Odyssey Essay Research Paper What are the

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Odyssey Essay, Research Paper

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What are the five elements of an heroic poem? Show how The Odyssey meets each of the five elements by supplying good & # 8211 ; detailed illustrations.

Homer cleverly utilizations each of the five elements of an heroic poem verse form in The Odyssey. The first one used was when Athena promised to help Odysseus. Athena is the godly brings who assist the hero. Athena assisted Odysseus merely because he was wily and self-controlled. Those were highly rare, but respected traits. The following component Homer used was personification of forces of nature. Charybdis is a female monster who sucks in H2O three times a twenty-four hours to organize lifelessly vortexs. Since it is a existent vortex in the Strait of Messina, it is personification. Homer besides gave human-like features to other monsters and Gods throughout this heroic poem. Another of import factor to Odysseus? s success was transmutations. When Odysseus returned to Ithaca, he didn? T want to uncover his individuality, because first, he has to happen out if his married woman had been faithful to him. Athena, who promised to assist hi

m, thought Odysseus was being prudent and offered to temporally disguise him as an old beggar. This is a magical transformation of the hero Odysseus. Disguised as the beggar, he found that his wife had in fact been faithful, but suitors were trying to replace him. The only man who she would marry, though, was someone who could thread Odysseus?s bow and then shoot it through several small rings on the end of ax handles. The bow is the magical weapons that is for only one person. Each of the suitors tried to thread it, but not one accomplished their task. After each of the suitors failed, Odysseus revealed himself. He threaded and shot the bow easily. To prove to his father that it was really he, Odysseus revealed the scar on his leg. The scar on his leg is the sign that reveals his true identity. Homer has captured man people?s attention with The Odyssey. Myths are created for the purpose of conveying a message with an interesting medium. Many cultures use myths to teach their young about the past. His story is read in Greece, America, and many other countries.

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