Monoeng Essay Research Paper Monopoly Business Success

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Monopoly Business Success Game Owning belongings, holding tonss of money, and running a thriving concern are parts of the American thoughts of success. They are besides parts of the board-game Monopoly. The thoughts of prosperity within Monopoly remain throughout childhood, and into the grownup life. The consequence of this creates a civilization of people in the concern universe with the desires for more of the now existent objects found in Monopoly. The basic thoughts behind Monopoly are the same constructs of the essay & # 8220 ; The More Factor & # 8221 ; by Laurence Shames. In his essay Shames argues that the enlargement of the frontier and acquisition of land has moved on to ownership of material goods and economic growing as symbols of American success. Each of these has its equivalent in Monopoly. Success in the game is defined by having the most belongings so as to get more money, to construct material things, like houses and hotels, finally ensuing in the fiscal devastation of your oppositions. This type of success is an illustration of the manner & # 8220 ; more & # 8221 ; plants. Shames says that if a individual has the strive to obtain more land or money his evident success will besides be greater. In Monopoly the participant with the most drive to have more belongings will win. In the spirit of the more-driven backwoodsmans who succeeded by brushing off the Indians and Mexicans, the more-driven Monopoly participant easy crushes his oppositions by geting the most! land. In other words, the & # 8220 ; More-Factor & # 8221 ; that Shames describes is the finding component when make up one’s minding who is the title-holder of the game. Monopoly can besides be equated to Barthes & # 8217 ; essay & # 8220 ; Toys & # 8221 ; when he states that toys & # 8221 ; are basically a microcosm of the grownup world. & # 8221 ; Although the United States currentlyhas anti-monopoly Torahs, the game still accurately represents the American concern world.The ends and thoughts of success in Monopoly are besides present in the universe of concern, wherethe chief aim is to do more money than the competition, finally taking to a holdon the market. But Monopoly & # 8217 ; s representation of big life does non halt with the businessworld. All Americans, no affair what profession they are in, keep some of the dreams within

Monopoly, although non to

the extremity of the game. We all hope to someday possess our ownproperty. With this land we continue to improve it; not necessarily by adding more housesor hotels, but still changing it into something more than when we first acquired it.Another dream that Americans commonly hold is to continually make more money. Like inMonopoly, we use this money to buy a piece of land or a house; or to pay for the use ofanother person’s land. Ultimately though, the goals of real life and Monopoly are the same;to earn money, own land, and not go bankrupt before the game is over. Finally Monopoly could be used to aid Prager when she argues that toys shape the goals, ideas, and virtues of a child’s future. The main thing that a child acquires by playing Monopoly is value. He learns that money is something that has great value, and without it he will lose. He also discovers that it is wise to save money for any unexpected occurrence (like landing on your opponent’s space.) He learns about the value of property. Since owning land is the only way to win in Monopoly, a youth that plays it will obtain a respect for property, and its value in American culture. Likewise children learnthe ways of business. They unknowingly pick up the basics of the free enterprise systemof America. Monopoly helps them to make better business deals, and that not all thing,although similiar in nature, are worth the same amount of money. Along with the obviousfact that they are working on their mathematics by adding up their money. Maybe the bestlesson that children get from Monopoly is the fact the jail is a negative thing, and shouldbe avoided. However they may get the idea that jail has no negative repercussions in thefuture. Children could believe that after paying a fifty dollar fine, or coughing up a “Getout of jail free” card, the entire incident is completely forgotten. Monopoly can accurately be seen three different ways. First as a symbol of the quest for more, or as a metaphor of the adult world that the children will someday face, finally it can be seen as a tool to teach our children appropriate values and goals. Any way we look at Monopoly however, we cannot avoid the symbols of success spread throughout the various aspects of the game.

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