may be some truth to that. Theargument has been made Operation Desert Storm would never have occurredhad it not been for oil. It is possible that this is true, but if it wasnot for the oil, Kuwait would seem to powerful countries as much moredistant place. The fact is, Kuwait does have oil, and as a result the with Kuwait on a very close and personal level. With this kind ofrelationship, it is only natural that we would protect Kuwait if theirfreedom was threatened. War is painful, bloody, and terrible, but as longas people want freedom, it will be a way of life.

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