Patient Care And Outcome Essay

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As persons. we are traveling to hold different personal positions and beliefs. towards issues that we are faced with in life. Every individual has the right to believe. compose or state what of all time they wish to. every bit long as their actions do non impact. injury or endanger any other individual. However. when working within an establishment affecting attention for the general populace. your ain personal beliefs and values can hold an consequence on how you will near and move when faced with a certain state of affairs.

As a healthcare professional. it is of the extreme importance. that you are self cognizant and gain what your ain beliefs and values are and non let them to impact any other single. We all have our ain apprehension of what is right and incorrect. as everyone is different. As you grow and develop into life. your life and work experiences can do you judgemental besides sinnical towards certain people and state of affairss. The balance is to stay open-minded and non seek to act upon other people because of your personal beliefs.

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Working as a wellness attention professional. means that you have to handle every individual as an person. no affair what their coloring material. race. gender. beliefs. values or actions may be. Leting your ain sentiments or beliefs intruded on the attention you give. could hold really serious effects on the patients health care and result.

An illustration is. a nurse may hold strong options about people who self injury and efforts suicide on a regular footing. The nurse may be faced with a patients who does merely that and needs her nursing attention. but the nurse thinks the patient is a clip wastrel and looking for attending. This could go forth the nurse in a quandary. if her beliefs and options were that strong. she would necessitate to measure her ideas. step back and make up one’s mind how she will give indifferent attention. On being brooding. she would be utilizing her ego consciousness accomplishments leting her to hold an unfastened head and seek to understand why the patient is making it. However if the nurse allowed her strong options to be known so the patient would experience really disquieted. possibly angry and uncomfortable. taking the patient to self injury once more. making a really insecure. unsympathetic and awkward state of affairs.

The nurse’s behavior would hold a damaging affect on the patient. The patient may move unprompted and aggressive. doing the result a different one to what it should hold been. For a nurse to act in this mode is wholly unacceptable besides un professional. This shows that personal opinions made on a individual. can impact the attention and outcome given to that patient.

In decision. it is imperative that as a healthcare professional. we do non enforce our personal beliefs. values or sentiments on any other individual. we need to accept diverseness and present the highest possible criterion of attention to every person. Remembering that every person has the right to be treated every bit and with regard.

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