International Terrorism

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International Terrorism

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             Anarchy was born during the revolutionary upheavals of the 19th century that swept across Europe. The origin of anarchy was the struggle of the working class to be heard and not just to pursue the writings of their leaders. It became the working class’ channel in expressing their sentiment towards their grievances on the government. Anarchism in 19th century was radical, from Oliver Cromwell of English Revolution up to the 1871 Paris Commune (Marxists Internet Archive, n.d.). The ideas of Socialism, on the other hand, came from the classical times in which they were popular among Christian sects. The conveyance of Socialism ideas became prominent when the socio-economic consequences due to industrial revolution were so severe to the class of wage earners (123 School Work, n.d.). Throughout the previous decades of the 19th century while Socialist movement developed well, Anarchism became marginalised and generally abridged to disruption and terrorism (Marxists Internet Archive, n.d.). Anarchists ventured to promote schemes among the labour organizations and persuade them to a direct struggle against capital, without placing their faith in parliamentary.

             A world without rule was always the coveted paradigm of the Anarchists as they are pleased in resorting to indiscriminate acts of terrorism. Anarchism is the most vital movements that would define terrorism today. Anarchism has incorporated bloodshed into their ideologies, ready to justify the killing not just of soldiers but also of civilians (The Economist, 2005, p.1).

Modern America should deal the problem with utmost dynamism and strength. It should formulate series of structural reforms to its government that would improve its ability to dismantle, identify, and penetrate terrorists’ schemes. The country should develop innovative law enforcement and intelligence tools, and a new approach that values prevention, communication, and information sharing. It should coordinate with its foreign counterparts, and establish partnerships to foreign countries. Finally, the country should conduct an outreach programs to the Muslim, Arab and Sikh communities that are greatly affected and misinterpreted with the present predicament in order to achieve lasting peace, and dispel myths and negative misconceptions against America.


123 School Work. (n.d.). Socialism. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from

The Economist. (2005, August). For jihadist, read anarchist. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from

Marxists Internet Archive. (n.d.). Marxism & Anarchism. Retrieved September 25, 2008, from


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