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            The interview was conducted with Arlene, a correctional administrator working for (insert name of correction here) in order to determine the nature of her occupation and different roles, issues, daily challenges and routines that she encounters in their working environment. Arlene’s experiences made her a suitable interviewee, working under pressure almost everyday of her life. She is also an advocate for fairness and equality among prisoners so as to avoid prison abuse by their co-prisoners and correction employees. She believes that she has an ethical responsibility to impose certain penalties when violation against the criminal justice system was made. She also raises concerns about funding problems, giving probations to  abusive employees and gives parole to deserving prisoners.

            Being a correctional administrator, Arlene faces the concerns and demands of both prisoners and prison employees. She needs to establish good working relationship among employees and at the same time resolve issues and problems among prisoner-prisoner, employee-prisoner and employee-employee. During the tour, she carefully explains most common problem that she encounters since she started administrating the correction. Violence among prisoners by fellow prisoners or jail guards and employees always bothers and saddens her. It is a great problem that should be addressed immediately. There are times when she caught actual events where prisoners are abused through hitting and continuous beating by jail guards. She stands firm against this malpractice and works hard to give justice to the abused prisoner.

            Another issue is the scarcity of resources inside their institution. Arlene raises the concern to government officials so that prisoners will be given basic needs such as food and clothing. She also request for additional prison cells because she thinks that the growing population of corrections may also be considered as form of prisoner abuse.

            Being drawn to the issue of justness and fair treatment between prisoners and jail employees, Arlene finds it difficult to separate her personal views and the nature of her occupation. Her dedication to even out the playing field in the prison environment, urged her to develop an awareness program. The main objective of the said program was to promote fair treatment regardless of position in the correction, whether an individual is an employee or a prisoner. Arlene wanted to extend her and let those people under her governance know that there is someone they can count on regarding work, personal related concerns and demands.

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            In order to become an efficient and dependable correctional administrator, Arlene stated that an individual should be interested in the job and should have high regard when it comes to issues regarding fairness and equality. Moreover, there is a need for her to participate on issues regarding correction and criminal justice topics. She also needs to be open-minded about the nature of her work and have good instincts when it comes to determining what is true or not. Being able to seek alternative solutions to uprising prison problems is also important.

            From the interview I was able to understand more of the roles and obligations of correctional administrators. It is their duty to be vocal on every issues that concerns operational policies. Arlene asserts that it is important to focus on leadership role because this is where she gains the necessary power to rule over her people. Avoiding responsibilities and tolerating prison abuse is considered a betrayal against the moral and legal law. She feels greatly honored of the position entrusted to her.

Interview Questions:

Interview with a correctional administrator:

1. Q: May I know your name?

2. Q: Since when did you started working as a correctional administrator?

3. Q. How does your typical day of service looks like?

4. Q. Do you know of all the responsibilities that you should administer being on that position?

5. Q . What prison problems do you usually encounter?

6. Q. How do you feel about those problems?

7. Q. How do you resolve such problems being in that position?

8. Q. What are the requirements in order  to become an efficient and dependable correctional administrator?

9. Q. Can you say something about correctional administrators who tolerates prison abuse and avoids supposedly responsibilities.

10. Q. Describe your feeling towards the position given to you.

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