Early American Literature Essay

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Early American literature consisted chiefly of journals. diaries. short narratives. and Indian creative activity narratives. Since some of the linguistic communication used was of older English and other linguistic communications. early American literature was hard to read. & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; The first narrative I read was Spanish Explorers in the New World. This narrative was a diary of Cabeza de Vaca’s travels and finds in the New World. After holding a shipwreck. he and his fellow crewmans were made slaves of the Indians.

They walked barefoot. hemorrhage and ate natural meat for nutrient. He besides described how one folk took over land. De Vaca gave elaborate histories on how the Indians lived which I found interesting. The males lived in the estufas. while adult females lived in the house. For a proposal. the male would weave a cover and topographic point it before the female. Spanish Explorers In The New World was interesting because of the item with the Indians as opposed to other narratives which involve no action.

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& lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; The 2nd piece of early American literature I read was The General History. The Jamestown settlement as plagued from the beginning by unfortunate fortunes. While out researching. John Smith was captured by the Indians. After being brought to many heads. John Smith was brought to the emperor of the Pamaunkee. The emperor had planned to kill John Smith at first by puting his caput against a stone and socking it in. Then Pocahontas. the emperor’s girl. threw her caput in the manner and prevented his decease.

The emperor so decided to allow Smith unrecorded and to hold him as a slave. This narrative besides had more action than some other which I read which does do it interesting. but every one time in a piece it is hard to understand due to the Old English. This narrative was insightful into the lives of one folk of Indians near Jamestown. & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; The 3rd transition I read was an extract from The Bay Psalm Book. In this the Puritans had re-edited the Bible and tried to simplify its words.

Their version was modified to rime and to hold what the Puritans referred to as “plainness. ” They believed that life should be field and stiff. This version of 23 A Psalm of David was hard to decode and I thought that the significance had mean changed some. & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; In decision. I have learned that early American literature was exciting in some instances. such as those of existent life people and their escapades. and deadening and hard to grok in others. such as in the “plainness” of the Puritans.

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