Desires In Advertising Essay Research Paper The

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Desires In Advertising Essay, Research Paper

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The undermentioned advertizements promote new desires and new cultural mythologies towards our society. The older desires are still apparent because they are used in nature otherwise, but now new desires are emerging. These new desires include the power and freedom of adult females, a new rugged position of sex and gender, extreme hazard, and queerly adequate truth has been a new apparent tendency.

The largest new tendency or desire of our society pertains adult females and the new function they have in our society. In today s universe adult females have a more outstanding societal standing. They are now stronger characters, and are viewed as being more independent and sophisticated. The adult females of today have a new freedom. This has non happened until late. The universe today is no longer a adult male s universe ; they are no longer portrayed merely as homemakers or sex objects. The adult females of today are shown as non merely being beautiful, but successful and powerful at the same clip. It is a desire of all adult females to posses power, to experience strong, and yet still show their gender. This alteration is apparent in our advertizements. These advertizements promote these new desires of adult females.

Individuality is a desire that is related with the new function of adult females and besides their gender. The adult females of today want to distinguish themselves from the homemakers they were portrayed as in the yesteryear. In the Winston coffin nail advertisement the undermentioned caption is displayed, Until I find a existent adult male, I ll take a existent fume. This advertizement illustrates the point that adult females have a new stronger function in our society. The adult female in the ad still expresses her gender, but it is used in a different nature so it was in the past. Now the adult female is declaring her power. A subscriber to the desire of adult females to hold power and be strong is the rise in popularity of adult females s athleticss. In the Adidas advertizement it contains a timeline foregrounding the battles of adult females in athleticss and once more shows the newfound popularity. The ad shows strong adult females and contains the motto, Be a Superstar. This is another all right illustration proposing to adult females that power and strength are something to be desired. Sexuality is related to the new societal standing of adult females. The ways of showing gender of the yesteryear are still used, but in used otherwise in nature. Now there is a new rugged gender of work forces and adult females. Yes, this is excessively desired by our society. The gender of adult females does exemplify their individualism and power. In the Calvin Kline jeans ad a adult female is made to look dirty on intent. The society we live

in today has an easier clip accepting different manners of gender. The advertizement makes this appear desirable and once more suggests individualism and gender. This has been a past desire but today it is used in a different manner, but what it shows is our new positions towards gender and that is a new desire.

Hazard is something new to our society. Our society is afraid of it at times. We want the positive side of hazard, but we are afraid of its effects, or the negative side. We desire to be a hazard taker. The Toyota advertizement suggests the thought to be a hazard taker. They illustrate how the auto does non cognize any bounds. Toyota wants the consumer to experience adventuresome. By being adventuresome they want us to experience no boundaries. There was a clip where we did hold to populate within boundaries.

Possibly the most interesting new tendency or desire in advertisement is the thought of truth. In the past advertizers were afraid to state consumers the truth. Now as consumers we sometimes demand the truth. Today some advertizements present world because it is a desire of the consumer. In the anti-smoking advertizement titled The Truth, the ad non merely gives the truth about coffin nails but besides criticizes coffin nail ads in general. The advertizement has the expression and feel of an existent coffin nail ad. The imagination contains a cowpuncher on a Equus caballus siting in a western type of frontier. This type of expression has been associated with coffin nail ads for old ages. Most interestingly Winston cigarettes portrayed this image, but now as we saw before Winston changed to demo the new function of adult females. But in this truth ad the cowpuncher has a bodybag with him proposing the truth the coffin nails do in fact putting to death people. The truth would non be told to consumers in the yesteryear. This shows that today s consumer and even society is smarter and does desire to hear the truth. The Truth advertisement even makes the statement You excessively can be an independent, rugged, macho-looking dead cat. It is interesting to cognize that the authorities forces coffin nail companies pay for these truth advertizements. It is about a smack in the face. This is merely one illustration of today s society desiring to cognize the truth in advertisement.

In decision, the universe is a different topographic point today. We are a different society. Ads promote and exemplify our desires. The new desires of today s society are the power and individualism of adult females, hazard, rugged gender, and truth. These desires or tendencies are witnessed in advertisement. The interesting portion will be to see how long advertisement promotes these or what our newer desires will be.

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