Interview with an Information Systems Manager

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Interview with an Information Systems Manager

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     The aspect of healthcare has always been an important yet very much complicated aspect in the field of professional service. This concept is mainly because of the fact that healthcare involves the issue of life and the welfare of the involved society mainly the patients. Likewise, the aspect of healthcare also involves crucial rational and ethical perspective mainly on the part of the healthcare service administration because of the imminent need in the said field for responsible sense of organization and management. In the said field of professional healthcare, every action and every tick of the time matters significantly in saving and promoting life and health welfare of the patients. Thus, excellent management and organizational skills are very much important for the success in the field of healthcare service.

Healthcare Organization and Management

     To have a better look on the perspective of healthcare management, this author aims to have an understanding and grasp of the matter through the opinion and ideas of an actual healthcare officer involved with the said tasks. In this aspect, this author has interviewed one of the chief executives of Information Systems department. The condensed part of the said interview is presented in the following part of this paper.

Q: As the Information Systems manager, how do you think does your job actually account for the entire system of healthcare that your institution is handling?

A: The field of healthcare has always been a complicated aspect in the field of professional service because every part of this field is very much critical and crucial in nature. To address this aspect, the entire field and external factors that is within its jurisdiction should always be organize to optimize all of the involved element in healthcare service such as the resources, facilities and labor. Through this, the healthcare department can maximize their efforts in addressing the needs of the society for healthcare service.

     In addition, it is a fact that healthcare service commonly involves many external factors that must be incorporated in the field. Because of this, the entire department must be flexible thus holding up reorganization to update its system thus anticipating every healthcare case and situations.

Q: How do you actually manage matters involving crucial situations and organize the implementation of the created decision.

A: Often, healthcare decisions are made in situational basis wherein healthcare professionals must consider and incorporate all of the available facts and information pertaining to the situation in creating the diagnosis and the subsequent medication. In this cyclical process of healthcare application, critical organization of the informations must be applied to efficiently arrive at the proper solution to the scenario. In this approach, one must actually be practical and ethical in the process while altogether being critical to every specific detail in the informations.

Q: How do you organize the development and improvements to your healthcare organization?

A: In our course of service, new information acquired in our different cases are all incorporated to our general healthcare service process. In addition, comments and feedbacks from our patients are also considered in determining the required service development in our part. In addition, every single individual in our healthcare department are constantly evaluated for them to know their specific strength and weaknesses in their service. All of these approaches are being organized altogether thus producing valuable concepts  which are all incorporated together in our system to development our healthcare service quality.

Q: As the Information Systems Manager, how are you able to keep awake at night to handle several emergency cases that are usually making the entire team at a toxic level of work?

A: True, it is very important for me to be awake all the time. As an Information Systems Manager, I am supposed to make sure that the computer systems in the hospital are being well taken care of especially that of the database of records. Sometimes, coffee does not suffice the job of keeping awake anymore. The reminder that I place in my desk to keep awake in tracking the operations in the hospital usually keeps me up on my feet along with my entire staff as we collaborate with each other in ensuring that the information systems of the institution are in top condition to serve the needs of our healthcare staff who are in turn are also in the “go” during the evenings.

Q: In your job, how important are the hardware systems compared to that of the software systems?

A: The software systems are the ones carrying the information. However, without the hardware systems, these informations would not be stored systematically within the system. SO in a concise identification, both wares of the information systems application are important to my job. Taking notice of how both are being well secured and the system by which the hardware systems are placed in hospital stations for better staff access is the gist of my responsibilities as an Information Systems Manager.


     The organization and management aspect of healthcare service is indeed a complicated task since it actually involves crucial and critical aspects that are all needed to be address properly. However, to achieve the ideally desire healthcare service quality, a responsible management must be implemented to organize every critical details and information that pertains to the said matter. All of the informations must be incorporated altogether to create a quality service approach and develop a sustainable and adequate improvement program for the professional healthcare service aspect.

     An IS Manager is indeed one of the most important personnel in hospital operational systems as they are the ones ensuring the safety of numerous database sources of the hospital which keeps the records of the patients as well as the operations of the hospital for future references. This process also makes the connection of the operations in the hospital more organized and well guided. Yes, as an IS manager, one must be more than just alert, he must be enthusiastic about his job, making the best out of everything that he has.


Liebler, Joan & McConnell, C. R. (2004). Management Principles for Health Care Professionals. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. 4th Edition.


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