Federal government of the United States Essay

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1. What degree of authorities do you believe should be in charge of security from foreign enemies? Write a paragraph explicating why this degree of authorities is most appropriate. Answer: The Federal Government should be in charge of security from foreign states. The Federal Government is much better at protecting the whole state against our enemies instead than every individual province in our state holding to protect themselves. Some provinces are larger than others. some have more money and some are little and don’t have much money which could restrict their resorts in the instance of an invasion from another state. If each province stood entirely to hold to contend off a state without the aid of anyone else and the province lost than it would be bad for every other province as good. But. if the state as a whole fought together we would be a force to be reckon with. We would be united have a strong military and each province would be responsible for assisting out the armed forces for the safety of every province because we are a state non merely stand entirely provinces.

( 8 points )
2. What degree of authorities should you depend on for sanitation in your vicinity? Write a paragraph explicating why this degree of authorities is most appropriate. Answer: Local Government should be responsible for sanitation in my vicinity or any vicinity in the state. It makes more sense for a local authorities to be responsible for the sanitation or anything that you need where you live. If the Federal authorities got involved it would take a long clip to acquire something fixed and there are different Torahs in each province that could interfere with the federal authorities. If the local authorities does it you can acquire it done speedy and it makes more sense because the local authorities is at that place for you. to assist you with anything you need right at place and each province knows it Torahs which make things run much faster.

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( 14 points )
3. Are at that place any occupations that you think should be switched among federal. province. and local authoritiess? Why? Answer: I’m non truly certain if there should be occupations switched around if occupations are placed where they are right now so they should remain that manner. Police officers serve your community and they are controlled by the local authorities which is much better because things move quicker and concerns run them selves but study to the province authorities. Jobs are placed where they should be and there are thought procedures that go into where they should be placed.

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