Democracy Essay Research Paper DemocracyThesis Is democracy

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Thesis: Is democracy a possible signifier of authorities? With out it the universe would be full of pandemonium and unfairness. Democracy is the signifier of authorities that America has today. We are able to vote on whom we want to run our authorities. We have a say in what goes on in our lives and our hereafter. Imagine non being able to vote for who controls your state. If we did non hold a say in how the state is ran that would non be just. What sort of regulations would be set up if the authorities were a absolutism, oligarchy, or even anarchy? The author of this paper believes that it would non be just.

Today we are able to vote on who controls our authorities. We have a say and the right to vote on what Torahs are passed. If the authorities was a absolutism imagine holding some swayer merely taking control of the authorities and the current leader choosing who will govern after they passed off. You have to follow what the swayer decides, even though it may non profit you. A dictator makes determinations that would profit him and he does non take into consideration how that jurisprudence will impact the citizens of that state. Today in some other states where democracy is non their signifier of authorities people are killed for being disobedient. We hav

e so many advantages holding Democracy as our signifier of authorities. When our authorities has to do a determination on something many people are in on the jurisprudence devising procedure. Although this procedure takes a long clip we can be certain that it is thought threw really good. In a absolutism it is one swayer, one head, and one quick determination made. If things were run in absolutism signifier, conceive of how unhoped out determinations would be. In our signifier of authorities people are non shot for non following



the regulations and it is a rare and tragic thing when the swayer is assassinated. It is much more common in absolutism. There are many determinations that have to be made in the universe that are really import so you want those determinations to be made right. Democracy is much more realistic in the universe today and America is a great illustration to turn out that point. Just take a expression at the many public violences and other tragic things that go one in other states that do non hold a authorities system like ours.

Therefore, democracy is a executable signifier of authorities. It is a signifier of authorities where many people can hold inputs in doing a determination that impacts the full state. How would it be just if you had no say and this one individual gets to do all the determinations on his or her ain.

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