Organizational Perfomance And Participative Management Essay Sample

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In the modern-day concern sphere. experts have been increasing involvements on other elements of direction theories that are someway rather out of the context of using rational accomplishments. Business Managers are get downing to acknowledge the importance of emotional quotient as every bit of import with that of the IQ elements in human resources direction. In the same manner. the concern sphere has been progressively interested with what employee engagement has to make with the general employee public presentation and its effects on the organisational public presentation as whole. Relative to this. direction professionals now seeks to better schemes that would promote employee engagement on the proved footing that satisfied and happy employees are productive employees. In this paper. we will seek to look into the component of employee committedness in relation to employee engagement and its effects on the organisational public presentation.

There are fundamentally two of import constructs integrated in employee engagement strategies: fiscal engagement and work-related engagement. Fiscal engagement involves the engagement of portions to employees. This construct of promoting employee engagement is based on the premise that portion of ownership induces positive attitude and behavioural response ( Kessler. I. and Purcell. J. 1992 ) . On the other manus. work-related engagement involves the traditional corporate engagement wherein ownership and control elements are combined ( Pencavel. 2001 ) . Other engagement strategies include attitude studies. suggestion strategies and group briefings which allow employees to take part in of import decision-making procedure in the organisation.

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There are fundamentally two facets that direction experts look into every bit straight related to employee engagement: occupation satisfaction and productiveness. Although for some. these two constructs are intertwined. other experts in the field see each of the two as separate and distinguishable effects of employee engagement. For experts like Berg. employee engagement has a stronger consequence on satisfaction than productiveness. Harmonizing to Berg. human resources policies designed to promote worker engagement should take at “providing employees with chances to hold an input in determinations. inducements to use discretional attempt and the agencies to get the appropriate skills” ( Berg 1999 ) . In his analysis. engagement strategies like those designed to increase chances and inducements for organisational workers result to promote workers to get accomplishments to better work organisation and information flows. The effects hence would be summed to an addition in X-efficiency and productiveness (ibid. 1999 ) .

The first concern nevertheless is non of planing the best employee engagement strategy but of delving into the thought of how employee committedness should be maximized. It is believed that committed employees are more bucked up to take part in the personal businesss and strategic programs of the organisation. Weiner has a sound statement relation to this claim: “the best manner to better productiveness is by endeavoring for the shared ends of employees and managers” ( Weiner. 1982 ) . Weiner believes that leting worker input in the development or planning of the organization’s mission statement and in outlining policies and processs improves non merely the strength of the communicating lines within the organisation but besides the morale and satisfaction of the employees. This could take us to the thought that when employees were given the opportunity to take part in the of import personal businesss of the organisation. he would be most likely have that sense of ownership in the organisation and that would intend a greater opportunity of developing committedness.

In mention to employee committedness. Steer offered a sound analysis of the construct relation to employee engagement and organisational public presentation. Employee committedness is the congruity between the ends of the person and the organisation whereby the single identifies with and extends attempt on behalf of the general ends of the organization” ( Stevens. 1991 ) . From here we can pull some kind of colourss that would place the importance and correlativity of a committed employee to his engagement and accordingly in the organisational public presentation.

When an employee has committed to his occupation and his organisation. he would most likely sees his ends as a member of the organisational as straight in analogue with the end of the organisation. This means that if the organisation aimed at supplying for equal chances for each member of the society to better their fiscal and societal position. so an employee committed to quite the same end would most likely be found to be more participative in the organisational programs and policies.

Participative direction strategies should more significantly look into how each of these strategies would construct employee committedness and so would promote employee engagement. This has been backed up by surveies which show that participative strategies and employee committedness go manus in manus in bettering organisational public presentation. In a survey by Andrew Hale Feinstein of the University of Nevada. entitled “Relationships between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Restaurant Employees” in 1998. Feinstein proved that “several of the constituent tonss for Job satisfaction had a important consequence on the degree of occupation satisfaction with policies ; and the degree of instruction significantly affected satisfaction with acknowledgment. ” Such constituents Feinstein was mentioning to include shop location. company policies. compensation. work conditions and promotion. More significantly. the survey had established the important correlativity between organisational committedness and these factors.

Research findings besides suggest that direction might be able to increase the degree of committedness in the organisation by increasing satisfaction with compensation. policies. and work conditions. In order to make this. direction has to do attempts in increasing the interactions with employees in staff meetings and increasing guided treatments of subjects related to these issues. “Changes in organisational variables. such as wage graduated tables. employee input in policy development. and work environment could so be made in an attempt to increase organisational commitment” ( Pfeffer. J. 1998 ) . For Weiner. committedness is a broader response of an employee to the organisational personal businesss as a whole while occupation satisfaction has a more specific mark and that is on the assorted facets of the occupation itself. “Job satisfaction is an attitude toward work-related conditions. aspects. or facets of the job” ( Weiner. 1982 ) .

In connexion with employee committedness. experts see the direct effects of employee committedness to the organisational public presentation. It is going evident that employers see the benefit of employee engagement strategies and believe that workers would desire to work harder and more expeditiously as a consequence of their committedness. This desire to work hard would so ensue to greater worker flexibleness and higher quality of end product ( Cooke. 1992 ) . This could so be reduced to the statement that employee engagement improves company public presentation as a whole.

Let us retrieve that employee committedness has been regarded as something that has been developed overtime by the employee and which emerged from his feelings of being a valuable member of the organisation. It is hence but just to pull from the line the thought that a committed employee could work better and be more productive in an environment where he feels the belongingness. The committedness could be a merchandise of participative strategies implemented by the organisation but I would reason that committedness comes foremost in order that employee engagement becomes more valuable. This is chiefly because of an employee who does non hold the sense of committedness could barely be encouraged to take part to the full in the policies and plans being implemented within the organisation. On the other manus. an employee who has felt the belongingness and have finally committed himself to the organisation would give his best in the occupation in order that both parties would profit. This statement so would closely associate occupation satisfaction. committedness and employee engagement.

Another benefit of committedness and employee engagement is the fact that it really reduces company costs. Wilson and Peel believe that work and financial-related engagement of employees deter or delay quits from the company and so cut down absenteeism ( Wilson and Peel. 1990 ) . In their analysis. employee engagement significantly reduces labour turnover and this decrease would finally cut down enlisting and preparation costs. Costss ensuing to absenteeism of unsated and less committed employees are besides reduced.

As had been mentioned a piece ago. committed employees would most probably be working at their best non for their ain benefits but besides for the company as a whole. Employees would barely be making things that would finally harm the company. For illustration. a committed employee would remain in the organisation despite the rigorous execution of cost-cutting policies. Despite tight budgets. an employee would work in the same enthusiasm as with better economic state of affairss because he would desire the company to last such an economic adversity.

What is more appealing to employees is the fact that employee engagement has the consequence of improved organisational relationships and therefore could cut down costs on industrial dissensions. This besides would finally ensue to faster credence and execution of organisational alteration ( Kessler and Purcell. 1992 ) . Employee engagement hence by and large improves the quality of life of the members of the organisation and this betterment would finally take to a healthier working environment and hence to a healthier organisational public presentation. a construct that emerged from employee committedness.


Cooke. W. N. 1992. “Product Quality Improvement through Employee Participation: The Effectss of Unionization and Joint Union-Management Administration. ?Industrial & A ; Labor Relations Review” . vol. 46. no. 1. pp 119–134.

Kessler. I. and Purcell. J. ( 1992 ) . “Performance-related wage: aims and application. ” Human Resource Management Journal. Vol. 2. No. 3. pp. 16-33

Huselid. M. A. 1995. “The impact of human resource direction patterns on turnover. productiveness. and corporate fiscal public presentation. ?Academy of Management Journal” . vol. 38. pp. 635–672.

Pfeffer. J. ( 1998 ) . The Human Equation. Cambridge: MA. Harvard Business School Press.

Stevens. B. ( 1991 ) . “Employee Ownership and Participation in the USA. Industrial Participation. Winter. pp. 16-19

Wiener. Y. 1982. “Commitment in organisations: A normative position. ?Academy of Management Review” . vol. 7. no. 3. pp. 418-428.

Wilson. N. and Peel. M. ( 1990 ) . “The Impact of Net income sharing. worker engagement. and portion ownership on employee absenteeism and quits: some UK evidence” New Forms of Ownership. London. Routledge

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