Racial Diversity of Native Americans Essay

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Native Americans were settled in the state before anyone else. But they ended up being the most “abused” out of any race that of all time settled in the state. Native Americans had to contend for land that was originally theirs and sometimes fight merely to remain alive. The battle was normally the same excessively. If it wasn’t against colonists. it was against the authorities. In some countries. it’s still go oning today. Now it’s merely with land developers. What has been forgotten is the rich civilization that Native Americans possess. There are provinces that have many towns whose names are originated from Native American names.

But they merely serve as a little reminder of who used to shack on that land. centuries ago. These people are now shacking on reserves that they were forced to travel to and some still reside at that place today. There are little folks scattered all over the United States. but the larger 1s are as such. The Apache Nation still resides in the Southern Plains. Southwest and Southeast of the United States. Cherokee are located in East Tennessee and North Carolina. Cheyenne are in the Plains. along with the Sioux. Chinook reside along the Northwest Pacific Coast.

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The Iroquois are located in the Northeast of the United States. while Mohawk are chiefly in New York. The Navajo Nation is located in New Mexico. Arizona and Utah. Except for a few Native Americans that made it into the history books like Pocahontas ( 1595-1617 ) ; Geronimo ( 1829-1909 ) ; Squanto ( 1581-1622 ) and Cochise ( 1815-1874 ) . the history of the Native American is non one to be proud of. Some of the incidents that they had to digest are: Iroquois. the “Northeast” Native Americans welcomed some of the first European immigrants in the early 1600’s.

They taught the immigrants how to last in the new universe. In return their land was taken or purchased for following to nil and in the terminal they were pushed out. Presently. Native Americans life in Virginia are non recognized as Native American because of Walter Ashby Plecker. He was a White Supremacist and the first registrar of the province Bureau of Vital Statistics. He believed the Native Americans had been crossbred with the African American population. So a jurisprudence was passed in 1912 by the state’s.

General Assembly. which stated merely two races would be recognized. ‘white’ and ‘colored’ . Plecker had so much power that he was able to coerce the local authorities into reclassifying the Virginia Native Americans as ‘colored’ . All of the records of the race were so destroyed. Ironically plenty. as a “Thank you” to the Native Americans. the Indian Citizen Act of 1924 was put in topographic point. The jurisprudence gave official citizenship to Native Americans across the state. It was done because of the epic service of many Native Americans during World War I.

Native Americans are one the most civilization filled races in the universe. From totem poles. to peace pipes to even presently dream backstops. all of these things had particular significances and intents to the Native American people. The Europeans likely appreciated these things ab initio. but over clip they tried to do them all disappear. The more clip the Europeans spent with the Native Americans. the more they didn’t like their imposts. So finally the Europeans tried to coerce their civilization on the Native Americans via ‘deculturalization’ .

Over clip. the Native Americans were forbidden to talk their linguistic communication. pattern their faith and civilizations. The Europeans even forced the English linguistic communication on the Native Americans. They were punished or even jailed when they attempted to disregard these new regulations that were placed upon them. Native American kids were removed from their households and sent to get oning schools. so they were ‘Americanized’ . These kids were forced to alter their hair and wear vesture that felt incorrect to them.

The procedure demoralized the Native Americans and broke their spirit. As if the pattern of ‘deculturalization’ wasn’t plenty. as if these people easy losing their belongings to the colonists was non plenty. the authorities took another measure in restraining the Natives. President Andrew Jackson decided that the Natives weren’t being pushed out fast or far plenty so on May 28. 1830. the Indian Removal Act became a jurisprudence. The intent was to do the Natives leave their land all together and travel to the country of the state commissioned as ‘Indian Territory’ .

Initially. it was to be a peaceable. legal trade of belongings. Trade the belongings in the Southeast United States for the belongings in the ‘Indian Territory’ . The Natives that did non follow were finally forced out all together. The Cherokee Nation specifically moved west traversing the Mississippi River from the Southeast. This trek became known as Trail of Tears because about 4. 000 Cherokee died from famishment. exposure. and unwellnesss. One of the last conflicts between the authorities and the Natives happened in 1890.

Contempt towards the ‘white man’ started the flickers winging in South Dakota and it turned into a power battle over pieces. When the slugs stopped winging. it ended up being one of the worst slaughters on record. On December 29. 1890. warriors. adult females. and kids were fiercely slaughtered by the U. S. Cavalry at Wounded Knee. South Dakota. Because the American government’s forces were so much stronger than the Natives. there was truly nil they could make to halt anything the authorities did. Many tested to appeal to the tribunals. but the instances were ever lost.

So the Native Americans did what they could to get down over once more on the reserves and made it a point to ne’er swear the ‘white man’ once more for anything. The United States authorities decided to decide issues with Native Americans. One of the first things done was the Indian Reorganization Act. set into jurisprudence on June 18. 1934. The intent was to diminish the federal control of Indian personal businesss and increase Indian self-government and duties. The act encouraged written charters and fundamental laws giving the Natives the power to manage their ain personal businesss.

Besides financess were made available for go arounding recognition plans for the Native Americans for all that were interested in buying tribal land. for instruction and to help in forming the folk. Many folks and small towns accepted the act and moved frontward with programs to do betterments for themselves. every bit good as the folk. Many improved their economic place. while others did buy land to spread out the acre size of the reserves. Improvements were besides made within the wellness and educational services on the reserves and kids were able to travel to public schools.

Presently there are over 500 recognized tribal authoritiess in the United States. There are presently more than 5 million Native Americans alive today. harmonizing to the 2010 nose count agency. They are self-governed and considered to be independent people. They are besides one of the most resilient people in this country’s history. Even though life on the reserves is still hard to this twenty-four hours. due to unemployment and high rates of alcohol addiction. Native Americans have a true spirit of endurance.

Despite how they were treated when the Europeans got settled. Native Americans ever believed that the liquors would ever watch over them and convey them over the mountain of desperation. And it did. Reference All About History ( 2002-2013 ) Native American History. Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //www. allabouthistory. org/native-american-history. htm American Indian Heritage Foundation. ( 2012 ) Native American Culture. Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Indians. org/articles/native-american-culture. hypertext markup language Census Bureau. ( 2012 ) . The American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2010.

Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nose count. gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-10. pdf Creations. N. ( 2013 ) Native History. Native Experiences- Native Voices of First Nations People. Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //firstpeoplesvoices. com/beginning. htm Encyclopedia Britannica. ( 2013 ) . Indian Reorganization Act. Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/285946/Indian-Reorganization-Act PBS. ( 1995 ) . Trail of Tears. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. phosphate buffer solution. org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h1567. html The Wild West ( 2012 ) . War Between the Settlers and The Native American Indians. Retrieved by hypertext transfer protocol: //www. the-wild-west. co. uk/war-settlers. htm.

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