External Factors Essay

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External factors are a figure of act uponing factors which are non controlled by the company but will impact pricing determinations. It includes of legal. consumer tendencies. technological. and rivals. Our company focuses on technological and rival as external factors that act uponing monetary value puting on matcha collagen biscuits.

Competition factors can look into three countries which are monopoly competition. perfect competition and oligopoly competition. Monopolistic competition is a state of affairs where a individual company or group controls the full end product of the market for a given type of merchandise or service with any purchasers. Besides. a monopoly is protected from competition by high barriers to entry and the merchandise it produces has no close replacements.

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Example of monopolistic competition is H2O service which provider of H2O has no replacements. Perfect competition is a market construction where there are a big figure of purchasers and Sellerss. There are a perfect cognition of market status and the monetary value which no person house has any influence on the market monetary value. The merchandises in perfect competition are homogenous which they can be substituted easy. Therefore. the company can entry or go out the industry without impacting the market.

An oligopoly competition is a state of affairs in which a peculiar market or industry is dominated by a little figure of houses which compete against each other. There is an component of mutuality in the decision-making of these houses. Example of oligopoly competition are newspaper industry. gasoline Stationss. and air hoses. Our product’s monetary value is influence of external factors which is perfect competition. This is because there are many houses produce an indistinguishable and homogenous biscuit in the biscuit market such as Munchy. Tiger. and Jacobs. Besides. they are many Sellerss in the biscuit market which are Kraft. Julie. and Munchy every bit good as there is no ruling house.

Therefore. our company is considered as monetary value takers which accepts market monetary value determined by the forces of market demand and supply. Furthermore. all purchasers and Sellerss have perfect cognition about the monetary values of biscuits in the market. Hence. our company can non merely put the monetary value of matcha collagen biscuits to maximise its net income. this will do our merchandise easy utility with another trade name of biscuits. Furthermore. our company has complete freedom of entry into and issue from the biscuit market without impacting the full market.

Technology is a concern enabler that has a radical impact on the existent behavior of concern. It contributes to accomplishing coveted concern productiveness and efficiency. Under technological. our company utilizing advanced engineering on fabrication operation to bring forth matcha collagen biscuits. Examples. our company used the latest techniques and machinery in order to increase the production every bit good as maximize capacity. Furthermore. the creative activity of databases and electronic communications in our company have enabled huge measures of information to be shared and rapidly distributed within the company. Furthermore. our company’s client service section used communicating engineering to speak to client but will besides hold entree to internal systems. such as engineering to simplify recognition control and stock control. Therefore. displacements in engineering and progresss may impact costs. quality and overall invention of our merchandise which becomes a major factor of puting the right monetary value for matcha collagen biscuits.

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