High School Goals Essay

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High School to some is the best portion of their lives and to others is the worst portion of their life. As for me I believe high school is merely about puting ends and accomplishing them. Personally. I set up three of import and actuating yet perceivable single ends to acquire me through high school. My First Goal is to non lose more than two yearss of school in the full school twelvemonth. My 2nd end is to complete my high school calling with the 26 credits that I am required if non possibly more. Finally my 3rd high school end I plan to stop high school with a 3. 8 Grade Point Average.

I believe attending is indispensable to a pupil apprehension and success over all in school. This is my first end. Attending school on a changeless footing non merely does great for your classs but besides without you even detecting it builds in you a strong work ethic and subject. The best portion about go toing school on a regular basis is that you make amazing friends while your there.

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My 2nd high school end is to complete high school with my needed 26 credits. This is really of import to me because if I do non hold these 26 credits I will non be able to travel on to college. Now many pupils take this for granted and merely don’t maintain path about their classs. When it comes clip to graduate and they cant alumnus with their wharfs its non traveling to be so amusing. If you don’t have adequate credits to graduate and you find out I clip. You can still repair the job by merely merely traveling to dark school or take excess categories at your school.

My 3rd end is the most of import. That’s why I saved it for last. I have to keep a Grade Point Average of a 3. 8 or higher. This is really of import to my hereafter. This figure is fundamentally what makes or interrupt you in a college application ( aside from your S. A. T. scores ) . Having a good class point norm is critical in every student’s calling as it opens doors for you with scholarships. grants. etc.

In Conclusion. I believe that high school can be a really rewarding clip for every immature grownup if managed decently. Remember to put touchable and manageable ends for yourself. It is extremely of import for you non to put up ends that are out of your range because when you do that. You are puting yourself up for catastrophe and failure.

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