Lincoln Could He Have Preserved The Union

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From the clip the South demanded the return

of Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens, tenseness had been constructing in outlook

of Lincoln? s answer. The options available to Lincoln were limited,

and those that were available were farther limited by restraints of clip

and man-power.

Lincoln? s options were besides limited by

his ends. Lincoln had a set docket, with continuing the Union at

the caput of the list. Lincoln besides aimed to continue Fort Sumter

and Fort Pickens. Lincoln? s most urgent end was to incite the

war without looking to be the attacker. This proved to be the most

hard end, because to accomplish this, he had to cognize how far to force

without looking to force at all. An extra end was to possibly

enticement the boundary line states onto the northern side. This was an of import

end because it fell in line with Lincoln? s un-hostile attitude. By being

attacked foremost, he could state he was reacting to an act of war on the

United States.

One of Lincoln? s options was to sit by

and make nil. This was non truly an option, nevertheless, because abandoning

his soldiers at this garrison would non merely lower the morale of his full

ground forces, but could besides turn many of his protagonists against him. So, gratuitous

to state, Lincoln could non truly see this as an option. Lincoln, for

a clip, besides entertained the thought of via media. The southern resoluteness

was so concrete that this thought was abandoned instead rapidly.

Another thought, proposed by Secretary of

State Seward, was to abandon Fort Sumter and concentrate on Fort Pickens.

Lincoln did non accept this thought either, chiefly because abandoning a garrison

anyplace in the South would acknowledge the South as an independent state.

Even so, Seward managed to acquire a force together, and taking one of the

strongest ships in the United States Navy, went to Pickens anyhow.

One thought with similar traits was the thought to abandon both garrisons, go forthing

the South. Though unfastened to consideration, this was non at all in line

with Lincoln? s thought. Again this would acknowledge the South as

an independent state, which would finalise the sezession.

For deficiency of a better thought, some suggested

the reinforcing of the garrisons, to protect them from barrage. This

thought was cast aside besides, because, foremost of all, Fort Sumter lies in between

two points of land, both protected by garrisons. To do this thought work,

those garrisons would hold to be taken, excessively. Lincoln could non accumulate

the needful figure of soldiers, either. Second, the idea of put on the lining

more lives on merely a heap of stone in the center of a seaport was non appealing.

Sing the resoluteness of the Southern

provinces, Lincoln for a piece considered a military invasion. This,

nevertheless, was non executable. Lincoln? s forces were so scattered, it

would take hebdomads on terminal to bring forth adequate soldiers to accomplish this end.

An estimation by General in head Scott suggested? 5,000 regular military personnels and

20,000 volunteers. ? ( Current 50 ) The clip frame for roll uping this figure

of soldiers was much greater than the supplies in Sumter could last.

Fort Sumter was besides reinforced by environing garrisons in Charleston Harbor,

intending a loss of soldiers could be expected besides.

Lincoln? s most favorite option, the 1

he finally went with, was to take a non-aggressive force into the seaport,

transporting supplies in to the short-rationed soldiers. Although Lincoln

went in under peaceable pretences, one could presume that he was trying

to accomplish his end of looking to be the tormented, non the tormenter.

His gambit worked, and the South did as predicted and fired upon the re-supply

fleet. By accomplishing his non-aggressor end, Lincoln besides strengthened

his instance for winning the boundary line provinces.

Lincoln was faced with a quandary when he

had to make up one’s mind between peace or integrity. The southern resoluteness eliminated

any opportunity of via media, so Lincoln had to take the path which seemed

the best for the Union. He could non be seen as aggressive, because

if he did he risked losing the support of the boundary line provinces, which could

cut down the Union to nil. To repeat, the southern provinces? difficult

nose attitude encouraged no deliberation, so no via media could hold of all time

been achieved. Lincoln, in visible radiation of this incident, might non

be seen as your typical image of? Honest Abe? , but he comes reflecting through

as a great leader.

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