Purpose Of Man Essay Research Paper One

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Purpose Of Man Essay, Research Paper

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One of the toughest and deepest issues in life is the intent of adult male. This issue can ne’er be merely answered. Many historiographers have dissected the topic and have come up with many different thoughts. One of these historiographers, thought to be the greatest of all, is Aristotle. He stated that each individual has his ain? telos? or end in life. Each single homo has at that place ain intent in life, whether they know it or non. Most people believe felicity is their end. Others, such as Christians, think that functioning God and being accepted into Eden is the end of life.

Aristotle is thought to be one of the greatest historiographers. Aristotle based his moralss on human nature. Aristotle got most of his work from one of the greatest Catholic philosophers, Thomas Aquinas. Aristotle claims that everyone? s end is happiness. He stated that there is merely one manner to accomplish true felicity and that is by populating a virtuous life. He said that if one is non populating a virtuous life, so they are non genuinely happy.

Bing happy is one of the biggest ends in life. Some people have dozenss of money and unrecorded really extravagantly, but they might detest what they do. That is why many people choose non to go business communities or attorneies, some become police officers or priests. If people did what makes them happy, they wouldn? T be so stressed out and there wouldn? t be as many self-destructions. Almost all of the people who commit self-destruction are unhappy with their lives. This statement holds true with me, because whenever I am happy I look frontward to the following twenty-four hours and holding merriment in life.

Peoples, who are selfish and avaricious, normally are non happy in their lives. They don? T truly hold a intent in life except the desire for money. But people who give and lead a virtuous life tend to be happy and strive toward assisting others. The wise statement, give and you shall have, is really true. I think in my life if I didn? t spring and assist other people I would be really acrimonious and vindictive. Whenever I help out person worse off than I am, I am non merely assisting person else, but in return I am giving myself something in returnt. Knowing that I helped person less fortunate is really sweet.

My end in life is acquiring to heaven. My actions strive to accomplish this topographic point in my after life. God put us on this planet so that we could function him and assist out others. If we do non listen to what God has taught us, we could be sent to he

ll, and I certainly do non desire to travel at that place. From my position you have two picks in life ; lead a good life devoted to God or take a iniquitous and Godless life. The subsequently will take you consecutive to hell.

My intent as a junior at Jesuit High School is to do good classs and put a good tract for college. Besides, I must seek to maintain myself happy and focused, even though at times I seem to acquire distracted. I have to seek and take a virtuous life, such as take parting in service hours, which besides helps me take a devoted life with God. As a junior I sort of know what to anticipate, which will do it a small easier on me, than if I didn? T know. Most juniors my age have non decided what they want to make in their lives, but every junior should cognize and recognize his intent in life and at Jesuit High School. My? telos? as a junior would hold to be to seek my hardest and ne’er give up.

The issues in life that applies to me and I hope to everyone else are ends in life. Life is non about one specific end, instead it is many complicated and in depth ends. One illustration, acquiring to heaven is non simple. To be accepted into Eden you must be devoted to God and ne’er loose focal point on being a sort and generous individual, even though you will confront many obstructions in life. My ends in life give me demands, such as ever endeavoring to be a better individual. Without demands in life people fall off path and get down on a downward spiral of destructing their lives. Then if it is bad plenty something awful could go on, like traveling homeless or self-destruction. There are besides certain effects to the actions you make in life. If you lead a corrupt life full of fraudulence and immorality you will hold to pay the effects. Whether being locked up in prison or passing the remainder of infinity in snake pit. There is besides another side to this, if you lead a good life you will be rewarded. One of the wagess might be, holding good friends.

To set it really merely, there is no distinct reply to what adult male `s intent on Earth is. Every adult male `s end or? telos? is different, but in the terminal each individual should take to make what makes them happy. Deep down indoors each adult male knows what he wants and what he strives for. It is so up to him to do the determination whether to carry through that end or non. Without a end in life a individual is hopeless and empty. But, if that individual realizes his dream in life and strives for it, so that individual will go a better human being.


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