Early American Writers Essay Research Paper Early

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Early American Writers Essay, Research Paper

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Early American Writers

In the literature of early American authors there is one common trait

among all the Hagiographas: faith. Among Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards

all speak of their sentiment of faith, God, heaven, and material things.

Anne Bradstreet was a puritan married woman, originally from England but so

moved to America. Upon traveling and settling into her place, her verse forms became full

of emotion and spoke about concerns from her bosom. She was spiritual and

believed that work forces had high quality over adult females.

A common concern in these spiritual authors was the humbleness of

material things on Earth. In Bradstreet & # 8217 ; s Upon the Burning of Our House July

10th, 1666, her house was burned to the land. Nevertheless, she did non shed

to many cryings because she knew that & # 8220 ; Thou hast an house on high erect, & # 8221 ; intending

that her existent place was in Eden. She found comfort in God and her belief in

her made her strong and able to travel on in her life. When she starts believing

about all her ownerships that she had lost she would & # 8220 ; Raise up thy ideas

above the sky. . . & # 8221 ; and retrieve these things do non count, what matters is

her & # 8220 ; house on high. & # 8221 ;

Jonathan Edwards besides found comfort in God, & # 8220 ; taking me to sweet

contemplations of my great and glorious God. & # 8221 ; Jonathan was besides a Puritan from

the early America, nevertheless, he was a sermonizer.

Like Anne Bradstreet, he did non believe in material things. In his

sermon entitle Sinners in

the Hands of an Angry God,

he states & # 8220 ; now they see that those things on which they depended for peace and

safety were nil but thin air and empty shadows. & # 8221 ; This statement agrees with

what Bradstreet believed in, that nil ( ownerships ) is of import on Earth.

If a individual has depended on those things for all your life and so they are

all of a sudden taken away from you, you will non cognize what to make.

However, unlike Bradstreet, he portrays God as angry for all the wickednesss of

adult male and ready to penalize them for their wickednesss. He says & # 8220 ; The God that holds you

over the cavity of snake pit, much as one holds a spider, or some nauseating insect, over

the fire, abhors you, and is awfully provoked ; his wrath towards you burns

like fire ; he looks upon you as worthy of nil else but to be cast into the

fire ; he is of purer eyes than to bear to hold you in his sight ; you are 10

thousand times more detestable in his eyes than the most hateful deadly

snake is in our & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; He makes people fear God, fearful of of all time transgressing, and

afraid of combustion in the fiery cavities of snake pit. He states that & # 8220 ; There is nil

between you and Hell but the air ; it is merely the power and mere pleasance of God

that holds you up. & # 8221 ; Religion has rebelliously influenced Jonathan Edward & # 8217 ; s Hagiographas.

Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards were both early American authors

who contained a common charecteristic in their writtings. Both of these Puritans

authors have strong thought about faith and did non keep back these ideas

in their Hagiographas.

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