Essay On Political Parties In India Essay

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Posted in National Issues of India by Vijay Jaiswal On August 29. 2013. No remarks In a modern democratic political system of India. with authoritiess based on Parliamentary theoretical account. political parties are cardinal to the working of the political system.

Political parties in Indian Democracy turn up the as spokesman of organized involvements. Thus a Political party system in India is an organisation of like minded people based together either to continue and advance group involvements or to advance a peculiar political orientation. Normally every party seeks to advance some peculiar involvement and political orientation. The political party invariably seeks to capture governmental powers to procure its terminals. In a democracy. the party gets into power through elections.

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In a Parliamentary system such of India. the political party winning the bulk of seats in the Lower House of the Parliament forms the Government. while the Party or Parties neglecting to acquire the bulk constitutes the resistance. Thus the Parliamentary authorities is ever a Party authorities. It may be the authorities of a individual party or it may be the authorities of a alliance of parties.

The nature of political party system in India was characterized by Morris Jhones as a dominant one party system. It means that India fundamentally has a multi-party system but one among the many parties is dominant party and monopolizes governmental power. Since independency up to the 4th general election in 1947 this was exactly the image. The Congress party was in power during all the twenty old ages from 1947-67 both at the Centre and in the provinces with a brief exclusion in Kerala in 1958. The 1967 elections saw the autumn of the Congress monopoly in several provinces where unstable alliances were established. The 6th General Election in 1977 witnessed the autumn of the Congress at the Centre. The Janata Government was established. But the Janata experiment shortly failed. For Janata was in world an unstable alliance. The Congress gained back its power in 1980. Then there was a B. J. P. alliance authorities at the Centre and in few provinces.

On the footing of their influence and aspirations. parties in India autumn into two classs:

All India politicalparties and
regional political parties.

Therefore the Congress ( I ) or the Jananta Dal or the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) – are genuinely All India parties holding some kind of influence throughout India and holding All India aspirations.

There are some other political parties which are professedly All India parties but their influence is limited to peculiar parts. They may be classed us regional parties with All India aspirations. The Communist Party of India ( Marxist ) . the Communist Party of India. the Forward Block. the Revolutionary Socialist Party ( R. S. P ) etc. fall into this class. The influence of the C. P. I. ( M ) for illustration is concentrated in West Bengal. Kerala and Tripura.

The regional political parties are those which are frankly regional in their aspirations stressing their cultural or lingual individualities. The D. M. K. or the A. I. A. D. M. K. in Tamil Nadu. the Telugu Desham in Andhra. and the A. G. P. in Assam or the National Conference in Jammu and Kashmir fall into this class.

There are besides some frankly communal parties like the Shib Sena stressing their spiritual individuality.

On the footing of political orientation. Indian parties may be classified into conservative. broad democratic and radical parties.

The B. J. P. for illustration is a conservative party. The Janata Dal and the Congress are broad democratic parties. The Communist Parties. the Revolutionary Socialist Party etc. are radical parties seeking restructuring of the society along Marxian Lines. while the B. J. P. may be said to busy the extreme right place in the political spectrum. the Congress. the Janata Dal base at the Centre while the Communist Parties and the R. S. P. occupy the extreme left place.

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