“Old Man and the Sea” book report Essay

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I decided to read this book for two grounds. My friends have read this book in the yesteryear and said it wasn’t excessively bad. Second. it is one heck of a short book. I finished this book in 2 yearss. As the sample book study says. this book is merely 27. 000 words long. The book lived up to what my friends had said about it. The book was one of the best authoritative narratives I have read. it had a good narrative and good description. Hemingway could paint the images in my head. I have read other changeable narratives of his. back in 8th class. but they pale in comparing to this chef-d’oeuvre of authorship.

The narrative was approximately and old adult male ( truly? ) who is a fisherman. He goes out every twenty-four hours to travel fishing. but he has no fortune for about 80 yearss. But one twenty-four hours. he goes out entirely and hooks a humongeous giant size marlin. He can’t conveying it in because it is excessively large. He has to wait until it gets tired so he can harpoon it. He goes 2 yearss contending the fish. without nutrient or remainder. until he eventually gets his opportunity. But when he thinks it is all over. there is still more problem in front. The fish is excessively large to be placed in his little boat. so he has to strap it to the side.

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Meanwhile. the blood from the harpoon shooting leaks out into the sea and attracts sharks. While the old adult male is returning place from his expedition. he has to contend off the sharks from eating his award. But it doesn’t take to hanker for the sharks to take tonss of large balls out of the fish. He ends up killing all the sharks and he gets place safely. and exhausted. Ernest Hemingway is an writer of the yesteryear. Compared to a more modern writer. like say. John Grisham. he has different and alone qualities. Hemingway likes to utilize tonss of descriptive phrases. while go forthing small room for existent character treatment.

Grisham. on the other manus. makes certain that there is a batch of character duologue throughout his narratives. Hemingway doesn’t truly hold a set flood tide of his narrative. while Grisham has a definite extremum to his books. This merely goes to demo you how book authorship manners differ through the old ages. I didn’t happen any defects or things in the book that I had a job believing or comprehending. You merely have to read a book and take it how it is. I don’t truly see a demand to review such a great book. In decision. this book is one of favourite classics. and I would urge this to a friend because of it’s great narrative. descriptions. and length.

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