Executive Summary: Streamline the Nursing Admission Process Essay

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The wellness attention industry continues to be challenged by day-to-day patient turnover due to the figure of admittances. transportations. and discharges ( Spader. 2008 ) . The addition in figure of admittances. in bend. puts a high demand on nurses in maintaining up with the gait ensuing in nurse defeat and dissatisfaction. Harmonizing to Lane ( 2009 ) . a thorough and comprehensive admittance procedure is critical in supplying quality patient attention. Completing the admittance procedure in a timely. efficient. and comprehensive mode has been a challenge for nurses due to the addition figure of admittances. and besides the fact that the nurses still have to supply ongoing attention to the other patients. Making a new place as the function of an admittance nurse will assist to battle some of the challenges associated with the admittance procedure.

Purpose of the Undertaking

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The intent of this undertaking is to streamline the admittance procedure. This can ensue in a lessening in nurse work load and better patient flow. A decrease in nurses’ work load and demands can lend to a lessening in nurse turnover and advance positive patient results. The function of the admittance nurse provides an chance for a dedicated nurse to garner the pertinent information in order to finish a comprehensive admittance procedure.

Target Population

The targeted population for this undertaking is the direct attention nursing staff. This nursing staff is presently responsible for the admittance procedure. It is non unusual for a nurse to be interrupted several times while seeking to acknowledge a patient. It is besides non unusual for a patient to be admitted and discharged from the infirmary with an uncomplete admittance procedure. Regardless of what line of service. all nurses can profit from streamlining the admittance procedure

Benefits of the Undertaking

An admittance appraisal in the admittance procedure provides of import inside informations that are relevant to patients’ demand. That is why it is critical that this information is completed exhaustively and accurately. Unlike the staff nurse. an admittance nurse will hold the necessary clip to pass with patients and households. The function of an admittance nurse can assist to supply the comprehensive appraisal associated with the admittance procedure and besides assist to relieve the nurses ‘stress associated with increased patient turnover. In add-on to the benefit of the nurses. the infirmary can profit every bit good by potentially holding a lessening in nurse turnover. increase patient flow. and an addition in patient satisfaction.

Budget Justification

The disbursal of losing an experient nurse can be dearly-won to the infirmary. Not to advert the nursing cognition and accomplishments. Estimates of the existent dollar sum incurred by nurse turnover scope from 10 to 20 thousand dollars per nurse to every bit much as good over the nurse’s annually wage. Harmonizing to Anderson ( 2004 ) . Nurse Executives estimate that “…visible costs represent merely 24 per centum of entire costs for medical/surgical nurses and merely 18 per centum for forte nurses. A true entire cost of $ 42. 000 per medical/ surgical RN and $ 64. 000 per forte nurse is more close to world. ” Employee turnover costs. mean about $ 47. 403 per medical/surgical RN and $ 85. 197 for forte RNs. “A 400-nurse infirmary with a 20 per centum turnover rate is replacing 80 nurses per twelvemonth. The direct costs might average $ 800. 000 per twelvemonth. but the true sum costs are closer to $ 4 million. ”

Undertaking Evaluation

Presently there is non sufficient grounds -based informations to on admittance theoretical accounts. But. there are still a figure of ways to measure the success and or result of this undertaking. One manner is to make a pre and station study of the nursing staff sing the admittance procedure. Another manner is to study patients pre and post execution of the proposed admittance procedure to measure success. In add-on. measuring the costs associated with nurse keeping would besides be another mechanism in measuring this undertaking.


Working in a fast paced environment such as the infirmary scene can be nerve-racking. The figure of day-to-day patient turnover. admittances. and discharges are continues to be a challenge for nurses working in the infirmary scene ( Spader. 2008 ) . The function of the admittance nurse to streamline some of the challenges associated with the admittance procedure. In kernel. this will liberate up the staff nurse to supply ongoing attention to the other patients. This will besides ensue in increased satisfaction for both nurses and patients. Mechanisms and procedure betterments that can be put in topographic point to assist relieve the emphasis and strain associated with the admittance procedure due to increased day-to-day turnovers can be proven good.

Anderson. R. ( 2004 ) . Complexity scientific discipline and the kineticss of clime and communicating: cut downing nursing place turnover. Gerontologist. 44. 378-388
Lane. B. ( 2009 ) . Nurse satisfaction and creative activity of an admittance. discharge. and learning nurse
place. Journal Of Nursing Care Quality. 24 ( 2 ) . 148-152.
Department of the Interior: hypertext transfer protocol: //dx. Department of the Interior. org. library. gcu. edu:2048/10. 1097/01. NCQ. 0000347452. 36418. 78 Spader. C. ( 2008 ) . Admission RNs Make Fast-paced Admits Less Stressful. Retrieved on January 24. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //news. nurse. com/apps/pbcs. dll/article? AID=2008108110080

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