Mockingbird: Racism and White Community Essay

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Besides victimized by racism and its reverberations. Helen Robinson. Tom’s married woman. suffered in the wake of her husband’s test and decease. Widowed. she must raise her kids. keep her family and work to do a life for herself. Because she is black. a adult female. and the married woman of a adult male accused of ravishing a white adult female. Helen has a really hard clip happening work. This is because of the racism in the white community of Maycomb. The lone individual who will engage her is Mr. Link Deas. Tom’s former employer.

He does non truly necessitate Helen’s services. but fells bad about what happened to Tom and he is one of the few nice people in Maycomb where coloured people are concerned. “He doesn’t truly necessitate her. but he said he felt right bad about the manner things turned out. ” ( TKAM. pg. 248-249 ) . However. Helen does non get away the touch of racism. On her manner to work one forenoon. Bob Ewell follows Helen. crooning disgusting words at her. for no ground other than she was Tom’s married woman and he was racialist.

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Although he does non assail her. Helen is terrified of him. “Thoroughly frightened. she telephoned Mr. Link at his shop. which was non excessively far from his house…” ( TKAM. pg. 256 ) . Mr. Link Deas makes Bob Ewell leave Helen entirely. but she is still frightened of him. Her life has become really hard due to the effects of racism. In a different manner. Bob Ewell himself is destroyed by racism. The racism that sparked Tom Robinson’s test leads Bob Ewell to harbor a score against Atticus and Judge Taylor. both of whom made him look foolish.

He attempts. but fails to burglarize John Taylor’s house. Subsequently on. he attacks Atticus’s kids to demand his retaliation on Atticus. A score Born of racism. bravery Born of whisky. and chesty pride lead to his onslaught on Jem and Scout. but Arthur Radley comes to the children’s assistance. In the battle. Bob Ewell is killed. It was the score he held based on racialist beliefs that cause his decease. Some may name it justness. some may non. but the sarcasm is undeniable.

Of all the destructive powers worlds possess. none ruin other lives and destruct our humanity rather similar racism does. This is proven in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by the destinies of Tom and Helen Robinson and their tormenter. Bob Ewell. It is unjust that biass based on a person’s skin coloring material should bring such mayhems on their lives. and yet it was one time platitude. Although less apparent today than it one time was. racism remains merely as destructive and merely as unneeded.

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