International Relations Essay

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International policies guarantee that states interact to safeguard their national involvement and keep good relationships and able to help each other in countries covering with economic system. engineering or when faced with a catastrophe. The rich states maintain their international dealingss to under developed states and help them through the aid on non- governmental organisations ( NGOs ) . which provide installations they need. It is nevertheless noted that this rich states use this influence to sabotage the less fortunate states by working them.

The states can either co exist peacefully or be exploited and controlled by the powerful states. In this paper. we focus on the positive countries that are brought by international dealingss every bit good as the negative side of international dealingss. The rich developed states feel they are in control and will guarantee they are recognized by other states ( Griffiths 2008 ) . Advantages Most of these rich states have good stable economic systems for illustration the European provinces and they will let trade with other states making good stable economic system.

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During the recent recession which affected the whole word. the rich states used their influence to keep good economic system through addition of international trade and transporting out research to happen solutions to the job. This move saw the terminal of the recession in 2009 and most states are on their manner to recovery. They guarantee peace. order and stableness in the universe by deploying their troop to topographic points where there are wars or offering to intercede between opposing sides.

The US and UK have deployed their military personnels to war ton countries like Darfur and Iraq to reconstruct stableness and order. This is seen as a positive gesture to better universe peace and extinguish combat ( Griffiths 2008 ) . They help in crisis countries which have experienced national catastrophes like deluging. temblors. drouth and manmade catastrophes like terrorist act. acquire aid to reconstruct themselves from the influential rich provinces.

International assistance is a positive gesture and improves good communicating between states. the recent temblor that was experienced in Haiti. which saw the devastation of belongings and loss of lives. received international aid like nutrient. collapsible shelters vesture and aid to reconstruct the state. In China and India which have been sing inundations. they are provided with exigency deliverance missions and the helped in the building of dikes and butchs to forestall implosion therapy ( Griffiths 2008 ) .

In recent times the international states have formed international tribunals which charge the wrongdoers of offenses like terrorist act. slaying and corruptness. The western states follow these proceedings closely to guarantee justness prevails. The recent proceedings of former Liberian president who was accused of perpetrating offenses while he was president are ongoing and the apprehension of terrorist who are accused of advancing wars and killing guiltless civilian particularly in Iraq. Afghanistan and Somalia. They offer inducements for common cooperation and proviso of better wellness attention.

They provide better medicines to undeveloped states and offer aid in medical instances which required qualified medical forces. This undeveloped states benefit by holding good infirmaries and schools if they cooperate with the rich states and keep long permanent dealingss ( Griffiths 2008 ) . They assist and help in countries which are affected by war and catastrophes. some states lack good administration doing them to be in changeless combat. This is normally the instance in African states like Rwanda. Somalia and Sudan where combat is the order of the twenty-four hours.

Influential states assist in duologue and formation of good political systems which will cut down the wars. In Rwanda and Ivory Coast. the rich provinces used their power and assisted in Restoration of peace. In states like Sudan. peace negotiations are traveling on with the western states being in the frontline to guarantee positive feedback ( Griffiths 2008 ) . Disadvantage The rich states want to derive domination and command other states by stating them to follow with their regulations and regulate their political system and taking control o their resources.

This will take to war particularly in the Middle East which have rich minerals will experience offended when their resources are being controlled doing them to perpetrate terrorist act. and contending. Such instances are being reported by the rise in figure of suicide bombers being witnessed worldwide ( Griffiths 2008 ) . The influential provinces have been known to develop countries where they will derive in return and they largely target states which are in Africa and the Middle East because they are rich in labour and minerals. This will take to underdevelopment of countries which are non blessed with minerals taking to unequal economic development.

These states feel they are in control of every state of affairs and will order the apprehension of lawbreakers who are past their legal power ; this is normally the instance with terrorists and plagiarists who are arrested and tried in international tribunals. Most of them are anguished and denied their basic human rights. When found guilty. they are imprisoned for many old ages and do non hold communicating with their female parent states examples of this prison was the guntana minute bay which held terrorist captives ( Griffiths 2008 ) .

The developed states have booming economic systems and the developing states will wish to be as developed. The rich states will help them but there are some regulations which they will put down and move harmonizing to the manner they want. Some change their trading policies. political systems and apportion some countries specifically for the rich states. The European Union provinces demand to merchandise with these states who import goods from the EU part and commanded the footings and conditions of the trade doing them fall quarry because they are weak and want to be assisted economically ( Griffiths 2008 ) .

States like Congo and Sierra Leone are known to hold rich minerals like Gold and diamond but due to the frequent wars. they are non developed. The rich states will help them by get downing non governmental organisations and stop war but in existent sense they want to command and pull off the countries that are rich in these resources. they extremely publicize the good things they have done to be recommended by other states but all they are making is commanding their resources and are extremely assisted by local politicians and concern work forces.

They want to command countries which are in war or miss good political foundation and aid by interceding and altering their political ways and introduce theirs which will be easy to command them. They normally target countries which are in changeless battle like Iraq Pakistan and Rwanda ( Griffiths 2008 ) . In decision. international dealingss among states promote integrity and peaceable coexistence among counties.

It brings integrity and the ability to help in instances of catastrophes and technological development. The richer provinces are frequently looked upon to give economic and political advice to developing states and this leads to indirect colonisation of the hapless provinces. It is said to acquire something done. some forfeits have to be honored so is the instance in this state of affairs. The more you comply with the rich provinces. the more aid and economic success you will accomplish.

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