Excel Formula and Function Essay Sample

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Microsoft Office Excel is used to hive away informations and crunch Numberss in all types of concerns. The spreadhseet program’s power lies in Excel maps and Excel expressions. which allow all kinds of informations analysis. from simple amounts to standard divergences. See this Cheat Sheet your quick and easy Excel tutorial. Excel Functions You’re Likely to Use

Some Excel maps apply to specific capable countries. but others are general and use to all demands. The undermentioned list shows an array of Excel maps used by one and all. Check here for a band aid mention to the intent of each Excel map. Excel Function Description

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SUM Calculates the amount of a group of values
Average Calculates the mean of a group of values
Count Counts the figure of cells in a scope that contains Numberss INT Removes the denary part of a figure. go forthing merely the whole number part ROUND Rounds a figure to a specified figure of denary topographic points or digit places IF Trials for a true or false status and so returns one value or another NOW Returns the system day of the month and clip

Today Returns the system day of the month. without the clip
SUMIF Calculates a amount from a group of values. but merely of values that are included because a status is met COUNTIF Counts the figure of cells in a scope that match a criteria Excel Text Functions You’ll Find Helpful

Excel’s text maps are really helpful when you’re working with names. references. client lists. or any other text-based informations. Here is list of Excel maps associated with text. along with a description of what each map does: Function Description

LEFT Extracts one or more characters from the left side of a text twine RIGHT Extracts one or more characters from the right side of a text twine MID Extracts characters from the center of a text twine ; you specify which character place to get down from and how many characters to include CONCATENATE Assembles two or more text strings into one REPLACE Replaces portion of a text twine with other text

LOWER Converts a text twine to all small letter
UPPER Converts a text twine to all capital
PROPER Converts a text twine to proper instance
LEN Returns a text string’s length ( figure of characters ) Excel Order of Operations to Keep in Mind
Mathematicss dictates a protocol of how expressions are interpreted. and Excel follows that protocol. The followers is the order in which mathematical operators and sentence structure are applied both in Excel and in general mathematics. You can retrieve this order by memorising the mnemotechnic phrase. “Pleaseexcuse my beloved aunt Sally. ” 1. Parenthesiss

2. Advocates
3. Generation and division
4. Addition and minus
Excel Cell References Worth Remembering
In Excel expression. you can mention to other cells either comparatively or perfectly. When you copy and paste a expression in Excel. how you create the mentions within the expression tells Excel what to alter in the expression it pastes. The expression can either alter the mentions relative to the cell where you’re gluing it ( comparative mention ) . or it can ever mention to a specific cell. You can besides blend comparative and absolute mentions so that. when you move or copy a expression. the row alterations but the column does non. or frailty versa. Predating the row and/or column designators with a dollar mark ( $ ) specifies an absolute mention in Excel. Example Comment

=A1 Complete relation mention
= $ A1 The column is absolute ; the row is comparative
=A $ 1 The column is comparative ; the row is absolute
= $ A $ 1 Complete absolute mention
Excel Error Messages to Get to Know
If you create a expression in Excel that contains an mistake or round mention. Excel lets you know about it with an mistake message. A smattering of
mistakes can look in a cell when a expression or map in Excel can non be resolved. Knowing their significance helps correct the job. Mistake Meaning

# DIV/0! Trying to split by 0
# N/A! A expression or a map inside a expression can non happen the referenced informations # NAME? Text in the expression is non recognized
# NULL! A infinite was used in expressions that reference multiple scopes ; a comma separates range mentions # NUM! A expression has invalid numeral informations for the type of operation # REF! A mention is invalid

# VALUE! The incorrect type of operand or map statement is used

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